Chapter Seven

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A day passed.

Oliver was excited to go Proxima Centauri and Pippi was happy for them both.

The day they got polled on the television, they got a flyer for all of the ceremony, PEGASUS, Proxima Centauri and new lifestyle details. What to pack, expect, feel, anything.

Thomas didn't know what to feel or expect.

A bracelet with his info to ensure they were polled were in the mail as well. It had their full name, poll number, and a barcode.

In the brochure, it stated that the day of the ceremony was also the day you would leave to go on PEGASUS. You go to the ceremony, mingle with others for a bit and take what you packed on a plane to Iceland, where the PEGASUS will be at.

The plane would be a day long trip.

While Oliver started packing a few things for the departure later after the ceremony to take place in London, Thomas debated on whether he wanted to back out or not.

"Make sure to wear something nice, brother. Pack something. We are going to be featured on live television in front of millions of people, okay? We are going on a plane to the ship, wherever it is after the ceremony."

Thomas intervened, "But ... what if I don't want to go to Proxima Centauri?" He sat on his bed, the sheets and comforts sunken into the mattress. He stared at his orange tie and did nothing. Light from outside shone through the windows and lit up the room. Oliver walked into Thomas's room, still tying his navy-blue bow tie to match his black and navy-blue ensemble.

"What are you talking about?"

Thomas sighed, "I mean, what if I don't want to go?"

Oliver walked closer. Thomas could see his hair wasn't brushed or combed, just frizz and sticking out, "Why?" He sat on the bed next to Thomas.

"I don't know. This buggin' departure is messing with me; I just got my degree in Physics with Space Science. I just got polled to go on a ship to space right after without any true reason-"

"The Earth is going to burn to ashes," Oliver replied with a whisper as if he didn't want anyone else to hear him.

Thomas scoffed, "I know. But ... it's like they didn't see it sooner."

"So why Stardust patients?" Oliver asked, knowing Thomas knew the answer. He knew he learnt it in college.

He sighed, "Because the ones with the most Stardust survive in space longer than those who don't."

"Right. That's why we were polled. We would survive longer."

"But why a poll?"

"Maybe the bloody ship can't fit everyone." He sighed and took Thomas's tie, wrapping it around Thomas's neck. "Just stop procrastinating. We will be able to live longer if we go tomorrow. The ceremony today is probably to recognize those who will be able to live. You should be happy, even if no one else is."

Oliver started to tie a simple tie, a double Windsor knot.

"I guess. But I feel prejudiced for some reason."

"How come?"

"Not sure. I feel like I'm one of those that are very important just because I was chosen to go on a ship and live. I never had a life, Oliver. I was stuck here without mum, I graduated college without an opportunity to utilize what I learned. I never met anyone to spend my life with." As Oliver finished tying the tie, Thomas looked at the grown to see his shoes. "This ship, to me, feels like a boat to take me away from my life, but a life I never had."

Oliver took a second before answering, "That's deep. I'm sure this prejudice you feel is just your nerves for leaving this place. You have me and you always will. Whatever happens, good, bad, life, death. When you are brother, you make an oath to protect one another no matter the situation. Even if the brother has been a dick his entire life." Thomas smiled and stifled a laugh. "Anyway, we should really get going. Your friend Pippi will drive us to London." He stood up, fixed his bow tie and walked out the door.

A few seconds later, "Fix your hair, Oliver! You look like shit!" Thomas yelled.

"Fuck off!" Oliver yelled back from the hallway. Thomas chuckled.

In the back seat of Pippi's beat up car, Thomas held his bracelet that contained his proof of going on the PEGASUS to Proxima Centauri. Proof that he was also taking part in the ceremony.

Outside in the boiling heat and shining sun, people were screaming, protesting and trying to hurt each other over the mess. They held signs that said something along the lines of: "PEGASUS is a shit trip!" "A new life = death." "The Stardust patients are not important! Why can't we all go!?"

This hit Thomas hard. He felt his nervousness churning in his stomach again and slouched in his seat.

Pippi and Oliver saw the signs and protests as well as she drove through the streets of London, following a few cars already, but they decided not to say anything.

Pippi cleared her throat and spoke up, breaking the awkward silence, "Well, don't you guys look dapper today! Are you excited? Thomas?"

Thomas sat back sluggishly, looking out the window and holding the suitcase he packed last minute, "Sure."

Oliver sighed, still trying to comb his hair, "Thomas, what did I say? Be happy even if no one will be happy for you. That's what I want for you."

Thomas felt like tearing up for some unknown reason, but he fought the overwhelming sadness.

"Come on, at least be happy you guys will live. Me, I have to stay here and die. I have no chance at getting on that bloody ship."

Pippi swerved through the traffic of people, trying her best not to hit anyone, though she really wanted to. Along the lining of people, police and higher authorities shoved them back and stopped people from fighting. But it was no use as a fight broke out near the back, a man fighting an officer. He yelled, "Why can't we go, huh? Why are they so important?"

"You wouldn't last a day in space, you imbecilic being. Now back off!" the police officer yelled, knocking the guy down. The crowd yelled and cried out at the sudden blunt hits. Thomas stared in disgust as well as everyone else in the car.

"Mother mercy, what is going on?" Oliver leaned over Pippi to see out the window, and she cried out. "They are fighting. What for?"

Thomas answered in the most monotone voice he could, "They are protesting against the departure for only the 'Stardust patients'. A fight broke out because everyone is being idiots."

Oliver looked concerned for him, "What an answer." He sat back down in his seat, finally finishing the final touches of his hair, enough to impress somebody. "The riots have been happening left in right, man. Everyone keeps saying this is a hoax."

"That's because they can't get on themselves, mate," Pippie replied. She slowed down into a parking lot, turning towards a giant building with streamers, balloons, signs, people, cars, and a huge stage to fit around 300 people.

"Wow, this place is packed."

"There's lots of people in England, I'm sure it will be."

Thomas felt depressed for some reason when he looked at all of the people to go on PEGASUS. Some were already checking in, verifying and lining the stage with people to watch.

Pippi parked and shut off the car.

"Well, let's go. London never gets any younger."

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