Chapter Nine

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"Ugh," Thomas sighed.

He opened his eyes, seeing nothing but a blur of black and gray. Thomas blinked a few times to see a few faces dawning on him. Oliver's, and others, he didn't know. Rubbing his eyes, he yawned and sat up, no clue where he was.

"You're okay!" Oliver commented.


Another person stated, "You passed out suddenly."

Thomas sat up more, propping himself against a wall. He couldn't see much, but when people started to disperse, he saw white walls, square windows and navy-blue leather seats around him. Piercing white light blinded him. Then he realized:

He was on the plane.

"Are we on the plane?"

Oliver nodded, "Paramedics rushed up to you right after you passed out. You were fine, but they checked to make sure you didn't die, haha! I was worried for a moment. I carried you on the plane and Pippi-"

"Where is she?" Thomas flustered, looking around for her.

"Remember? She couldn't get on; she isn't a Stardust patient. She remembered our stuff, though, it's above us. They only let her on so she could help carry our luggage."

Thomas looked down, remembering that he would never see her again. Even though they didn't hang out much, they were still friends.

He shifted his position to sit on the seat correctly. Oliver sat down next to him, wearing normal clothing. Thomas was still in his suit and tie.

"What happened back there?"

Thomas sighed, looking out the window and clearing his mind, "I just got nervous suddenly. I felt dizzy and passed out."

Oliver placed his hand on Thomas's back, "You'll be fine."

Thomas sighed and slouched in his chair. Oliver nudged his shoulder and Thomas turned to see him holding something.


"Your pen. It fell out of your pocket when you fell. I noticed it rolling off the stage, mate. I know how much it means to you." He held it at Thomas and he took it, looking at it. The words on the side said, "Love is eternal".

Thomas sighed, still feeling a bit dizzy.

"I'm so tired, I still feel dizzy."

"Maybe you should sleep. After all, you were always up when in college. When you wake up, we will be at PEGASUS, departing for Proxima Centauri."

Thomas nodded, still unsure about the while trip. Looking around, he saw people talking softly, sleeping mainly all while I their formal attire. It was dark out and the lights suddenly grew dim.

Then, a voice on the intercom stated, "Attention, passengers. We will arrive in Iceland in approximately 8 hours. Sleep tight!"

"Well, sleep tight, brother."

With that, Oliver reclined his seat and faced the other seats, leaving Thomas to sit alone.

He couldn't sleep. With every twist, turn, and thought and just couldn't close his eyes long enough to dream. Thomas was sitting in his seat, eyes wide open. He didn't know what else to do, he figured he was the only one awake on the plane, even after a few hours.

What should he do?

Thomas sighed and got up, walking towards the back to look for a restroom to freshen up. Walking over his brother in order to not disturb him, he shuffled across the walkway until a woman on the plane stopped him.

So much for him being the only one still awake.

"Excuse me, mister?" she said in a soft, tired voice.

Thomas looked at her, a bit startled, "Yes?"

"Can you be a kind young lad and ask a stewardess to bring me a cup of water?"

The woman must have been in her twenties, she looked like it, wearing a frilly pink dress. She looked like she just woke up too.

Thomas knew she thought he was a teenager; he was used to it.

He sighed, "Of course, ma'am."

"Thank you."

Walking down the aisle, he encountered a very tired stewardess and told her a woman needed water. She nodded.

Closing the door into the small and cramped restroom, he flicked the lights on.

"I'm so tired," he whispered as he started to take his black jacket off. Throwing it aside to fall on the ground, he looked at in the mirror to see his tired face and ruffled hair. Thomas sighed.

"Why am I here?"

He turned the faucet on and cupped some water in his hand, splashing it in his face. The cold water woke up his senses and he felt so much more awake.

Looking back at the mirror, water dripped into the sink. He started to untie his tie, only half-way until he heard soft mourning. He grabbed his jacket from the ground, dirtied.

Curious, he opened the door and carefully walked out, finding the source of the crying. After a few seconds, he saw a little boy around eight years crying. Thomas kneeled down and asked him what's wrong.

"My ... my sister can't-can't come on!" The boy buried his face into his knees and breathed laborly.

"How come?"

"Her Stardust was too low."

"I'm so sorry, mate. I'm sure she misses you as well."

There was nothing Thomas could really do, he wasn't sure.

"I miss her already."

Thomas sat there, thinking of something to say, "You know, I have a friend back at in Leicester who couldn't come on."

"Do you miss them?"

"Of course. She was my friend through college."

"What did you study?"

"Space science."

"Oh, cool!"

Thomas smiled and chuckled, "Yes, very cool. We learned about space travel, theories, Stardust, and human interactivity."

"What's that mean?"

"It means that Stardust might be connected between one another and everyone is connected by it." He patted the boy's hair, "And that also means you are connected to your sister through that Stardust, no matter what."

"Oh, cool! So, we aren't apart, then?"

Thomas shook his head.

"Nope." Then, he remembered the quote on his pen, whispering. "Love in eternal."

"I want to be a space scientist one day!"

Thomas chuckled and got up, "Be happy for me, please? Even if no one else will."

"Of course, mister!"

And with that, Thomas started his direction back to his seat, his tie half undone. The dimmed lights didn't help Thomas navigate through the plane, but he was able to find his spot.

Mainly because his brother was the only one falling off his seat.

There, he saw his brother just sleeping. He sighed and maneuvered past him, sitting down. Grabbing Oliver's arm, he pulled his back on the seat correctly.

Placing his jacket on his lap, Thomas blinked a few times.

Thomas closed his eyes. Although, he still couldn't sleep.

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