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I walked around.
Where was i?
This was the first thing what was going through my head but I didn't need an answer, because I knew it. I knew it when I saw this white light shining in front of me.
The whole situation was as if I was dreaming. And well I was dreaming, but it felt so real.
I tried to follow the light, but the faster I ran, the more the light disappeared . Far away. So i stopped walking. And the light did so too. I didn't know what to do, but i had this incredible feeling, Nat will come out of the light soon telling me what do all those dreams mean. I didn't know why I thought this, but my feelings in dreams are always close to reality. So I waited. I didn't even wait for a minute, and it happened.
The light exploded.
A storm arose from the explosion, whose wind was uncontrollably strong.
I had to hold onto something, until someone grabbed my shoulder.
The storm was away.
„ I didn't expect you coming, Steve."
I didn't even need a second to recognize her voice. I turned around and hugged my Nat.
Tears rolled over my face.
„Why did this take so long?", I asked her and laughed with tears in my eyes.
„What are you doing here, Steve? What happened?", she said with the original smile in her face, her hand still on my shoulder.
„Seriously, there are many reasons, but first, what is this HERE?"
Nat laughed.
„This is the place where you go, when you're about do die. And you should go now, because you have a chance to live, hurry up."
„This is WHAT?" The first time I realized why i was here. This wasn't a dream. I was about to die. Suddenly I was really exhausted, but I had to know something, this is the only chance.
„Nat, we, so Bruce and me, were about planning. And we think our dreams are connected to each other in any way. Those are dreams about your death. It's a way to bring you and Tony back. Nat, if you know anything about it which could help us in any way, please I'm begging you, TELL ME!" I was so full of hope.
"You have to go now, Steve. Enjoy your rest of life. It's going to be amazing"
The storm returned and i couldn't walk by myself, I recognised it was time to come back to life. But I didn't want to leave her again. I gave her the last hug, when she whispered something in my ear: " In a few days, things will happen. I know you're smart enough, to solve it. We made a mistake. Find the Doctor and find the leader. You will get answers.

Steve, I Love..."

I wanted to say something, but when I tried, I woke up. In the white room.
„Thank god, Steve, you're alive."
Bruce was leaning on my bed in the hospital.
He cried.

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