Chapter three

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Iris's POV:
I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my face. When my eyes finally adjusted to the bright light, I stretched and grabbed my phone. I saw that it was 9 am and that I decided I needed to start getting ready for the day.

Did I forget to mention I have a connected bathroom? I go use the bathroom and when I was done with it I washed my hands and went to go look for and outfit for the day. I find this cute little flannel that can fit perfectly with a band T-shirt and ripped black jeans.

Today, I decided I should take a shower. So, I go into my bathroom and start to strip. I turn the water on and wait a little bit for it to heat up. While I wait for the water to heat up, I look for a towel in the cabinet. Finally, when I found it the shower water was at the perfect temperature for me to get in.

The hot water hits my skin and it feels so refreshing. I look at the light brown tiles in the bathroom, super lost in my thoughts. I keep wondering what would've happen if the police never came to get me that day. My disappointment of a biological father would've continued to beat and starve me. My parents now would've never met me or thought about me. And overall my life would be different. Thank god the police found me though, I'm extremely thankful for them saving me.

Eventually, I washed my hair and body and got out of the shower. Wrapping the towel around my body and another towel around my hair I look in the mirror. Some old scars are still there and some other marks are still there. Sometimes, I think I deserve this because I felt like I'm not good enough for anybody and that this should happen to me.

I get rid of those thoughts and start to put lotion on and get dressed. Once I'm done, I enter my room and head downstairs. My parents aren't hear right now, which means that I have to cook some food for myself. I choose captain crunch because I'm too lazy to make anything else. Grabbing the cereal, milk and spoon I go to the island and sit down.

I pour my cereal in and then the milk and start eating. While I'm eating, I look through my phone and scroll through Instagram. As I'm scrolling, I see some people want to follow me. I read the names and see that mattia is following them. So I accepted and continued scrolling. I see a lot of new post from all of my old friends back home. They are hanging out with other people they never told me about. I feel a pit of jealousy in my stomach but I shrug it off.

It's not like I was their only friend. Deciding to finish up my cereal and get off of insta, I put my bowl in the sink and walk outside to the moving truck. My parents had told me that it was going to be here today.

As I enter the moving truck, I hear somebody walking from behind me. "Need some help?" A deep voice says. I jump and hope he doesn't notice it," no I've got it mattia," I respond trying to be composed as much as possible. "Let me help you," he says clearly noticing that I need help. "To repay you for yesterday," he continued. "Okay," I smile and point to some boxes that I know I wouldn't be able to pick up.

We start talking about ourselves and what we like/dislike, as we are putting boxes inside. "Wait so you're from Texas? I thought you were from new York or something," he says. "Yup, but before that I lived in Cali." "That's cool," he replies. "Yea I guess," I said thinking about my father and the beatings.

We finally get the last two boxes inside and plop down on the couch. "Finally, that was a lot," I said. "Yea, do you want to play twenty questions?" He asks looking at me. "Sure," I reply as we get up and go in the backyard.

My house also had a patio and a big pool in the backyard. There was a lot shade from the trees here, it feels cool outside and I love it. Back In Texas and California, it was really hot.

We sit on the patio and play twenty questions. "Okay you go first iris," he says looking at me. "What's your favorite color?" I ask. "Green, you?" "Dark purple, your turn," i respond.

"Favorite song?" He asks me. "Sweater weather by the neighborhood, you?" I say. "Casper," he says looking at the sky and looks down at me. "Favorite food?" "Steak," i say looking into his eyes. "Cheese burgers," he reply's.

"Favorite movie," I say.
"The sandlot."
"Me too."
"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?" He asks.
"Hawaii, you?"
"Do you have any siblings?" I ask.
"Yes, a little brother."
"I'm an only child."
"Have you ever snuck out?" He asks.
"Yes, a couple of times."
"Me too, I do it a lot because it makes me feel better."

We continue playing until we were down to the last question. So far I've learned he is popular, he likes to travel, he's mexitalian, and he plays soccer. "How was your life before you lived here and Texas?" He asked the one question I never wanted that had me tense.

"It was really great," I lied not wanting to admit my dark past. I don't trust him with that information right now. "I think I should start moving my boxes in my room so I can unpack them later," I say trying to shake off the other question. "Okay but I was also wondering, do you want to go to a movie later and to go eat somewhere tonight," he says I guess to lighten up the mood since he probably sensed that I was uncomfortable. "I'll ask my parents," I replied going inside the house.

"Can I get your number so I can text you about the movies later?" He asks nervously. "Sure," I stick out my hand signaling for him to give me his phone. He grabbed it out of his pocket to hand it to me and I handed my phone to him so he can put in his number.

Once we had exchanged numbers, we handed back our phones. "So, I'll text you tonight the time for the movies," he says looking for my answer. "Okay, I'll text you later, bye mattia," I respond as he started to walk to the front door. "Bye iris!" He shouts and shuts the door.

I get to work on moving the boxes upstairs and placing them by the corner next to my closet. As I'm continuing to put up the boxes in my room, I start to think about tonight. I pull out my phone and text my mom asking if I can see a movie tonight with him.

Me: hey mom can I go see and movie with a new friend?
Mom: who is it?
Me: the guy I helped yesterday, today he came over to help me with unloading the boxes into the house and he asked if I wanted to go see a movie
Mom: sure, be careful
Me: thank you

I shut off my phone and continued with putting the boxes into my room. Tonight is going to be good, I finally made a friend here and it only took a day. He's also hot so that's really rare, usually I'm shy and don't talk to people much except for a couple of people that I find to be nice.

When I'm done, I check the time and realize it's 4 pm and I also saw I had a text from mattia. I opened it and it said that I can come to his place at 6 pm. I respond with a K and shut off my phone.

I head downstairs and realized I never ate lunch. So, I went into the kitchen and cooked some Alfredo. Grabbing my ingredients and a pan I put it on the oven and turned the heat on.

When I'm done making it, I put it in a bowl and sit down on the table and start to eat. I turned on the tv and went to Netflix. I saw my second favorite movie, after, on it and went to watch it.

After I had finished eating my food, I put it in the sink and sat on the couch and continued to watch the movie. I look down at my phone and realize it is 5:20 and I decided it was time to put my shoes on and go wait in the front room so I can go when the time is right.

Once it hit 5:55, I decided it was time to leave and head to his house. I got up and opened my door and walked out with my house keys in hands and locked the door. I walked up to his front door and knocked thinking about what's going to happen tonight.

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