Going on a date with the hottest guy ever

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On the day Jacob came back from his fall break. Jacob loved his fall break he went see his grandma that had cancer her name was Gigi but Jacob only called her grandma once in awhile he would say Gigi. Jacob has a crush on Emma but Emma still had know idea he did. Emma was so ready for a boy to said her to do to prom with her. Jacob seen Emma talking to Jake and Jacob hated him because when they were friends Jake took Jacob old girlfriend when Jacob still had feelings for her so know they hate each other. Jacob didn't want Emma to get hurt if Jake and Emma were a relationship. Jacob didn't want Emma to know he still had feelings for her. But he knew he needed to do something so he started walk then Jacob knew the conversation was getting over but he wanted to know what they were talking about. When Emma was talking to Jake they were both happy and Emma was excited Jacob heard them laughing and he was scared that they were boyfriend and girlfriend which when he walked up their Emma said YES to Jake and then Jacob say YES to what. Then Emma look at Jacob and ran Ann's didn't say goodbye to Jake. Then Jake told Jacob what the  big problem and Jacob told you better not hurt Emma. Jacob knew if Jake hurt her or brake her heart ❤️ something bad was going to happen to him. After school he walked to his bus #1510 and got dropped off at his house she walk in inside his house and cry on his bed he was so sad that he didn't asked Emma to be his girlfriend he was afraid of people laughing at him or saying you don't deserve her or your not the best person for he to me around but most of all he wanted to be popular and if he was with her he mite lose being popular. Jacob cried on his bed for almost a hour in a half. Jacob wanted Emma to be his girlfriend but know Emma has Jake has her boyfriend and Jacob didn't like that one bit. Jacob know realize that Emma was the beautiful and nice and caring person in the world but Jacob would do anything for her to be his girlfriend and not Jake. Jacob realized that he was jealous that Jake had her and he had know one.  Jacob knew that Emma had a crush on him by the way she look at him and ran off. Emma knew that when she ran away from Jacob then Jacob knew that she had a crush on him. Emma was so scared to see Jacob in the hallway she didn't know if Jacob was looking for her or just wants to talk to her she didn't want him to see her cause he knew he mite talk to her and she didn't want to confront him and she didn't know what to say if he did. She knew if he came to talk to her he mite said why Jake and not me. Jacob was deciding if he was going to school tomorrow he knew that Emma and Jake were know a couple but he just wanted to talk to Emma about her boyfriend. Jacob had the whole night to think about it but know he wanted to know why she couldn't say no to Jake. So Jacob decided to do to school tomorrow and at like 4:00 am Jacob got ready for school and had breakfast and started walking to his bus stop she waiting their for like five minutes then Jacob seen his friend name Blake. Jacob started telling Blake what's going up with Emma and Jake and how he's going to deal with it for the rest of the day see them. Blake had a feel that Jacob was jealous but he wasn't sure to said Jacob if he had a crush on her or something like that. Blake knew that Jacob will get mad 😡 when you mention something like that to him he mite yell at you and tell you no I don't have a crush on Emma. Then the bus came and took the kids to their school and when Jacob got out the bus he was not ready to see Jake but he didn't mind seeing Emma because he wanted to talk to her about her boyfriend. Jacob want see her but he didn't know if she came to school or not he hope she did then it was almost lunch time Jacob wasn't sure if Emma would be in the cafeteria or somewhere else. Jacob went in the cafeteria and got his lunch and went to down he look all around for her but then Emma walk in and got her lunch she hope Jacob didn't see her but of course he did Jacob yell Emma come over here. Emma roiled here eyes and started heading were he was at. When Emma got over their he said why him then Emma told him are you jealous what the big deal I love him. Jacob told Emma I thought you loved had a crush on me. Emma told him that I did but it felt like you lost interest in me. Emma said I have a really bad crush on you like I can't stop thinking about you. Jacob told her why won't you be my girlfriend then? Emma didn't know what to say she was surprised that he would actually say something know but she told him well you should of told me before I became Jake girlfriend. Jacob thought he had now change of being with her. Emma loved how he  admitted she loved her and wants to be with her. But Emma didn't want to brake Jake feelings either but she couldn't stop thinking about Jacob. Emma just told Jacob maybe when I'm not in relationship with other guy. Jacob knew that maybe on day he would be able to have her has his girlfriend so he know that he mite have a chance. Jacob was trying to figure out how to brake Emma and Jake a part but Jacob did want Emma to be hart broking cause then maybe Emma would want the change of her dating or being in relationship with Jacob. Jacob didn't like the feeling about it he wanted to to the right thing and just want tell it was right. Jacob knew that if Jake brake her heart Emma mite come running to him and then they maybe with me in a relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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