Chapter 1

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Dedicated to 61995vminkook thanks for all your love and support,❤


Do you ever have those days where you just don't want to get out of bed? Yeah, today is one of those days. I groaned as I rolled over to look at my alarm clock. It has already gone off twice but, I snoozed it which isn't the best of plans either; however, I'm only ten minutes late. Lucky me.

Crawling out of bed I make my way to the bathroom across the hall scrubbing my teeth and doing my business as I head back to get changed. Throwing on a pair of jeans and an oversized top, and when I say oversized I mean two sizes too big for my petite figure. I grab my ugly pair of big black rimmed glasses and brush the excess of hair into a loose ponytail on top of my head.

It was the start of my final year of the sixth form, a new year and boy I was dreading of it. Even I hate the thought of getting up at the crack of dawn to learn. I grab my bag and headed to the kitchen. All the lights were off but I could make out a note plastered on the fridge.

I sighed as I read it.

Working double shift, there's food in the fridge, you'll have to make it yourself.

Eomma x

I placed the note down before heading out.

Don't get me wrong this is a normal routine or at least it was, with the summer break over I needed to get back into the swings of things. It's only me and my eomma now and she has to take extra shifts to be able to provide for us, we even had to downsize from our lovely home because we couldn't afford to pay the mortgage. She works as a nurse and her pay isn't exactly high, it wouldn't be, they are understaffed and underfunded. My dad died in a car crash two years ago, he was hit by a drunk driver that swerved and collied into him, he was instantly killed whereas the drunk driver walked away with just a few bruises.

Even though he's gone I still miss him loads. I was definitely a daddies girl. I felt my eyes well up with tears but I quickly brushed them away not wanting to cry on my first day back.

When I reached the schools gates I notice all the cars and people that gathered to catch up after the holidays. The school maybe a public one but, there was still a lot of people here that had a lot of money and weren't afraid to show it off. I walk with my head low making sure no one notice me. I slipped into the school and walked towards my locker at the end of the corridor. The world gives me the gift of invisibility and I'd be a fool not to take advantage of it right?

My locker is right at the far end of the hall so no one really noticed I'm there, another bonus for me. Walking towards I find a blonde hair girl waiting, I smile, this is my only friend, Lily. Let's do the introductions, shall we? Lily has been my Best friend since I was little, we met when we both discovered our hatred for this horrible girl called Jessica and we shared a packet of sweet together. We may have not been five but who cares Lily is stunning. She has blonde curly hair that falls down to the middle of her back, she has bright blue eyes that catch the attention of most. She's 5'6 with super long legs that girls envy and she has naturally taned skin. All in all, she's what most boys want.

It's funny to think that I don't get noticed when I'm with her but, if you've ever seen 'The Duff' you'll understand how easily ignored I am.

"Hey babes, how was your holiday?"

I smiled at the way she greets me before replying.

"You know me I was very productive and managed to eat all the ice cream and watch loads of Netflix."

"I noticed."

Now if you're wondering how I managed to pay for Netflix I don't. Lily, bear here, let's me use her account. Her parents are quite rich, they own an Italian restaurant and it's amazing! If you could try it your whole future would change.

I smile at her as I take out my books, Lily's on her phone texting away like a manic the tapping of her nails on the screen is somehow calming. It's hard to think that we're so close when we come from very different worlds if you like.

I'm brought away from my thoughts when Lily slaps me on the shoulder, I roll my eyes and wonder if she's broken her nail with the force of that blow. I turned and there they were. The three Sex-gods. The three musketeers. The whole hall has gone silent and students part like the red sea to let them through as they watch them walked down the hall, girls are battling their eyes, while boys glare at them because they want to be them. I roll my eyes, sure they a fricking hot don't get me wrong but, they are players, fuckboys to be exact. Pardon my French. They jump and dump. Fuck and shug. Nag and shag. Sometimes it's fun for others it's a game or a bet but either way, it's meaningless to them.

The leader of the group and sexiest, in my opinion, is Jeon Jungkook. He's 5'10 and is made of pure muscle. Not the gross bulky stuff you see more like the kind you see on models and really hot people. His hair is a dark brown almost black. His tattoos Coraline with his muscles. He is dreamy and drool worthy the downside is he has slept with nearly every girl in the school, and he's never with the same girl twice. Except for thotiana Jessica.

Then there's his best mate, Park Jimin. He is 5'8, he has blonde hair and he us hot. He's a swimmer with a gorgeous body but he's not as much of a Player as Jungkook and not as hot, in my opinion, he has been known for having a girlfriend from time to time which to me screams cute and I think the others could learn a thing or two from him.

Lasty, there's Kim Taehyung, with a height of 5'10. Taehyung is not only known for being a Player but, a prankster as well which is weird because If you saw him you wouldn't think he had a sense of humor. He hasn't been with Jungkook and Jimin that long maybe about three to four years but he sure as hell fits in.

Oh, and did I mention that there all rich boys? Like ridiculously rich, they could probaly but they school if they wanted to and no one would stop them.

So there you have it, these three boys basically run the school.

I turn away from them as they walk past mapping my head down. I like being invisible, I just don't like attention. I groan as the bell goes off and Lily and I make our way to our first class, math.


Walking out of the class and carefully walking around other students I start to complain to Lily about school.

"It's torture! Do they really expect us to take a math class on a Monday morning?

Lily just giggles and shakes her head at my foolish outcries.

"Well, they must really hate us this year"

She has a sarcastic tone and I turn to glare at her before we both burst into fits of laughter. I'm not bad at math, I just hate the subject. I don't even know why I chose it as an A-level, it's pointless and when will I ever get asked to work out algebra or circle theorems? The answer is never!

Lily and I are walking to our next class dodging people and ignoring the shouts from students and teachers when some guys pops up in front of us out of nowhere. He barges his way through us nearly knocking me over and scattering my books.

"Sorry gorgeous."

He says with a wink in my direction before he's lost in the sea of students. I stand there shocked. Some guy and a hot guy to be exact called me gorgeous with a wink! Someone noticed me! I felt my cheeks go a deep shade of red before I shove my head down and carried on walking embarrassed by the whole fiasco.

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! If you did, please remember to VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW!

Lots of love,

- Breanna ❤

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