Chapter 3

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Sitting in my room and crying waa not how I planned my day to go. I didn't even know him and yet, I knew Jessica. She's the Queen B**** at our school and she wants Jungkook more than anything else. It's like he's some sort of trophy for her. She's the only girl he slept with more than once.

So, she thinks that makes them a couple. It doesn't but, she doesn't listen. The amount of arguments they have had in the canteen, you would think that is a theater stage and she's in the spotlight.

Right now, I'm sitting on the bed in my fluffy PJ's to keep me warm and to make me feel more comfortable and cosy. I'm surrounded by tissues and popsicle sticks. What a mess. My nose is all read and clogged why my face is red and blotchy. My life sucks, I'm glad my mum isn't here to see me like this. She doesn't need anything else on her plate. I'm watching 'The Notebook'. It's such a sad film but, it's so romantic and beautiful, I just wish that my life was that simple. I quickly wipe my eyes as more tears leaked down my face.

I'm such an idiot. I've never been interested in boys at school but, I guess because I know what guys really think of me hurts.

I slam my face into my pillow as I go to grab another Popsicle stick but, I've eaten them all. Stupid emotions and stupid boys. I have been teased before don't get me wrong but, never has anyone done something like this to me. The film comes to an end as I grabbed my phone to check my Instagram.

I almost drop it when I noticed what was displayed before me. It's the video of me that one of the idiots took. Jessica was the one that uploaded the video. I scroll down to look at the comments. More tears ran down my cheeks as I read them. 'Ew, who even is that?'

'What a tramp."

'I thought she was meant to be smart.' The tears kept coming back to back. I've never been hurt like this before. To be honest with you I don't know why Jessica hates me.

I think back to me running out of the library, by that time the halls were already filled with students. I hadn't even notice I had been followed until that boy came out after me holding up Jessica's phone with the video on it for the whole world to see. I was mortified and for the rest of the day, I was laughed at and teased, all because I was dragged into something I don't know why.

I know when I go to school tomorrow I will no longer be invisible, I won't be able to hide and just walk away or be a chameleon trying to blend in its surroundings. No. I will be put on blast and that's something I can't afford. Worst of all it's for something embarrassing, which means nothing good is going to come from it, the rest of the year would be filled with being teased and pushed around. I don't think I can deal with that.

I shake these thoughts away so I can put another film on when suddenly I heard the doorbell ring. I went slient, who could be at my house at 9 o'clock? I know that doesn't sound late but, the only friend I have is Lily and if she was coming over she would have texted me first and at plus she wouldn't bother ringing the doorbell. Maybe it's a burglar or a hit man. Yes, I really just thought that. Like who would put out a hit on me?

I creep downstairs and the first thing I grabbed was something that could protect me. It's a knife. The doorbell rings again and I think maybe it's just my eomma but she would have her keys. Standing infront of the door I can peep out a tall looming shadow outside the door. I raised my knife to strike the person behind the door down. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears as my hands began to shake slightly.

I slowly unlocked the door looking up to see no one other than Jeon Jungkook. He smiles at me, that award winning smile gets slammed shut by my door.

What the hell is he doing here? As my heart rate began to increase i turn around to look at the door again. It's probably a prank to go along with the one that's already had happened. Jungkook bangs his fist against the door. "Eunji, just let me in! I only want to talk." Oh my gosh! Jeon Jungkook knows my name! I fangirl in my head slightly before scolding myself. I stood there and waited to see if he'll say anything else. I heard him sigh as he walked away from the door. Maybe I should listen to what he has to say. I mean it's only Jeon fricking Jungkook!

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