Chapter 6

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My feet were aching, my back was sore any my arms felt like lead. We had only been in two shops. Two shops! It's ridiculous. The funny thing is we managed to waste 3 hours that didn't even include the two hours that spent to get my hair done..! I had looked around at the clothes in there were a few things I picked out such as a cute top that had a unicorn on it but Jungkook just shook his head and ended picking out clothes for me. Granted there were a few objections on my part because there was no way I was going to dress like a slut; however, Jungkook had good taste. I had four massive bags full of clothes and Jungkook had paid for all of them A..gain.

Right now, we were stood in the middle of a shop looking at the swimming custom section, and to be honest I was a little uncomfortable. I was looking at the one piece while Jungkook was looking at the bikinis. Returning my gaze back to the swimming section I picked out a red one. I turned to Jungkook who was hold three bikinis. I sighed as he ushered me into the changing room handing me the bikinis and taking away the swimming costume.

"Jungkook, I like that" my voice came out like a child having a tantrum and I blushed at the thought of it.

"Eunji, you have to learn to be comfortable in the new person I'm turning you into. You can't go back to safety, you have to step out your comfort bubble." I nodded and walked into the changing room. He was right, I wasn't going to be invisible any longer, I needed to stop going back to that bubble.

I turn to look at the first bikini, it was green and had two straps on the bottoms, it did look nice but, but it wasn't something I would wear. I shook these thoughts from my head and slipped it on. As pretty as it was it was showing a lot more skin than I would have liked but, this is me trying to start fresh.

Mustering up all my courage I pulled back the curtain and walked out. Jungkook was sat in the chair on his phone when he heard me approach he looked up from his phone in shock. Something flashed in his eyes but it was gone as quick as it came.

"Well, well, well princess you clean up pretty nice, I don't know why you cover up, you have a nice figure." I blushed at his words but, nodded a quick thanks before going back into the changing room and trying on the rest. This time I wasn't going to show Jungkook.


After all our shopping I dragged Jungkook  to the food court to eat, I was starving. I had paid for the food as he had paid for everything else. We were still getting a lot of looks more so than last time because, Jungkook the genius had persuaded me to change into some of the new clothes.

He said it was like giving it a test drive, seeing what other's thought. Honestly, I felt so exposed to what I was wearing. I was still wearing Jean's and had just changed my top from a baggy t-shirt to a crop top finished off with a denim jacket.

It looked really cute and I was getting a load of looks from guys while they stared wolf whistled where the girls were throwing daggers at me for being with Jungkook the sex God, or at least that's what people called him.

After our shopping day, Jungkook took me to watch a movie. We ended up watching The Greatest Showman and it was amazing. It was a good day and Jungkook had dropped me home off home 10 minutes ago.

He told me to throw all my old clothes away. Which is what I was doing right now. I had bagged up all my clothes and started hanging up all my new clothes it wasn't like I had many old clothes anyway so it didn't take long.

Compared to actually hanging up the five bags I ended up with. I was happy I was making a change but, was I doing it for the right reasons?

I mean I'd always been invisible and I had wanted to be noticed by someone but, I gave up on that dream.

Now I was being noticed by everyone and I'm not sure if it's the right way to go about things. I shake away the uncertainty of these thoughts and get back to the task at hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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