Chapter 2

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After that delightful Monday which I managed to survive if you were wondering, I was now in the canteen of our school and it was hectic. Teenagers were shouting at one another and laughing as they met up with friends as I groaned at my table. It's my table because I and Lily are the only ones who sit here. Sad I know. I look over at Lily and she has her gaze on the popular table. To be more precise she's looking at Taehyung. She's had a crush on him since he asked her for the answers to a quiz in science. It's kind of sweet and yet I don't want to see her get hurt. I know what Taehyung is like and I don't want him messing with my Best friend. Even if he got the change I would rip his head from his shoulders!

I sigh looking behind me speculating the popular table. Taehyung is chatting with the two twins, most likely about a party they are going to be throwing. The twins were the jokers and the party throwers of the school. They were basically like Fred and George Weasley, like the twins they had the same fiery red hair. They weren't gym lads like the rest, thank God. They were about 5'10 and were called James and Justin. They were really sweet but, they never really cared for girls. They were too busy whispering with Taehyung to come up with the latest prank or the next parts fooling around that girls have never been on their radar.

Next to Taehyung at the table, Jimin is talking to a girl and he looks rather nervous as the girl began to blush and giggle. It's actually refreshing seeing one of the guys trying hard to impress a girl instead of trying to get in her pants. Then there's Jungkook, he's got a girl on his lap as they eat each others face off. His hands are tangling into her bleached blonde hair while he pulls her closer to him. I felt my appetite leave me, do they k know this is a canteen where people eat and not some strip club or whatever? The girl on Jungkook's lap is wearing hardly any clothes; however, the little material that is there is way too small for her and you can basically see everything. I pull a disgusted face and turn back to Lily who is now texting on her phone with a far off look on her face.

I sigh resting my head on my arms as I wait for school to be over. Even if I still had two more lessons to go. I felt a chair being moved next to me and then a human like presence talking up space. For someone like me, I am very anti-social like most but, if I can avoid human contact I will. I lift my head and stared at the boy who was sitting next to me. It's the same guy from earlier that called me gorgeous.

I felt a slight burn in my cheeks and used my hair to hide my face.


The stranger is talking to me what do I do? If I leave he'll think I'm weird. Okay just say hello, I got this. I can feel my heart rate speed up as the blood hammered in my ears, my mind feels light headed and I feel like I'm about to faint.


My voice comes out higher than normal, and my embarrassment only deepens. He smiles at me. He's cute and he has dimples but, it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Your Eunji right?"

I nod my head. How did he know my name?

"Well, Eunji would you meet me in the library in 5 minuets?"

Again I nod my head and watch as he walks away towards the library. Why did I even agree to meet a random starnger? I look towards Lily but, notices she has left me. What a traitor. Guess I better start making my way to the library. He probably wants me to do his homework for him. That's the usual rundown of things, do their homework and never talk to them again as they ghost me in the halls.

Sighing, I leave the canteen walking down the halls to get to the library. It's quiet and it's starting to make me feel nervous. As I began walking down the halls I could hear my footsteps echoing. It's nice not being caught up in the rush of people as they try to get to their classes on time. For someone of my height, it's hard to move in such a crowd, I get shoved and swept away by the hoards of people around me.

Walking into the library I notice how quiet it is, normally people are in here trying to get their work done. There isn't anyone in sight, I see the guy that asked me to be here. He's standing in the shadows where a load of books are on the shelves. I walk over to him nervously fumbling with my hands. He smirks at me from the shadows as it makes me feel uneasy.

"You look beautiful."

I felt my cheeks heat up slightly and I'm thankful that it's dark in here. He grabs me by the hand pulling me closer to him, trapping me between the bookcase and his body.

My breathing is fast and my heart is ready to jump out of my chest. The guy leans forward, his face inches away from mine. I see him glance down at my lips. OMG!! What do I do? I am frozen as this guy closes the gaps. There's an inch from our lips. I can feel his breath fanning my face, the smell of mint hinting me. I don't know if I'm ready for this, I don't even know this guy. I'm panicking, I don't know him this is so wrong; he can't take my first kiss. Then he starts to smile and laugh. I'm so confused. He looks at me and he no longer looks sweet, he looks like a monster. His eyes are sharp and his smile is replaced with a sinister grin.

"Did you think I was really going to kiss you? Look at you, you're not pretty at all you look a cow's arse. You're nothing but a nerd and that's all you'll ever be!"

I can feel the tears bubbling in my eyes. He had tricked me just so he could hurt me. I've never even met the guy why would he do this? I hear more voices join the laughter as I see a whole bunch of people walk out of the shadows with cameras. At the front is Jessica, the girl me and Lily both hate with a passion. I felt the tears running down my face as people point and laugh at me. She began to smirk. The pain that I felt when I thought someone actually had an interest in me was shattered even if i didn't know him. The embarrassment and pain was too much to handle so I ran. I ran as fast as my little legs can carry me out from that library as their faces haunt my dreams. I can still hear their laughter as it ricochets around my head like a bullet.

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Lots of love,

- Breanna ❤

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