the news

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We sat there for like 2 hours just talking about my dad and my family

Wow that's awful
I can't get away from it
Can't you leave
And go where I am just 13

She was in shock I have always looked older than I am some say I look like I am 18 witch is true I am tall and vary curvry so she
Thought I was older

Oh she said well hopefully we will all get out of here and you can come with us really I said
Ya it could be fun

We can't leave tomorrow her car was outside but he took her keys
I know how to hotwire tho  let's do it she said

4:00 I went up to have supper with my family there was a strange women there when I asked my dad he said they were dating and that she was pregnant with my little brother what ya and he will be born any day now

I was excited but then I remembered I won't meet him I am going with the drag queens unless I can get them to wait and we can take him with us

haus of edwards meet the Texas chainsaw masicarWhere stories live. Discover now