meat hooks and baseball bats

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He looked over her your pithedic he laughed then my dad came In tied her down and walked away

I pulled my self up and popped off of the meat hook went to the sink and grabbed a danp rag

Went back to laganja and wiped the wound on her back ware the meat hook had ripped her flesh I took some rubbing alcohol and cleaned the wound

Then I wisered its going to be ok in her ear

I had to put myself back on the meat hook it hurt but I bit Thur
The pain 

Then my uncle came back down the steps with a baseball bat and Bam hit laganja right in the gut with it DO YOU REALLY WANT TO HURT THIS FAMILY he kept swinging and swinging she was screaming in pain

Stop plz stop she cried but he didn't he kept on for what felt like an hour then he left I quick got up and ran to her

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