Chapter Two

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I woke up in a cold sweat, my long black hair hanging in my face, and insanely loud music blasting through. Ever since I had gotten back from my quest, I'd been having nightmares of what I had seen.  Taki had gotten the egg to Chiron, and Nico had taken me to the infirmary.  Will, my brother, had almost broken down when he saw my wounds, and was unable to operate on me. Rule Number One of the Apollo Cabin; Never operate on someone you are close to.

Kayla and Will had both stayed with me for my recovery, but the one person who was with me the most, was none other than Leo Valdez.  Don't get me wrong, I love Leo, in a platonic way. How could anyone not love Leo? We had gotten close in only an hour before he left with Piper and Jason, and I helped him with building the Argo II whenever I could.  When I saw Leo go up in flames with Festus, I had crumbled right then and there, crying.  I had stayed locked up in the Apollo Cabin until my once dark, rich, carmel skin turned a pale and delicate looking.

Imagine my fury when he had suddenly showed up on Festus, all casual like, with a beautiful girl.  I did not feel any jealousy, since I did not like him like that, but I angry, and sad that I might be replaced.

Now, Leo and I would hangout in Cabin Nine all the time. Whenever Calypso was not with him, I was.

That still did not mean he had to wake me up in the mornings.

I scrambled out of my bed, quickly got dressed into a blue and yellow Nirvana shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, and my bracelet that turned into a bow and magically appearing arrows.

I didn't bother to put on any shoes and I finger combed my hair.

The music was still playing really loud, and it was giving me a headache, but since I knew it was Leo's way of saying 'i love you', I wouldn't give him any satisfaction.

To be honest, I actually enjoyed this song.  I started lip singing it, and soon enough I was singing along with it.

When I had brushed my hair and applied a thick and flawless amount of eyeliner, I opened the door.  Outside, there was a crowd yelling at Leo, who was on the Apollo Cabin roof, undoubted trying to hide from angry campers.

"Hey now! Lets think about this!" Leo tried, but they just kept yelling at him.  A few Campers even had bows and arrows with flint tipped arrows.

"WHAT THE HADES IS GOING ON!" I cried, and everything fell silent.

"Leo is blasting that music loud enough to wake the whole camp!" Cried one of the campers.  I knew what they meant, but I had to make sure Leo was not slaughtered.  "Really? I had no idea! You mean this music?" I sung along to the lyrics, which was hard since it was 'Welcome to the Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance.  I used all the Apollo charm I could muster, and when I stopped, they had forgotten why they were angry.

"Now, let me deal with Leo, I'll make sure he gets punished, and you just go around doing your normal routines!" I used all of Apollo's gifts and prayed to the gods that they would believe me. I sounded bubbly and cheerful, which was the exact opposite of what I was. But alas, I do what I have to do.

Slowly and subtly the crowd began to disperse.

I turned to Leo, who had gotten down from the roof, a silent music box in his hand.  Leo gulped, seeing my expression.

"You have some explaining to-" I stopped short, noticing the broken look Leo had in his eyes.  "Leo... What's wrong?" I asked, my voice gentle and calm.

"C-Calyps-o broke u-up wi-ith me-e" Leo mumbled.  My eyes widened, and I extended my arms. Leo immediatly fell into my arms.  I was shorter than Leo, but not by much.

Leo sobbed into my arms as I whispered comforting things to him. Eventually, he quieted, and I gently scooped him into my arms, taking him inside my cabin.

Leo fell asleep in my arms, and I set him on my bed. I sat next to his feet, and leaned against the wall.

"Leo... what am I going to do with you?" I whispered as I stared down at the little latino boy who I had come to call my friend.  I couldn't stand to see him like this, with tear marks running down his face, a frown upon his lips, and his hair tousled.

"I don't know whats going to happen, but I swear to the gods Im going to make this boy happy again"

And update? WoAh.
If you've been following me for a while, you'll know that I actually have posted other stories, but they where either bad, or I couldn't update more than once every few weeks, or I just didn't like the plot. so I took all of my stories down for. Afresh start.
But this?
I think I might stay with it.

Here's a haiku:

I love my brother
He has a brother complex
Woah this is awkward

that is an official Haiku, I have poetry class.
5 syllables.
7 syllables.
5 syllables.

bai my lovelies!

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