1. Job Interview

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You and your mom had been living on Florida for a little over a year. You had originally lived in Arizona, but your mom's work moved it's headquarters to Florida, meaning you had to go with it. You were homeschooled for most of your life, so your social skills were a bit iffy. But your mother always insisted on you going to parties, despite her knowing that drugs were definitely going to be involved.

But today you weren't going to a party, your mother had recently been fired for her old job and began searching for a new one. Today she had a job interview at an aquarium, which was strange because being from Arizona, there wasn't much in the way of marine life. Unfortunately, your mother forced you to come along with her. So here you sat, on a crummy sofa up the back of the aquarium, waiting for her job interview.

"This is quite the setting, isn't it (Y/N)?" She let out a small chuckle before turning to you, already playing Temple Run on your phone. "Yeah, it's alright." You looked up from your phone to see a poster with a green dolphin on it with the words "Swim freely" written on it. It looked like it had been there for a while, because the text was fading away, reading "Sw ely". You laughed at the poster, looking back down at your phone.

"Ms. (L/N)?" Your mother shot up and ran over to the helper. "Yes, that's me!" She turned back to you and gave a small nod. "I'll be back soon, sweetie!" She and then began to walk off with the helper. You looked up to see a tall man with a grey sweater and white jeans and a hat. His eyes appeared to be blue and his hair was black. He was staring at the poster you had previously made fun of. Curiously, you got up and walked over to the man.

"Sw ely, huh?" You said quietly. He turned to you, frowning. "What are you doing here, bitch?" He shot at you. "Um... I'm just, waiting for me mom to finish her interview. That's all..." You looked up at him. He appeared to be in his 40's. "There's a high chance that your mom is going to die here." He said, still looking at the poster. Whoever this man was, he must have been a dick. "Wh-what does that mean?" He sighed. "Good grief..." He walked off, looking back at you.

A few months later

Your mom had died three weeks after getting the job. This caused you to go into a depression. The cause of death was unknown, but you know for sure that the dick at the aquarium was right. You now lived on the streets, begging for food or some form of attention. After a few months of this, you had given up on that and just starved. It wasn't until that dick from the aquarium spotted you one day. "Good grief." You shot your head up as you heard these words. "You seem to be in peril. Follow me." He picked you up and took you to a strange car. You then pasted out.

You woke in a bed. It felt heavenly compared to the old worn-out mattress that you slept on for so long. Standing next to you was the man, now having a name tag. "Jotaro Kujo... Where do i know Kujo from?" You thought to yourself... You them remembered your mom had shown you year books from her school life, remembering that there was a Jotaro Kujo there too. Remembering your mom, you started crying. You then felt Jotaro's hand on your shoulder. "We all miss her, even though she was a bitch back in those days." He sighed, helping you up. "Dinner should be ready soon, (Y/N)." You walked down to the kitchen. Guess you won't be getting a tour.

As you entered the kitchen, you saw possibly the most beautiful girl you had ever seen. She had long, multi-coloured hair that she tied up the back. Her eyes were a light green, similar to her hair. She also wore green lipstick and her hair up in two buns up the front. She looked up at you, smiling. "You must be (Y/N)." She poured herself a drink, brushing the hair out of her face. "I- um... yeah." You stumbled on your words a bit. "She knows my name?"

She chuckled a bit. "I'm Jolyne." You had a slight blush on your face. "Nice to meet you, Jolyne. But... where am I?" She chuckled more. "You're at my house, silly. Well, our house, I should say." Suddenly, you felt two arms wrapped around you as a body struck you, causing you both to fall over.

"Foo, get off (Y/N)!" Jolyne yelled. "But she is cute!!!" This girl, apparently named Foo said back. "Um, actually-" You were cut off by Foo kissing your forehead. "I will show you affection, whatever that may be, (Y/N)!!!" She was then picked up by Jolyne. "Foo, you should be resting now." Foo sighed, walked off. Jolyne sat down in front of you. "Sorry (Y/N), Foo is just still getting used to her body and human customs." She said calmly. You, still a flustered mess from when Foo practically tackled you to the ground, gave a simple nod. Jolyne then held out her hand. "Do you wanna go out for dinner? As friends, I mean." You nodded aggressively. She smiled, taking your hand. She then pulled you up and you both took off.


this is the first fanfic i've written in a while so if it's a bit off i'm sorry. but anyway how are you all going today?

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