2. Passed Out

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Jolyne had taken you to a small bar, just 2kms away from the house. She ran inside and sat down. You sat next to her, gulping slightly. The bartender came up to you two and you ordered your drinks. After ordering,you looked over to the tv. A game of football had been playing. You knew that Jolyne would try to talk to you, as she tapped your shoulder. You turned around, seeing that your drink sat in front of you. "Thank you, Jolyne." You took a sip from your drink, looking back at the tv. Jolyne then sat in front of you, her hair covering her eyes. You then reached out to adjust her loose hair, causing her to blush very slightly.

After you to had finished your drinks, you decided to head to a nearby park. Jolyne ran towards an elderly couple walking their puppy. You soon followed, noticing a large figure in the distance. You shook it off and began petting the dog. "What's his name?" Jolyne asked the couple. The couple smiled and let the dog roam around. "His name is Dexter." Dexter ran off towards a nearby tree, soon doing his business on said tree. "Aw, Dexter!" The old man spoke, calling Dexter back over. Dexter hadn't come over yet, and the old lady just shook it off. "He does that sometimes. Nothing to worry about." She spoke calmly. You turned to see that the figure was still there. You excused yourself for a minute to investigate, but of course no one knew that. You walked over to the figure, slowly. The figure appearing to be a female, not too short but not too tall either. After approaching the figure, she called out a strange sound. You then fell over, falling unconscious.

When you woke up, Jolyne stood by you as you lay in your bed, Foo clinging. You had gotten used to it now, but you were still a bit flustered. "Foo, why are you hugging me?" You spoke, a bit confused. Jolyne sighed and went over to the fridge. "Does anyone wants a drink?" She opened the fridge, scanning around for some form of alcohol. Foo immediately ran over to the fridge, nodding frantically. Jolyne laughed, pouring Foo a water. Foo then walked out, sipping the water out of a metal straw. You sat up, your head throbbing in pain. "Ah shit." You held onto your head, looking up at Jolyne. "Where's Jotaro?" You asked, laying back down. Jolyne sat down next to you and sighed. "He's at work." She started chugging down some wine. You looked at her, a bit concerned. "You shouldn't be drinking that." She nodded. "I know, I just need it right now. Don't worry, I'm a heavyweight."

Despite saying this now, you later found out that was lying. After one hour of finishing two thirds of a bottle, she had been drunk. She sat on top of your lap, her hair messed up. She smirked down at you, chugging down more wine. "You know, I don't like dick." She giggled, hugging you. "I'm a fuckingggg lesbiannn." You nodded slowly, wrapping your arms around her. "You should sober up. Jotaro is gonna be home soo-" She shushed you, placing a finger over your lips. "Foo is somewhere around here. Guess we'll have to explain what being drunk is tomorrow." She kissed your cheek, giggling. She then lost balance and fell off the bed.

"OW FUCK!" She looked up at you and chuckled. You stood up, offering to help her up. She then hugged your legs, rubbing her cheeks against your knees. You then heard the front door unlock "Shit. This is the last thing I want. Jotaro coming home to his drunk daughter hugging onto her friend's leg." You looked down at Jolyne, only to see her now running her hands down to your toes. Thank god Jotaro went to bed, because Jolyne was now passed out. You picked her up and carried her to your bed. You then placed her down and lay next to her. "What the hell was all that about?" You then fell asleep.


Yeah i know this was kinda short but I wrote most of it in class so yeah...

hot summer sun ((jolyne x reader))Where stories live. Discover now