meeting them

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I was walking down the street and then heard a loud scream so I ran over and saw a boy and runs to him and helps him but a head floated to me making me scream and he pulls me away "what happened to you... w-what was that?" He looks at me "I'm Henry and that was a dead child from a while ago.. this place is cursed so stay safe I'll be back" he then walks off making me walks home but a cop car speeds off with him in it "huh bad boy"


I was in class sitting in the back as Bowers and his gang walks in being jerks to others but vic, he had his eyes on me while I was drawing the barrens  with the losers there. Then Patrick walks over and yanks the book from me making a hug line on the picture "wow look at this shit she's a slut like Beverly she must fuck the losers to" Patrick said "GIVE IT BACK YOU OVER SIZED MONKEY!" He gets pissed and lifted his hand but victor punched him and took my book back and hands it to me "I'm victor but you call me vic if you want " I smiled then kicks Patrick and walks out of class and sat in detention.


I was sitting on the side of the road  when a blue transam pulls up and a boy got out and runs over "hey! Need a ride?" He asked as he smiled at me then opens his door for me. "Thanks, I'm nikita" "reggie but people call me belch." I smiled and then slowly got in scared I'll ruin his car but he didn't care at all he just shut the door and drove me home.


The day you met was when your mother and father brought you home when he was 2 he fell in love with you from the beginning  but he was scared that he would hurt you so he stayed away until you turned 15 and hes 17 he makes sure he kept you close but you were home school because of the clown and him at school, but at home he keeps you safe.

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