The Dream

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Foxy's POV

I can't believe it's happening. Of course he would attack at a time like this. But.... We will fight him and end our feud with him over the past years, after he killed us. After the news from phantom puppet, I went to the parts and service room and took a nap. Of course.... My dreams are not always pleasant.

My dream started with me in the middle of the woods. There is nothing but treat around and behind me is the house where we freed Val. I see a weird light coming from the house. I start to get closer then I saw it. It's a twisted version of me. But not just me, it's everyone. Including Isabella. I start to panic then the purple guy popped up and said "you can't save them all Max. You will see them all die." Then the twisted version of me attacked me. Hen my dream shifted to the weird building from 8 years ago. Then I saw a bunch of wires with a withered Freddy head. Then he got up and he started to come to me. I was going to run away, but my feet were glued to the pavement. When he got to me he said" W-w-w-we are c-c-coming. W-w-with h-h-h-help." What does he mean? What help? Then he attacked me. When my dream finally settled I'm in this weird bunker with pictures of news paper clippings of a huge explosion in.... Wait? The year says 2009....and it's 2002..... something is going to happen in 2009, and judging by the way the newspaper looks it's something bad. Then I see this green glow. I couldn't make out the figure but once I saw his face I woke up. When I woke up I saw Isabella there and I realized that she helped me see those things. But why? "Did you do that?" I asked her. She just looked at me and giggled. Maybe she didn't but if she did. She can help us know what threat is coming next. "Isabella, we need to tell the others."

Mangles POV

As I go back to kids cove, I hear toy chica call my name. I turn around and when I saw her she looked very happy. I looked at her in confusion. When she got to me I asked"are you okay toy chica?" She just smiled and start to hold her cheeks and said "yeah, but you have to guess why I'm happy." I'm now more confused. I start guessing" Is there no war?" She whispers "no" Okay, now I want to know. "Dose it have to deal with Bonnie?" I asked. She just giggled and nodded. So I was on the right track. "Did you two get pregnant?" She shook her head. Okay.... Something with Bonnie but she isn't pregnant.... No.... "Did he propose?" Then she started to squeal. Okay I must of guessed right. "Really? How did it happen?" I asked. She tried to calm down but she can't. "Okay breathe," I told her. "Start from the beginning."

"Okay," She told me. Then she took a deep breath and start her story. " It started in party room 3. He asked me to talk alone so when I got there he was acting weirder than usual. So I asked him what's wrong? And he started to tell me how beautiful I am and that he wants to be with me forever. Then he went down on one knee. But before he asked I yelled out yes and now we are engaged!!!!" And she started to squeal again. I feel so happy for them. Before I congratulate them, BB came to us and said that foxy needs us, cause he has an announcement. What does he want to say? Maybe he heard about toy chica and Bonnie. We asked BB to where to meet him. And he said the office.

The office, Foxy's POV

They need to know what Isabella showed me. And we need to prepare, but I don't know how to say it. When everyone, came in I started to thank everyone to coming. And I start with the newest update, "first off congrats on toy chica and Bonnie with their engagement." Then everyone started to clap and cheer. Once everyone died down, I started to tell everyone." So.... Isabella showed me something that will be the worse of the worse to come yet. First, there are twisted versions of all of us. They look deadly and dangerous, but obviously work of the purple guy." Everyone began to protest and riot, but I calmed them down. Then I continued, " Also I think I know where the four missing animatronics are." Once I said that they started to asked where they are. " I'll give that information after the last thing, there is possibly a new threat. Maybe bigger than the purple guy. He has this green aura around him. And I think it's a  type of Bonnie." And that got them to riot bigger. But thanks to Isabella, she stopped it all. "Thank you Isabella."

She nodded and went back behind me. "Okay. First, we need to find a way to stop these twisted animatronics, then we need to find those four missing animatronics, and finally find and identify who this new threat is." Then as I said that we got a hologram with the funtime Freddy wires. He started to say something but there was barley audio. The only words we go was "come, save, and glitch." I don't know what he was saying but phantom puppet, started to unscramble the message and told us that he will get it done in a week. I thanked him and told the others" We will go get those animatronics, cause they called us to save them. And we will answer that call. Val, Element, mangle and phantom puppet will come with me I will call for more reinforcements. Got it?" And everyone chanted my name and started to roar. I'm great ful that I have this family.

Unknown location

"Did you think they got the message?" Scraptrap asked molten Freddy. "I-i-i don't k-k-k-know." He said. Then a huge twisted baby jumped on Scraptrap and started to bite him."I HOPED THEY DID."

The end for now

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