Before the first chapter

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So here it is:)
First name:Alex
Last name:La lumière des ténèbres(the light of darkness)
Hair color:black(for now*evil laughter*)
Eye color:gray blue
Appearance:black skinny jeans,black button down,combat boots and a black tie with a graphic green skull.
Personality:happy almost all the time,loves anything that has anything anime,hates dogs but loves wolfs and cats (can't forget the cats). Oh and dislikes Sebastian (for now maybe)
More characters to come!
At his house
Third person
Alex lived alone in a one bedroom Apartment, that belonged to a friend of his.It was small and very cramped and wen his friend came home next week he would be homeless. His parents kicked Him out at fourteen for being bisexual. Ah *Kesha blah blah blah plays in the background* so it seems are main character is finally awake. As soon as Alex realized that he was late he quickly got showered,dressed and left for the Comicom(sorry I don't know if I spelled it right).
Ahhh *runs and hides behind a Sebastian Cut out* sorry it's so short but I'm tired and I have things to do like schoolwork,* starts throwing Random Black Butler merchandise at crazed black Butler fans* I'll try harder next time please don't hurt me*Sebastian appears out of nowhere*
Sebastian: ah M'lady it seems that you have made yet another promise I will have help you keep*Smirks evilly*. *Butler fans scream wildly*
K I hope you liked it I wore my brain out Thinking of this.hahah nah I just kidding but I am very sorry about the short chapter thingy,me is sleepy.

In a Bloody Anime!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt