F*ck where am I

111 10 11

*And action*
-some ungodly hour in the morning-
Alex p.o.v
I woke up with a kink in my neck and a sore back,sleeping on in one of those park tube things,so not the best ideas I've ever had. But all was normal or I though it was.
" F*ck where am I !"I said looking around wildly.

As I looked around I realized I wasn't at the park or jail,decidedly I really should have realized wen I woke up on a bed instead of the park tube, actually it was more of a stone slab,looking around the small room I realized The walls were old and Sorta greenish I couldn't make out the design of the wallpaper it was also covered in crudely drawn odd symbols.

Trying to climb off the slab, something stopped me and it wasn't just the medal cuff attached to my ankle it was also my duffle bag which was at the end of the slab,hearing footsteps outside the I pulled angrily at the restraint disputably not my smartest moment needless to say it didn't work and after my helpless attempt at being super man the door opened.

Looking at my kidnappers I got the feeling that I went to sleep in the wrong place,four men came in and slammed the door hard against the door frame,the men who were all about 6 foot three,and wore matching long black robes.
Came in and stood in a square around the stone slab,glaring at me through the darkness of there hoods.
One of them spoke,it was the first one to enter the room.
He said."I thought you said that he wouldn't wake up until the end of the ceremony."

Wen I say that he said it I mean he yelled it,the guy across from him was going to reply it was interrupted by my beautiful self and I said,"excuse me,if you haven't already noticed I'm kinda chained to this table,and if I don't leave soon I'll be late to work so..."
All the men in the room laughed and said in sync(creepy)."your not going anywhere."
They grabbed my arms and leg and chained me to the slab,then they began to draw a symbol on my chest and my right hand with what looked like ink,but where they had drawn burned,they then began to chant in a strange language.
The room began to spin and I couldn't tell you were the floor was I got so dizzy,I saw a light an then it was black and I was just floating around."Were that f*ck am I." I yelled.
I'm dead tired its 11:23 and just got back from an all day trip to go to a heart doctor (I forgot the name)and will have to wear a heart monitor for 30 days so that can determine if I could have a life threatening problem so people who are reading this please forgive me for for writing this chapter.
And I have a question for you 'have you ever needed to be hospitalized for any reason?'
Byes my little readers

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