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hoodulm: Hey

partyprincess: Hi

hoodulm: What's up?

partyprincess: The sky?

hoodulm: Very funny But seriously, what's up?

partyprincess: Watching a movie.

hoodulm: Which one

partyprincess: Fault In Our Stars

hoodulm: That crappy movie?

partyprincess: Lol yes.

hoodulm: Good luck

partyprincess: Haha thanks

hoodulm: I'm Calum

partyprincess: Robin

hoodulm: Nice to meet you.

partyprincess: Nice to meet you too


YAY! First chapter. So Sammie is in the hospital and I've been busy with school and sports I forgot about the stories so excuse me. Anyways excited on this series and this story.


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