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Harry's POV
I sighed softly as I Louis and I walked through the woods by the stream as I held my journal to my side. We were about three miles from the cabin but Louis said that hikers don't come up this far because it's so easy to get lost. It was already August 1st and the last month with Louis have been really great. I opened up to him more about my mom and sister and he doesn't push me to talk about it because it's still so fresh.
We laid out a thick blanket and we sat in it as he tossed a ball in the water for Lizzie, who immediately ran in after it. I opened my journal and dated the top corner, 8/1/18. I sighed softly as I flipped through my pages.
"What do you write about?" Louis suddenly spoke up. I smiled softly "just songs, poems, questions I have about life and dreams. Everything really". He it his lip and then opened his mouth as if to say something then closed his mouth. "What is it?" I asked and he shrugged "could I maybe read some of it?". I looked down at my journal and then smiled softly taking a deep breathe "I've never let anyone read this before... not even my mum or sister", he held up his hands "oh no I get it it's private im sorry-" I laughed cutting him off "no I mean I wish I had though. Life's short and unpredictable so why keep everything to yourself.." I said as I handed it over to him.
He slowly took it in his hands and started flipping through the pages. He started reading out loud.
"March 5th, 2018... life is so strange. I feel confused even though I'm told I shouldn't be. I don't want to sit behind a desk or be a waiter. I want to do something I wake up and can't wait to do. As a child I wanted to be a singer and a vet, then as a pre teen I wanted to be a boxer and a singer. Now I'm 18 and I have no idea what I want. Is it okay that I'm lost? Am I supposed to be found?" I listened to my own words coming from Louis mouth. I like hearing him read it out loud. "I sound dumb I know" I said as he got quiet. He chuckled "no you don't, I felt the exact same way in high school, just cool to see it's normal to be unsure in life". I smiled and told him he could read as many as he wants. He read a few poems I wrote and a story about my mate Niall and I. "June 26th, 2018... the water makes me feel so at ease yet afraid. As I stare at the water I wonder what it would be like to live life in the water. The shops around me sit near the sand but it doesn't make this feel any less beautiful. I like to walk down the shore away from peoples eyes and shop workers gazes. I like to hear the ocean and wind. I feel like I'm floating-" he stopped reading and I furrowed my brow "what's wrong?" I asked. "There are shops on the beach near where you went?" I nodded "yeah the main area why?" Louis jumped up "SHOPS HAVE SECURITY CAMERAS HAZZA, we can figure out how to get footage of you at the beach on this day and then boom we have all the proof needed". I smiled "you're right I-I didn't even think of that". He laid back on the blanket smiling as he held the journal open above him. "July 10th,2018... I've been here with Louis for a almost two weeks now. I really like being here with him and Liz. He makes me laugh a lot and I almost feel bad that I'm having a good time with Louis because then I remember I just lost my family, and I'm on the run for a crime I would never commit... but Louis makes me feel comfortable here. And he has such beautiful eyes and I think I might-". I grabbed the journal from Louis and chuckled nervously "so wanna eat?". He smirked "no I wanna finish reading" I burned bright red. "Why can't I finish reading it Hazza? I THOUGHT YOU TRUSTED ME" he said loudly and dramatically making me giggle. I bit my lip and opened my mouth to say something but then we heard voices. "Are there people here" I whispered scared. Louis said people hardly come up to the stream because how far away it is. "Sometimes couples will sneak up here to skinny dip" he whispered as he looked towards where voices were coming from. I felt my breathing speed up and my heart was pounding in my chest. We were too far from the cabin to run and if we do run it will seem suspicious if the people are close enough to see or hear us and- Louis hand touched my face gently cutting off my panicked thoughts. I looked at him and he slowly laid me down on the blanket and whispered "just go with it". I furrowed my brow and before I could ask what he meant. He hovered over me and slowly leaned in connecting our lips. My heart skipped a beat but was still pounding in my chest, only now it was because Louis was kissing me.
I heard the voices coming up so I put my hands in his hair and let my eyes drift shut as I moved my lips with his. We heard the voices right near us "oh let's go back, there's already a couple here" a girl whispered, I didn't hear anyone respond but I heard two pairs of footsteps walking away. But even after the footsteps faded and we couldn't hear them anymore... we kept our lips on each other's. Until Louis slowly pulled away causing my eyes to drift open. Our eyes locked as he hovered over me before he sat up next to me. I slowly sat up and cleared my throat awkwardly.
"I'm sorry... that was all I could think of doing... so no one would think anything of it if they recognized you" Louis said after a few minutes of awkward silence. He was looking at the water, he looked uncomfortable. Kissing me made him that uncomfortable? "it's okay" was all I could say quietly.

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