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Louis POV

I laughed as Harry bounced around excitedly. He and I were in town again yesterday and Harry got handed down all his family money. And he bought a new phone chip and called his friend Niall. He was on his way over now and Harry was so excited to see his friend. So I invited Liam and my old mate Zayn so we could have a type of family friends night. It was already August 27th, almost two months since Harry and I met. "They're gonna be here soon, how do I look?" Harry asked again and I chuckled "perfect as always" I said with a smile. "I'm excited to meet your other friend, Zayn" I smiled "yeah I haven't seen him in a bit so I'm excited" I said with a smile.

Harry squealed when there was a knock at the door. "I'LL GET IT" Harry yelled and ran to the front door and flung it open. "NIALLER" "HAZZA!" Niall and Harry embraced and Harry tried to wrap his leg around Niall and they fell into the house. Both of them laughing. I smiled seeing how excited Harry was. "Oh I have missed you, I'm so glad you're okay" Niall said and Harry giggled "me too Ni, I missed you a lot Irish". I closed the door careful not to hit them and they both stood up. "Hi I'm sorry I'm Niall" "Louis" I said as I shook his hand. "Hazz you have to fill me in on everything" Niall said and Harry led Niall to the couch. The instantly got wrapped up in a conversation as Harry filled Niall in on what happened. I heard another knock and smiled opening the door to see Zayn. "Malik!" "Tommo!" we embraced and he patted my back. "Wow you haven't grown" he teased and I rolled my eyes "oi I'm 5,9" "sure" "sure" Harry and Zayn said at the same time making them laugh. Zayn walked over to Harry and Niall "Hey I'm Zayn" "I'm Harry I've heard a lot about you" Harry said as they hugged. "I'm Niall" "Zayn" he reiterated and they bro hugged. Zayn sat by Harry and asked him about everything on the news. I smiled and a few minutes later I heard another knock. "Lima bean hey" "Hey Lou, Harry hey" he greeted waving over to him. "Zayn!" "Liam!". Everyone greeted or was introduced and Harry came over to me in the kitchen as Niall and the lads continued to chat. "This is so great, Zayn said since you moved up here you two haven't hung at all. just written a few letters or met up a couple times in town". I shrugged "I became a little less social after my family stuff happened, but I'm glad that this is all coming back". Hazza smiled and grabbed plates "food everyone". After everyone made their plates we all sat in the living room. "Okay wait so Harry you were crowned prom queen your 3rd year of school?" Zayn reiterated as he laughed. Niall chuckled "yeah everyone wrote in his name for queen, and guess who won king. that's right me" Niall said throwing his arm around Harry.

"Was it a prank?" Liam asked and Harry chuckled "I guess" "don't be modest Hazza, Harry was pretty popular in school. called him the prince cuz hoe pretty he is" Niall said squeezing his cheeks. For some reason, the way Harry and Niall have been all over each other is making me jealous. "In high school one time Louis and I with some friends went to this pool party, and Louis dared me to jump off the roof into the pool. Naked" Zayn said as we all sipped the beers I bought for today. "Lou you're crazy" Harry giggled and I smiled at him. "You didn't do it did you?" Niall asked and Zayn shrugged "of course I did". Everyone started laughing.

We already planned for all the lads to stay the night so that they wouldn't have to drive so far home. So I had an air mattress ready for downstairs and Harry said he could sleep with me tonight. Everyone was getting sleepy around twelve thirty so I said goodnight to everyone after helping Liam and Zayn fix the air mattress, they wanted to share. And Harry took Niall to his room. I was laying in my room waiting for Harry. It was already 1a.m and Harry was still in his room with Niall. I huffed and sat up. Harry said they were going to catch up for a bit but I was ready to cuddle plus he hardly paid attention to me tonight. I walked to his room door and pressed my ear to it "Niall that tickles" Harry giggled and Niall snorted "Oi don't be a wanker, I'm trying to make sure I don't hurt you while I fit it", "You won't hurt me Ni, just fix my hole" Harry whined. I clenched my jaw and flung the door open. Harry and Niall jumped a bit looking at me. Harry was standing with his arms straight out and Niall was pinning one of his dress shirts. "Hey Lou what's up?" Harry asked confused. "What is going on in here?" I asked and Harry looked down at Niall then at me "Niall's helping me sew my shirt for when I go to court... I'll be in the room soon he just has to pin the hole in it real fast". I felt my cheeks flush. I can't believe I thought something was going on. I nodded "Oh okay, night Niall" I said with a smile and he smiled cheerfully "Night Lou".

I sighed as I shut the door and went to the room. About five minutes later Harry came in wearing his regular shirt again and shut the door behind him. "Hey babe" he said and I looked at him. "Want to tell me what that was about?" I sighed "I-I'm sorry... Don't laugh at me" I said and Harry nodded sitting by me on the bed. "I was jealous of Niall" I said quietly and Harry chuckled "What? Louis why? You're my- uh we're together kinda. He is my bestfriend... who is straight" I sighed "I know I'm being a twat, I just got used to having all your attention and then you were all about Niall and the lads and- what do you mean we're kinda together?" I realized and cut myself off. He blushed "oh well... I mean we act like we're dating and we kiss and stuff but, you never asked me to be your boyfriend". I shook my head chuckling "I'm a dork. I just assumed we were boyfriends" I said honestly and he giggled "oh". I got off the bed so I was on both knees in front of him "Harry Edward Styles... at" I glanced at the clock "at twelve 32 in the morning on August 28, will you officially be my boyfriend" he giggled and nodded "yes Louis". I smiled and leaned up connecting our lips before laying him down. "Make out with your boyfriend I'm needy" I whined and he chuckled humming into the kiss "no arguments from me".

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