Surely He Wins? - TodoKiri

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Anything nice your soulmate says about you to someone else was written across your skin. There were couples with words scattered all over their body, and teenagers with a few choice words scattered here and there. Little kids with cute things they'd told their Mom about their new friend now sitting on said friends skin. 

Kirishima still hadn't met his soulmate, the only words he had were on the back of his neck, he couldn't even see them. He was assured by friends and family however, that it said:

My soulmate will love me

Kirishima had got it when he was 9. He didn't know who they were talking to, but he didn't want to think about what this meant. Because if someone had told his soulmate that he didn't love them, Kirishima was not okay with that. 

But his mark was not at the forefront of his mind at the moment, it hadn't really had much time to be since he got into UA. But finally, a point came where conversation in their group, lulled softly. So Mina, ever to keeper of the chatter, thought of something to talk about.

"So what sentences do you guys have?"

"Fuck off" Bakugou responded quickly, and the others knew by now that it was likely a touchy subject. Bakugou did not talk about soulmates, or love, or spending the rest of your life with another person. He seemed sensitive about soulmates though, and out of a mix of respect and fear for their lives they had decided not to bring it up.

"Well- I have this" Kaminari leaned forward and showed them a collection of words on his arm.

Kaminari was brilliant!

I bet my soulmate could kick your ass

Kaminari makes great pancakes

Kaminari could outrun me in seconds are you kidding?

"You've met them!" Mina squeaked, and Jirou, who was sitting next to her, snapped his fingers next to his ear to check it was still functional.

"I haven't figured out who they are yet! it's driving me insane!" Kaminari moaned, his head falling against the table "I've had my marks on display since they started appearing in the hopes they'd notice, but they either haven't or they're ignoring it"

"We'll help you find out!" Mina said excitedly, bouncing in her seat. She didn't have time to start rambling however, because Sero stood suddenly, grabbed Kaminari's wrist and dragged him away from the table quickly. There was confusion across the table for a moment, before they heard Kaminari shout and start looking at Sero's arms. 

"Well, so much for help him find out" Kirishima said, as Mina frowned and handed Jirou something under the table. 

"Stupid game anyway" The pinker of the two mumbled, before looking to Kirishima "What about you?"

"Me? Oh- I only have one, on my neck" Kirishima said, rubbing the spot absent mindedly. "it says 'My soulmate will love me', worries me more than anything"

"Worries you?" Mina asked, looking ready to crush Kirishima in hugs should he need it "You don't think you'll love them?"

"No, I mean- I used to think I wouldn't be good enough, but that was ages ago-" Kirishima told her, shaking his head quickly "I just- I mean what if someone told them I wouldn't love them I mean-" The table went very quiet after that. Mina wrapped her arms around him, smiling into his shoulder. 

"You'll just have to show them how happy you are to have them when you meet them" she told him, then the conversation moved on as Sero and Kaminari rejoined them hand in hand, and began to talk quickly about their soulmarks.

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