String Pull - KiriBaku

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this is dumb enjoy

God this shit hurt. Katsuki was curled on the bathroom floor, his hands on his stomach. Stupid fucking soulmate, what the hell. He felt like collapsing, he already had once, in the middle of the hallway. Mina had to carry him to the bathroom to recover, which was embarrassing on its own. If you happened to not know that Mina was terrifying that is. 

"Katsuki do you need the nurse?" she asked, and then Katsuki shook his head. Mina frowned, looking around.

"It's a string pull" Katsuki hissed, and shook his head "I just need to lie down"

"You met your soulmate?" Mina said, with a sudden squeak, that made Katsuki flinch and her mumble "Sorry- but seriously spill!"

"I just might god this hurts-" Katsuki hissed, then he looked at her "Look I don't know who it is- but it started yesterday evening which means-"

"They're at school" Mina finished, looking like she was calculating for a moment "It has to be someone in our class, if they were in any other part of the school they'd be in the dorm on the other side of the school and you'd have noticed before"

"I have felt this before, but its usually fine at night" Katsuki hissed, and Mina frowned lightly.

"You didn't feel it last year?" Mina asked, and Katsuki nodded, to tired of questions and pain to really answer now. 

"No, everyone we know stayed for break last year" Katsuki said, and then hissed again "It's fine pink, I'll recover"

"Not until everyone gets back, come on, we're going to the nurse" Mina said, and once again lifted him, and carried him out the door.

They went to a elite boarding school, so the halls were long and complicated. Mina got lost when it was all she had to think about, so she had to elect Katsuki's mumbled help to get to the nurses office, and still managed to get to Aizawa's office only before giving up. 

"Bakugou, Ashido" Aizawa said, opening the door as Mina moved to support Katsuki on her shoulder, which was inefficient as he was taller then her. "It's nearly 6am, you're supposed to be in your dorms"

"Katsuki has string pull since almost everyone left" Mina said, and Aizawa let out a ridiculously long, exhausted sigh. He brought them both into his office, where Katsuki sat on one of the chairs in front of the desk and curled up tightly. 

"When about yesterday did it begin?" Aizawa asked, turning on his computer to see who checked out when the day before.

"I noticed around 4pm, after seeing our friends off to the station" Katsuki hissed into his chair "Fucking bitch, who leaves for winter anyway, its not a long enough holiday to be worth it"

"Language" Aizawa muttered, and then sighed "I'm guessing much like most students, your friends all got on the 4:30 train to the city?"

"fuck" Katsuki said, and glared at the windows, watching out of them with a look of complete rage. Stupid fucking soulmate, leaving school so goddamn easily. 

"Alright, well because of how many people checked out for the train yesterday, I can't know" Aizawa said, then looked to the two. "You'll just have to live through the pain in the infirmary"

"What the fuck!" Katuki groaned, but it made his stomach churn, and he doubled up a little more in the chair. "Fine, infirmary sounds better than this shit"

Katsuki was moved to a white bed, with the school Doctor (lovingly nicknamed by students and faculty as recovery girl) rushing around him. She gave him painkillers, which helped a little, but he was still looking at a full holiday of being bed bound. 

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