First Blood - TodoDeku

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This ones short folks, and b ad.

Warnings: descriptive murder, implied murder, generally very murdery, Child abuse, Endeavour's general him-ness

Izuku Midoriya, had never seen a marked before. People with names tended to cover them up, not wanting to cause any social issues. Some would tell the police, others keep it quiet. After all the hardest choice in the world, was if you'd turn your soulmate in. One day, when he was sixteen, he was up late one night to get a glass of water. There, on his chest, in plain view, was a name.

"Recent investigations into the Murder of Enji Todoroki, CEO and founder of the Endeavour Company Ltd, continue slowly, as supporters and colleagues grow desperate" The news was slow, and droning, as Shouto scrubbed the writing off the car. Enji had been gone missing in the dead of night, and turned up dead, three days later, out of town in a dump.  With no one home with him that night apart from the Todoroki children, they were publicly suspected, to be guilty.

Which was why, he was scrubbing red paint off his sister's car at 4:30 in the morning. He did not want her to have to arrive to work with it in this state. 


Their biggest suspect was Touya, someone who'd been on record saying some pretty incriminating stuff. But Shouto knew his oldest Brother didn't mean that, or if he did, he didn't do it.

Because Shouto did. The dead of night, his Father had been angrier, angrier than ever before. He'd already stomped through the hall that evening, and everyone had retreated to bed. But Shouto had been awake, he'd been up at the same time as his Father, and had been pulled to the yard for his Father to attack him. Shouto could still feel the hands on his throat, the assurance, that this is it, this could be how he dies, this can't be how he dies. 

His hand, had grabbed the nearest thing, which was a shovel leaning against the back wall, and Shouto had swung blindly. Once he was swinging, he kept going, until he realised his Father, was a heap on the ground. He was dead. He'd moved the body, bleached the patio, which had been cleaned that morning so it wasn't suspicious, and climbed to his room, without his siblings knowing. 

He wondered, if his Soulmate would tell anyone, about the name of the dead man appearing. After all, Shouto had killed him. That meant his soulmate could see it, who had died. 

Izuku walked the world with the weight on his shoulders, knowing that his Soulmate had killed someone. Slowly, the guilt turned to anger, how could they do this. Force him to walk around with the evidence on his chest. Force him to live with the knowledge that his soulmate was a Murderer. He never told anyone, too scared to bring it up. Too scared to reveal the words on his chest.

Enji Todoroki

So when Shouto woke up, to two words on his neck, in dark black. He felt all the blood drain from his face, as he stared into the words he saw.

Katsuki Bakugou

Now they were even. In the worst way possible.

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