Chapter 11

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Morgan led Tony out into the living room and Pepper stood up, "Good to see you up."

"All thanks to Morgan." Tony praised his daughter. "Gave me the motivation. Is Peter still in his room?"

"He went on a walk... more than an hour ago." Pepper informed.

"Walks don't take that long." Tony huffed. He pulled out his phone and went to track Peter's. "It says he's here at home, though..."

"Oh my god, Tony!" Pepper cried out in realization. "Both of our sons are missing now!"

"Calm down, Pep. We'll get some of the Avengers to look for them."


Peter groaned, slowly opening his eyes. He went to stretch but found that his wrists and ankles were clamped to the metal table he as well found that he was laying on.

Peter took a long breathe, "Sh*t. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!"

"Good to see you awake!" The boss's voice echoed through a microphone. Peter winced at the volume. "We'll be there to have a chat in a second."

Peter heard a door open and close. He craned his head up and looked the boss in the eye, "This isn't what we agreed on."

"Actually, I never told you what we'd do when you met with us." The boss corrected, grabbing a flashlight.

"Where's Harley?"

"Stop asking!" The boss spat, grabbing Peter's head and slamming it back down on the table, still holding his head. "You'll see him when we're done here."

"How do I know your telling the truth?" Peter asked.

"I'll have you know that my crew and I hold our word." The boss explained, shining the flashlight in Peter's eye while now holding his lids open. "You just have to cooperate with us."

The boss put the flashlight down and let go, Peter blinked rapidly because his eyes felt like they were on fire, "Well, your going to have to cooperate with me."

"That's not how it works here, Spiderman." The boss growled. "Now Tell me, how does your spider sense work."

"I dont know."


"I sometimes call it my spidey sense. My dad calls it peter tingle to piss me off. Yeah, it's annoying when he says that but when he says it, it's funny. And-"

The boss covered Peter's mouth with his hand, "How does it work?"

Peter tried to talk but it was muffled. The boss removed his hand and Peter smirked. "You should wash your hands more. Anyways, I dont know how it works. I can just sense danger or sense when something's coming. So for instance, my spidey sense is tingling right now because of you."

"Ok then, smart ass." The boss spat. "Now how do you make the webbing."

"They come out of me."

"What about the large webs?"

"Ah, yes. Those!" Peter tried to mess with the boss. "It's called science!"

"No sh*t, Sherlock." The boss groaned. "I need to get you transferred to the room."

"What room? Am I going to be tied to a chair? I've never been kidnapped before so I have no clue. I've fought a guy named vulture though! He was my crush's dad so that didn't work out. He dropped a building on me and we crashed a plane." Peter babbled.

The boss tied cloth around Peter's mouth, so he was unable to speak anymore, "Your quite the talker."
Peter glared at the man before his eyes were covered by something. "I'm going to un-cuff your hands and feet. If you try to fight or run, it will result in severe punishment."

Peter was un-cuffed and harshly hoisted up. He really wanted to fight back, but he didn't. His arm was grabbed and he was led down what seemed like a hall. He heard the door open and he was pushed inside, then being cuffed down to a metal chair.

The cloth from his mouth was removed and he gasped, "So you did tie me to a chair! You know-"

"Shut it, mutant!" The boss yelled, yanking off Peter's blindfold. "You only talk to hide your fear."

"True that but-"

The boss punched Peter straight in the jaw, "What did I say about keeping quiet?"

"Did you just punch my brother?" Harley's voice spoke.

"Harley!" Peter excitedly yelled.

The boss groaned, "Two Starks I now have to deal with. Have a good night."

The boss left and Peter could clearly see Harley. They were seated across from each other.

Harley was bruised and cut up, but smiled at his brother, "Not a good place to see you... but I'm glad to see you again."

"You don't know how worried I was"

"I'm sorry." Harley mumbled. "About a lot of things actually. I'm sorry for leaving and saying all that sh*t about you and dad. I'm sorry you got hurt. I told them not to touch you."

Peter shrugged, "Dont be sorry about that. It was just a punch."

"Let's just get through this night." Harley suggested.

"Your right."

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