03 - Me and my broken heart

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17st May 2017

Frenkie and Y/N hadn't seen each other for weeks; from spending every day together to not being together at all, a lot had changed for them. Changed in a bad way.

Both of them were feeling horrible, but they were dealing with it in very different ways. While Y/N tried her best to let it seem like she was alright and everything was normal, Frenkie wanted to confront her and his own feelings openly.

Everything he desired was for her to come back to him. Back into his arms. He tried calling her numerous times, waited in front of her apartment and talked to her family members, but all of that was to no avail. None of his calls were answered, she didn't receive any of his messages and even her family couldn't help him since she hadn't opened up to them about what had happened.

Meanwhile, Y/N didn't even know what to think. She deeply regretted how everything had turned out, but didn't allow herself to properly listen to her feelings to try and figure out a solution. She had been so afraid of being hurt that she had hurt the one human being she cared for the most and she couldn't change that anymore.

Nearly three months had been spent with trying to shut everything out. Every emotion, every thought. You may call it a twist of fate that just like when she first met her best friend, it was a Dutch footballer who turned her life around all over again.


"Y/N, wait!" The words made the young woman flinch slightly, but she turned around nevertheless and tried to smile at the tall man in front of her. The streets around them were full of people, however her eyes immediately found his.

"What's up, Matthijs?"

"I haven't seen you in a while, so I thought...," The Dutchman trailed off without finishing his sentence, a new plan to avoid awkwardness between the two of them slowly unfolding in his mind, "I need you help."

Y/N knitted her eyebrows in confusion, but Matthijs continued before she had the chance to say anything. "It's my mother's birthday tomorrow and I'm searching for a present, but I just don't know what to get her. Surely, you'd have better ideas than I do."

It is save to say that this confused Y/N even more. She had expected him to want to talk about Frenkie, either to tell her that she was a heartless monster or to tell her to stop ignoring her ex-boyfriend. Turns out, it was something completely different.

"Why do you want me to help you out? You don't even know me that well."

Shrugging his shoulders, Matthijs tried to think of a plausible way to make her believe all of this. "Please help me. I don't have much time."

The desperation on his face looked so real that Y/N had no chance but to agree. Secretly, she welcomed the opportunity to be distracted from everything for a little while.

"There's a small market with handmade things and flowers not too far away. I would start there."

For the first time in weeks, the smile that formed on Y/N's lips as she walked through the streets alongside Matthijs was an honest one.

There was no way Y/N could explain it, but somehow just being in Matthijs company made her feel calm and relaxed. She enjoyed the sun shining down on them and wasn't even that bothered by the crowd that came into sight as soon as they stepped onto the square which was surrounded by small stalls.

"Is there anything in particular that your mother likes?" Y/N's question pulled Matthijs right out of his thoughts, causing him to look at her in a bewildered way before he realized what she had said.

"I don't know," He replied, his smile widening as she giggled quietly at his bashful expression.

"Alright, let's just look around then."

While they were strolling along the stalls, Y/N pointed out different things she thought his mother could like, but their conversation slowly drifted away from that topic and little pleasantries, until they were exchanging stories about their lives.

Y/N admired how easy it was to talk to Matthijs. It almost reminded her of what it was like when she talked to Frenkie, but it was still completely different. It was new, exciting and oddly comforting.

After aimlessly wandering around for at least two hours, they finally got back to why they were really here in the first place as Y/N found the perfect present for Matthijs' mother.

It was a cute, little handmade medallion he could fill with pictures of his family along with a bouquet of freshly picked flowers. Just as the vendor started wrapping the things up for them, the sky darkened and the first raindrops were falling down.

Y/N mentally cursed herself for wearing a white t-shirt and not thinking of taking a jacket with her. Matthijs quickly noticed how uncomfortable she felt, immediately taking his jacket off and offering it to his companion. "It's the least I can do after you helped me pick this out."

Smiling gratefully, Y/N slipped into it before wanting to say goodbye to Matthijs for now as their apartments were on different sides of the city.

"My apartment is just down the street. I can drive you home," The Dutchman suggested, gesturing for her to follow him which she gladly did.

Normally, she'd have declined his offer, but being with him was just making her feel good, making her want to open up about her feelings. It took just one afternoon for her to trust him that much.

A few minutes later, Y/N found herself sitting on the couch in Matthijs' apartment and sipping on a cup of hot chocolate. She really came a long way from not wanting to help him in the beginning to not wanting to leave him anymore.

Maybe this was just what she needed; a new friend after basically having spent her whole life with just Frenkie. Perhaps it was just the feeling of something new and exciting that made her want to stay. Or it was more than that.

"I really enjoyed spending time with you today," She said after a short while of comfortable silence, the smile that hadn't left her lips since Matthijs had first talked to her still as bright as ever.

"I enjoyed it, too."

A strand of Y/N's y/h/c fell into her face, but before she could brush it away herself, Matthijs had already reached out, his hand lingering on her cheek.

It was just now that Y/N noticed how close the two of them were to one another, causing her to look down at her feet as she felt the blush creeping onto her face.

Giggling a little awkwardly, she finally looked up to see that he was already staring at her. Their eyes met again and Y/N couldn't stop herself from slowly leaning in.

However, before Matthijs could close the remaining distance between the two of them, the door bell rang, leading her to back away in surprise, while he sighed deeply.

"I'll be back in a minute."

Once Matthijs had left the room, Y/N closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself down or at least figure out her own thoughts, but that moment was short-lived as nobody else but Frenkie entered the room, his eyes immediately landing on Y/N.

The shock was clearly visible on his face as he tried to figure out what all of this could mean. He desperately wanted to find another explanation rather than the most obvious one, but he couldn't.

This was the second time his heart was broken.

[Inspired by the song 'Me and my broken heart' by Rixton]

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