Chapter 19

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By the time morning came, the groans of the undead had settled and the rays of the sun were weak but warm. I lifted my head with a violent yawn. The rest of the group were still asleep with their heads facing away from the soft sun.

I briefly stood up with a stretch. I peeled off my jacket and jumper until I was only left in my shirt and tossed them to the ground before I was hit with how much I stunk. Come to think of it, I haven't had a shower in weeks and the plaque along my teeth was grossing me out.

"Mornin," Brian's groggy voice greeted and sat up. I smiled and crouched to my haunches next to him and did a bold move.

I pecked his cheek with a grin. "Morning."

Brian was a bit shocked but I could tell he knew I was comfortable with the kisses now but not so much his touches.

"Oh my god, please get a fucking room you two," Our heads turned to Marcel who had already sat himself up and was now rubbing his eyes.

I feel my face grow hot and I chuckled awkwardly. I raked a hand through my hair to flatten my bed hair and stood up with my legs straight again.

"What's the plan for today?" I questioned Brian. He pondered for a bit. His eyes looked up towards to far off dark clouds. He stroked his chin with his eyes closed.

"I think we should head down to the main road to restock," He suggested finally with a exasperated slur before muttering his next sentence. "A toothbrush in my mouth would be nice."

"The streets don't look that full of Z's, so maybe," Ryan spoke as he hovered a hand above his eyes and scanned the road. "I think."

"That's what we thought yesterday, and we all know what happened next," Marcel grumped, his messy hair swaying with the light breeze.

"Doesn't matter. Hygiene and stock is on the agenda today. If we don't restock, our traveling will be much more difficult," Brian informed formally and unzipped his duffel bag.

He pulled out a big rifle with its mag and a hand gun. "You have a whole damn bag just for guns??" Marcel squeaked with surprise, keeping his body tense.

Brian rolled his eyes and tossed him the handgun. Marcel fumbled the item, he inspected it with curious eyes before nodding.

"Do you still have your pistol Evan?" Brian nudged my arm as I handed Ryan the hunters knife.

I turned around and nodded while patting my side with my gun in my pocket.

"There are some Z's wandering here though. How do you think we should go?" Ryan informed and pointed to a handful of Z's limping around. Their eerie groans were loud and ravenous.

I feel myself grow stiff at the hideous noises but exhaled a breath and tried to relax.

How could I be scared by few zombies? I out runned a whole town worth yesterday, I can walk past them if I want. I got this!

"We can walk on the tin sheets. If we're quiet enough we could get to the entrance without being noticed in a matter of minutes," Brian informed with his finger outreached. He signalled to the metal sheets atop of pathways that were made to keep the underneat dry of rain.

Brian whispered for us to follow him after finishing packing and we jumped down to the metal sheets. Marcel came down with a metallic thud and waited for Ryan to jump down.

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