Chapter 25

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Dusk was chillier than usual. Orange rays dappled the sky and the dull clouds hovered above the neon.

The sounds of the birds nesting in their trees made the tall beings serve a eerie look.

We snuck through the silent forest, staying near to the settlement of where the two men had stole Lui.

The camp was small. A crackling fire laid in the middle and two tents were hammered to either sides of the small clearing.

The area smelt of foul smelling rabbit and musky smoke. I never did trust wild animal meat, there were high chances they had some sort of similar bad viruses, especially rabbits.

The men sat around the fire, chewing on meat on sticks with Lui stuck on a stump with a string of rope attached to a girthy branch.

They had tried to offer Lui a helping of meat but he knew better than to eat it as well.

Brian moved the group further down to the woods and dropped his bags onto the forest floor.

"Okay plan. I need someone to distract the two while someone cuts the rope," Brian instructed, unzipping his gun bag and taking out his trusty rifle.

"You have a whole bag filled with guns?" David squeaked, his hands shaking in awe as Brian handed him a shotgun. The trembling Irish held it to his chest with a relieved smile. "I'm so glad I'm on your side."

"Once Lui is free we run to their car like a hoard is after us. Their keys must be with one of the two guys so we'll have to hold them at gunpoint at sometime and take them," Brian informed, counting his bullets. "So who wants to distract?"

"I can do that," I raised my hand.

"Distract them with your looks?"

"Really?" I sighed exasperatedly.

"Me and David can hold them at gunpoint while Marcel and Ryan are cutting Lui's ropes," Brian finished.

Ryan held his thumbs up while the rest of us nodded.


"So what does boss want with this peculiar kid?"

I pricked my ears up to their chatter as I tiptoed inches closer from behind.

The group split up to settle into their positions and waited for my move.

"Does it matter anymore Zane? You asked this a million times before! We do what he says and we live. No questions asked," Brock remarked back, irritation clear in his tone.

I laid my back behind a boulder to eavesdrop a little more.

"That's all we do, life's meaningless now, I'm so sick of it. I'm so bored of working for him," Zane complained laying down while a hand stroked his dogs muzzled head.

We had hoped the dogs were tied and they were but the thin ropes didn't look like they would last.

I peer down to my foot and grab a large rock. My next movement can escalate this situation to a whole new level, but these guys took one of my friends. I shouldn't hesitate but I do.

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