your dream girl

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It was another evening just like any other, you grabbed your anime-keychain-covered backpack and naruto ran outside to the schoolyard, that is...before bumping into the most popular couple in this town....CHAD AND STACY!!! Chad was the quarterback of your school's football team, he basically LIVED at the gym and absolutely hated any form of japanese animation while stacy...well, stacy was a WHOLE different story, she was the lead cheerleader and never left home without her hot pink hydroflask and her way too small hollister jacket, she had every single STD known to man and kept inventing new ones, not a single person in this school knows how she didn't die 6 years ago! Anyways, enough about how shitty these entitled cunts are, let's continue the story!

Chad: *rubbing chin like a fuckboy* ahaha...look what what we got over here, we got ourselves a nerdddd!!! Wass popping NURD!?!?!?!

Stacy: skskskskkskskskssk and i oop and i oop ksskskskskkskskskks save the turtles sksksksksksksk UwU sksksksks *attracts all the cats in the nearby neighborhood*

Y/N: *pulls out plastic naruto dagger thing and gets in battle pose* you dare oppose me mortal?!?!?!

Chad: *snatches naruto dagger thing and shanks you in the side with it, not too hard tho* c'mon stacy let's go make out in the corner lmao 🤠🤠🤠

Stacy: skksksks and i oop and i oop sskksksks *flips hair*

They both walk away

You started walking away too, this happened everyday so you weren't too effected by it anymore, you had bruises all over your body from the repeated jabbing, one of these days you're gonna bring your katana to school and get rid of those disgusting rodents, for some reason you always forget to bring it and you always hesitate to seriously harm them because you don't want to make their parents upset...after some time you finally got home, sharon (your stepmom) was binge-watching jimmy fallon and looked back to you with a warm smile!

Sharon: oh heya kiddo, how was school?

Y/N: hey was good i guess..*walks past her*

Sharon: god... how many times do i have to tell you to just call me mom? You know what? It's fine...go ahead and just call me sharon! After all, i don't call you 'randy's kid' so why would you have to call me mom?

Y/N: aight, sharon *keeps walking past* oh! And hey, i have a question! Are kial and keristal home?

Sharon: yep, they might be upstairs playing them vidya games or somethin'

Excitedly, you run upstairs to go hang out with your older siblings, kial (the oldest) and keristal (the middle child,) why the shitty spelling of kyle and crystal? Well, this is because your biological mother liked those names but wanted to be unique! You ran to the door with the sign reading "warning: epic gamers inside" and opened it, just like what sharon said, kial and keristal were sitting on the minecraft-themed bed playing mario kart together! You ask them if you could join in, they say yes and you play together until your dad, randy comes home from his job at home depot, you and your family gets together, eats dinner and then go to bed...

This is where the *REAL* fun begins!

It was around 2:30 in the morning when you woke up, you couldn't move and you felt a very strong pressure in your chest, it felt as though you were on the starships 3000 ride at your county fair, suddenly...the door opened and a demon peeked out behind it with a sweet smile on it's face, but this was no ordinary demon, their body looked rather feminine, they didn't look all that frightening...they had long pink hair that was worn in pigtails, a small nose piercing, dark grey skin, a spiky dragon tail, sonic .EXE eyes (minus the blood and spook) and to top it all off...your favorite female outfit! A sailor fuku/japanese schoolgirl outfit in dusty pink, neon red and sailor moon blue...there was no doubt about it, you were having sleep paralysis!

???: o-oh! Hello...aren't you just the cutest human i ever seen! Uhh..i mean uh..*blushes and hides face*

Y/N: *thinking* yo wtf...what's going on?

???: wow...rude, but're lucky i'm one of the nicer demons in hell *giggles* you see...the sleep paralysis business back home was kinda running low on demons and so i decided to do my part, i may not be the scariest demon but here i am, take it or leave it *whispering* i'd quite like it if you took it *winks awkwardly*

Y/N: *still thinking* uhhh...okay, i's your name then?

???: okay then..m-my name is איבר מין רז but i know that you might have trouble saying that whenever i come to visit so you're more than welcome to call me something else, since i AM YOUR demon you might as well have a little customization

Y/N: oh, okay! How about i call you kumiko? I heard that name once in an anime and i think that really suits you!

Kumiko: that's a beautiful name my dear human, how about i hear your name? I bet it's super cool!

Y/N: oh my name is Y/N, yeah...i know.. my name's a bit weird, my mom wanted to give me an unique name...

Kumiko: oh don't worry! That's actually quite the common name where i'm from *does kawaii pose and giggles*

YN: ah, i see...

Kumiko: anywho, i really care for your sleep schedule so i must get going, sweet dreams!

Y/N: wow, thank you! Bye!

Then with a snap of a finger, kumiko poofed away like an enderman in minecraft and you could move again! You checked the time and it was 2:46 AM and you decided to go back to sleep, you slept like a baby for the rest of the night

the sweetest nightmare: a sleep paralysis demon x reader fanfiction (parody)Where stories live. Discover now