no more funny business!

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It has been a week since you and kumiko started dating, not one person knew about your relationship but it was pretty obvious that you were seeing someone, you always seemed lovey-dovey to others and you have gotten a bit of respect from that since you always seem happy, you grabbed some books from your locker such as "diary of a wimpy sans undertale," "the communist manifesto" and "ice cold tears" when suddenly, your best friend amber came up to you with her fox-ear headband and her werewolf-paw gloves from spirit halloween

Amber: rawr! Konnichiwa Y/N kun-chan! *takes whole uncooked potato out of her pocket and mauls it* ogenkidesuka?

Y/N: hey berry! I'm doing good...

Amber: *does kawaii thinking pose* i noticed you're very dere-dere lately! What's the beans? The...smol beans should i say?

Y/N:'s nothing, really!

Amber: oh come on...*rolls eyes endearingly* you always seem so lovey-dovey! There's GOTTA be someone you share your kawaii chicken nuggets with! Sooo....who is it?

You start to hesitate, were you really about to tell your best friend about your sleep paralysis demon/imaginary girlfriend? But then you realize that amber is your best friend, a lesbian-furry-weeaboo-gamer no less! So you decide it'll be fine...

Y/N: well...*awkward chuckle* the special person in the life is...well, she' sleep paralysis demon...her name is kumiko

*Record scratch noise*

Y/N: sooo....what do you think?

Amber: oh my god....even for me, that's a bit concerning..

Y/N: yeah...i know..i'm kinda weird, i can see why we get along now...

Amber: hmm, i don't know Y/N, seems a little spicy to me...i think i might have to tell your parents about that uhh....bruh moment i guess?

Y/N: please don't...

*Plot conveniance bell sound*

Amber: i gotta go, i guess...*backs away*

Y/N: bye?

You close your locker and head to your class, you start to worry and get anxiety...what's gonna happen? Are you gonna have to get rid of kumiko? Are you gonna get in trouble? Are you gonna shoot up the school? Find out in the next episode of dragonball z!

Timeskip because i'm hella lazy!

You come home from school, your heart pounds at the speed of light just like in the song "disgusting" by kesha/miranda cosgrove, amber definitely told your parents...that damn open the front door to see, low and behold! Your parents talking to each other about the whole thing!

Y/N: *sigh* hey dad, hey sharon...

Sharon: hey sweetie...we heard from a friend of yours...uh..acardio was it?

Y/N: amber...

Sharon: yeah..she told us that you're dating a "sleep paralysis demon?" Or whatever it's called...?

Y/N: yeah...i know..

Randy (your dad:) basically what we're saying is that..we're concerned about you, hon! I didn't raise you for 16 years for you to just...hallucinate about such absurd things! Your little "girlfriend" isn't real!


You run up the stairs before your parents can reply, crying harder than you ever cried before, you didn't get sleep paralysis that following night but you DID feel something warm embrace you from behind...the next day you saw that everyone was whispering to each other and giggling, it was clear that your relationship with kumiko was known all around the school, it's too late walk even faster, tears in your eyes though you tried your best to keep them in your "eyes" because you didn't want to show that you were hide behind a nearby trash can and start to weep, suddenly when you thought you were safe, chad and stacy from chapter 1 (remember them?) Came up to you...

Chad: wass poppeeeen NURD?!??!? We heard you got a phuggen SLEEP PARALYSIS GIRLFRIEND!! Y'know *fuckboy laugh* it's pretty fuckin' sad that no one would date you so you resort to just dating your imaginary friend *another fucking fuckboy laugh* yeah... *sad fuckboy laugh* it's not like i've been there before or anything...*wipes nose on his fucking cliché jock jacket* BAKA!!!!

Stacy: kskskskskskksksksks and i oop and i oop skksksksksksk hydroflask sksksksksskksksks scrunchies skskskskskksksks save the turtles sksksksksks *insert racist comment about asians here* skskksksksksk

Chad: why the fuck you look like that? Like your skin is all grey and you don't got eyes! You look fucking gross and shit, idk why people decide to draw unimportant or designless characters as just grey human-shaped blobs with eyes or just their name as eyes! Like if you're gonna make a character a mostly featureless blob at least make it something we haven't seen before! Like make it a bunch of abstract shapes or something!

Stacy: *staring at chad all confused-like* and i oop?


Stacy: *intimidated* SKSKSKKSKSKSKS *starts crying* skskksksksks.....

Chad: that's what i thought...anyway, smell ya later NIGHTCORE LOVING CRAYON CHEWER!!!

They both walk away from you, you start to feel kind of bad for stacy, guess that thing neckbeards say on facebook about beautiful girls only liking stuck up jerks is true, huh....?

Timeskip brought to you by I WANT AMY ROSE IN SMASH!!!!

The following night, you cried yourself to sleep, at around 1:30 you could feel yourself floating, the blinding light, the falling onto the cloud...the whole shibang! Without a doubt, you were dreaming open your eyes, it's the same place and nothing's different, idk why you'd think it'd be different, ya numbskull!

Kumiko: *snaps belt behind you* welcome to the rice fields motherfucker

Y/N: *crouches and ugly cries* wHaT dO yOu WaNt FrOm MeEeE!??!?!!

Kumiko: *drops belt and runs up in front of you* oh my god i'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you upset!

Y/N: *inbetween sobs*'s fine, there's actually a different reason why i'm so upset...

Kumiko: oh? What's wrong, sweetheart?

Y/N: *starts to calm down* well...i told my friend amber that we were dating...and then...she told everyone in school and..*starts to cry again* now i'm getting bullied for it...i don't know how to get it to stop...what do you think i should do?

Suddenly, you notice kumiko's eyes are now pure black and she starts crying neon red, it was obvious that something was wrong...

Kumiko: i'm so sorry Y/N, but...if you want all of this to stop...i might have to leave, which means...i'll have to die...

Y/N: *gasps and then cries harder*

Kumiko: *fondles you* i know dearest..i don't want this to happen either... wake up from your dream and see yourself back in your bed with your family by your door

Kial: why the fuck you crying so damn loud?

Y/N: *stops crying but still a bit sniffy* oh...don't worry about me, i'm fine, honest!

Sharon: are you sure? That demon gal didn't do anything to you, did she?

Y/N: oh, don't worry about her...i'll figure things out...

Kial and keristal: wait, who?

Y/N: it's no one, don't worry..

Randy: damn this is probably some clunky ass dialouge to the actual reader of this fanfic

All: *laughs like at the end of a sitcom*

the sweetest nightmare: a sleep paralysis demon x reader fanfiction (parody)Where stories live. Discover now