Chapter 1 ~ Soaked

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•Your POV•

"Are you excited for your first day?" A familiar feminine voice questioned with excitement.

"I guess so.." I trailed off.

That crazy lady right there driving this car is my older sister, S/n. She is 19 years old and takes care of me as mum is always busy with work. We have just recently moved here.

"Come onnnnnnn~" she whined. "It's your first day, you're supposed to be happy! Excited! Curious!"
I quirked an eyebrow. "I'm supposed to be happy?"

"Yeah! You only have your first day once. Make the most of it!"

"Do you remember what happened at the old school, S/n...?" I questioned, slowly looking down at my feet.

"I'm sure you'll be alright, N/n. I don't think he will be at that school as well"

"But what if he is..?" I asked.

"Then- avoid him?" She suggested, driving around the block.

I sighed softly, gripping at my backpack a little.

"What if he finds us again...?" I trailed off. "What if-"

"You need to stop worrying so much!" S/n exclaimed. "That dumb werewolf won't be there, I'm sure you'll be alright N/n"

With those words, she soon pulled up in front of the school.

"If you have any problems, just call me" She said. "Now go and make some friends!"

"Okay. Thanks for the ride!" I smiled and opened the door, stepping out the car before closing the door behind me.

"See you later, N/n!" She smiled back before driving off.

As soon as the car left my view, I was greeted by the view of a beautiful water fountain. 


I walked closer to the fountain and leaned over, gazing inside to see my reflection.

So clear and clean

I stood back and looked up at the school.

First day! Let's go!

As soon as I was about to move, I felt a sudden push on my back...


I fell into the fountain.

"Watch where you're going, freak- Oh!" A high-pitched voice squealed.

I gazed up, pushing the hair in front of my face, back over. Peering upwards, I was greeted by a tall-ish girl.

"I'm so sorry!!" She apologised immediately, reaching a hand out for me to take. "I thought you were someone else!!"

I tilted my head in confusion.

Wait what?- She just pushed me in and is now helping me..?-

I raised an eyebrow before climbing out on my own, pulling my bag from the fountain with me.

I can already tell...she's gonna be one of those bitchy populars, isn't she...?

I groaned.

"Dang it..." I mumbled. "My sketchbook and manga are going to be ruined..."

"Is everything alright over here?" A masculine voice asked softly.

I looked to be greeted by a tall male stood between me and the girl.

Why is everyone so damn tall?-

"Yeah! We're alright Garrath!" The girl responded.

"Are you okay?" The male questioned me, immediately ignoring the girl behind him.

"Not really" I sighed softly. "My sketchbook and manga are probably ruined and it's my first day..."

"Newbie, eh?"


"Well, I'm Garroth, nice to meet you..."

"Y/n" I responded before wringing my hair to get the water out.

"Here" Garroth spoke, grabbing my soaked bag. "Let me show you to reception. I'm sure the receptionist will be able to give you another uniform for today"

"Thank you" I smiled.

With that, we began walking towards the school building.

"So, what school have you come from?" Garroth questioned.

"O'Kasis Prep" I replied.

"Really? One of my little brothers used to go there"

"Used to?"

"Yeah. He actually attends Phoenix Drop like us now"

"Cool!" I smiled as we approached the doors

"Ladies first" Garroth said as he pushed the door open, standing there, allowing me to go in before him.

"Why thank you, kind sir" I giggled before taking a step inside.

Its so big!

{That's what she said}

"Reception is only around the corner on your left" He spoke, giving me my bag back. "I have to go and meet with some friends. Hopefully we see each other again soon"

"Hopefully..." I repeated with a small smile. "Have fun with your friends"

"Have fun getting dry" he chuckled before walking back outside.

I guess it won't be so bad here after all...

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