Ch 1. My First Day

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Real quick I just want to say I imagine Mr. Anderson to look like Chris Evans and Amelia to look like a young Keira Knightley, this is just my opinions, please imagine them as you wish and see fit!

Amelia's POV:

6:30 AM. *Ring Ring Ring* I toss over in my bed to shut my alarm clock off. Groaning I pull myself out from under the warm covers of my bed and head into my bathroom. In the bathroom I do my usual morning routine; shower, brush teeth, makeup, and last but not least hair. By 7:15 AM I am ready to head downstairs. 

I walk into the kitchen to see my mom leaning on the counter with a cup of coffee in her hand and my dad in the living room playing with our dog. 

"Hi sweetheart, are you ready for your first day at Johnson High?" My mom asked me 

"As ready as i'll ever be" I chuckle back at here. 

My family and I moved to Lewisburg West Virgina from Richmond Virgina because my father had gotten a promotion and had to move offices. So today was my first day at my new school. I was starting in the middle of the year right after Christmas break.

By now it's time for me to leave for school. I head out the door "Bye mom, bye dad. Love you" I finish as I close the door behind me and jump into my Honda CRV and back out the driveway. 

I arrived at my new school and went to the office to get my schedule. 1st hour I had Ms. Stevenson for choir, 2nd with Mr. Jones for Chemistry, 3rd with Mr. Thomas for art, then I had lunch and after was 4th period with Mr. Anderson for American Lit, 5th with Mrs. moses for History, 6th period I have a learning lab again with Mr.Anderson, and 7th I have a free period. 

I walk to my first class with Ms. Stevenson, I go find a seat in the middle of the room and wait for the class to pass me by. I do this with my next few classes until lunch time.

At lunch I walk into the cafeteria and look for an empty table. A few minutes after I sat down a group of people can and sat next to me. 

"Hi, you must be new here, we usually sit at this table, were happy to see a new face though!" says the girl with the long jet black hair as she sits down next to me. She was accompanied by three girls and two guys. 

"Hi, I'm Amelia. Today is my first day here at Johnson high. It's nice to meet you all!" I reply.

They go around the table and introduce themselves. The girl with the long black hair introduced herself as Emily, and then there was Olivia, Carly, Jamie, and the guys were Brett and Forest. 

"Where are you headed to next" Asked Forest

"I believe its American Lit with Mr. Anderson" I said recalling my schedule from before. 

"That's great I have him next class too" said Olivia

"Can you show me where it is? I've got lost like 3 times already." I chuckle 

"Yeah it's no problem!" Olivia replies just as the bell rings and we get up to head to class. 

Before I knew it we were in Mr. Andrew's classroom and the only open seat was in the front of  the classroom right in-front of the teachers desk. 'Great' I think to myself, note the sarcasm.

As I sit down and start digging in my backpack the bell rings and the door closes. I didn't look up because I was too focused on finding my chapstick. 

"Hello class, welcome back! I hope you all had a good Holiday break! Go ahead and grab out your journals and we are going to be doing a writing assignment" Said a man I could only assume to be Mr. Anderson.

'I found it!' my chapstick. I finally pull my head out of my backpack and look to who was talking. Was this real? I was almost face to face with the most attractive man I had ever seen. 

No one told me he was so hot, no that doesn't even do him justice, he is beautiful. He stands about 5"10, brunette hair that is shorter on the sides where it is graying, a light beard, soft hazel eyes with a hint of green. And his smile, or should I say smirk. 

I couldn't look away, I was so infatuated with him. I don't know what drew me to him,  but it was stronger than anything I had ever felt before. 

"Your writing assignment will be about the book we read before break and now that you've had some time to think about it, find a few problems in everyday life that could be similar to the ones we read in the book and how they relate" He informed. 

'well what am I supposed to do' and as if he read my mind he finally turned and looked at me for the first time. He stopped in his tracks for a quick second, but then continued to walk over to me. 

"You're new here." He stated more so  than questioned.

"Yes I am, I'm Amelia." I told him

"Okay, well then since you can't write on the topic I assigned I want you to write a short story using a prompt. Describe exactly what you see/smell/hear/etc, right now. Include objects, people, and anything else in this room right now." He explained to me and then went back to his desk and I got stated on my prompt. 

After about 15 minutes Mr. Anderson called for everyone's attention and stated explaining our next class assignment over a new book. He announced to us that the next book we would be reading and discussing would be The Crucible  by Arthur Miller. This was great because I have actually read this book a couple times before and very much enjoyed it. After going over the schedule of the next couple of weeks the bell rung and dismissed us from class. 

I gathered my stuff and got up to leave the classroom. "Amelia could you stay behind for a minute please." Mr. Anderson called to me. I turned around and walked back to his desk where he was standing. 

"Can I get your short story you wrote at the beginning of class please?" 

"Yes of course, sorry." I clamored as I fiddled in my backpack for the piece of paper. 

"I also just wanted to check in with you since you are a new student. I wanted to let you know that I am here to help you out if you need it. I know it's always hard for students coming into a new school at half term." he spoke to me. I was very appreciative of everything he said, it was very nice to know I had someone in my corner at a new school. 

"Thank you very much Mr. Anderson, I much appreciate your kind words. Am I good to go? If I don't leave now i'm afraid I may be late to my next class. New school and everything." 

"Yes, of course. I will see you back here 6th hour I believe." He waived me off as I left the room in search of my next class. I got there just in time as the bell rang. I sat through my 5th period class as we talked about the French and Indian war, and before I knew it class was over and I was making my way back to Mr. Anderson's class for learning lab. 

When I walked in the room we caught each others eyes and Mr. Anderson gave me a sweet smile and then returned his focus to his computer. I walked over to the same seat I was in for 4th period and sat down pulling out my homework for my other classes. Best not to get more behind than I already am. 

As I sat there working on my homework I couldn't help but getting distracted every few minutes by the god of a man sitting in front of me. I really need to get my act together If i'm going to be in his class for at least two hours a day five days a week. 

After a while the bell rang and I was headed out into town to find a after school job for me to make a little bit of spending money. 

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