Ch 2. The Job

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After arriving into town I walked around looking for any places with a help wanted sign. After about 15 minutes I came across a little bowling alley named Tj's Place. I walked in and went up to the front desk. 

Sitting there was a lady maybe in her late 40's. "Hey doll, How can I help you?" She asked me.

"Hi, My Name is Amelia. I saw the help wanted sign out front and was hoping I could talk to somebody about a job!" I said with a smile.

"Well you're in the right place, My name Is Tj, I'm the owner." She extended her hand out to me to properly introduce herself. I take her hand. "It's very nice to meet you Tj! You've got a great place here!" I say looking around for the first time since I walked in. 

"Well, let me walk you around and we can see if we can work something out." She says as she comes around the counter to lead me through the building. It was a nice sized bowling alley, and had a little arcade in the back corner, and a snack bar in the middle. This would be a great place to work, not to many hours, small family business, perfect for a busy high school senior looking to make a little money. 

After walking around for a little while and talking about the responsibilities of the workers here Tj offered me a job, asking if I could come in on Wednesday to train. I was very excited to start my new job in a couple of days. After thanking Tj I walked out and headed home to tell my parents. 

When I got home it was about three O'clock and my parents will still at work so I went up to my room and grabbed a book and cuddled up in bed to read and pass the time. Not very soon i was on my way to dozing off into nap land. 

I was awaken by my mom knocking on my door to tell me dinner was ready. I crawled out of bed trying to wake myself up a little before drudging down the stairs. I'm not always in the best of moods right when I wake up from a nap. Walking into the kitchen I can hear my parents talking about the miscellaneous things they today. 

They finally looked up in my direction and greeted me. "Hey sweetie, how was your nap?" My dad questions coming over to give me a kiss on the head and ruffle my hair, and I slap his hand away. "Quit it!" I yell at him laughing as he keeps throwing fake punches at me. "Mom, why again did you marry this man?" I joked to her. "Oh honey don't remind me" she replies while shooting a smile my way. 

We all sit down at the table and dig into mom's delicious spaghetti and meatballs. "So Amy, how was your first day at your new school?" My mom asked. "It was pretty good I guess. One of my teachers was really kind to me and told me that he was there to help if I ever needed it, being in a new school and all." I explained to them. "Well that was very nice of them, Who was it?" My dad questioned. "Um, Mr. Anderson." I say as I think back to when I was standing in his class next to him, his intoxicating smell. Stop it Amelia cut it out I scold myself as I come back to reality. "Oh yeah, some other exciting news, I got a job today." I share my excitement with my parents to get the same energy back at me. 

"That's wonderful hon, were at?" my mom asked while shoveling spaghetti on her fork. "It's a Bowling Alley in towns called Tj's place! I met with the owner and I start Wednesday Night! I exclaimed. "That's great Bug, I'm happy for you." My dad says while looking up from his plate. 

After dinner was done I helped mom clean up and do the dishes. We then all sat down on the couch to watch some tv. I patted my lap for my dog Hazel to jump on up with me and we all watched The Office together cackling until it was time for me to go to bed. 

I went up into my room and then to my bathroom, taking off my makeup, washing my face, and then brushing my teeth and then to the comforts of my bed. Laying down I found my mind wondering back to Mr. Anderson. I wonder what he's doing right now? Soon enough I drifted off into a sweet slumber. 

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