Ch. 4

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It was now Wednesday and I was heading in for my first shift at the bowling alley. I was really excited. Tj seemed like a very nice lady, someone that I can seeing myself to be happy working for. I arrived and headed in to talk with Tj about how my first day would look like.

"Good Evening Tj, I'm excited to start my first day!" I say to her enthusiastically. "That's awesome hun! I'm excited for you to be here. The girl that was supposed to train you called in sick today, so my son ,who is usually here tonight for league anyways, is going to be training you." She explained to me.

As soon as she was talking Mr. Anderson walks in the door. I wonder what he's doing here I thought to myself until he walked up to Tj giving her a hug.

"Hey mom."

MOM?? Mr. Anderson is going to be training me? This can't be real, somebody pinch me, I'm dreaming I have to be.

"Hey Jack, This Amelia this is here first day here. I'm hoping you can show her the ropes and train her today." She said as she smiled at the both of us, but we were both looking at each other. So Jack was his name. I had to pull my eyes away so I wasn't staring.

"I would be happy to! Come on Amelia, I'll show you around a little bit." He then showed m. e over to the snack bar. "I'm glad we finally got some more help around here, we were staring to be spread a little thin, I'm also glad it's you." He said giving me a soft smile. "So over here is the soda machine, pretty self explanatory..." He went on explaining the rest of the machines in the snack bar, and where everything was located. "And over here are going to be all of the extra cups, lids, and straws." He continued on. I new that I was going to have to relearn all of this at a later date because I am far to distracted by the man standing a foot away from me. He was so close, I could smell the light cologne that he had presumably used the same morning.

"Amelia." He called getting my attention. I looked up unable to conceal the blush that had splintered upon my cheeks. "Yeah sorry... I was just wondering where we kept the... freezers?" I questioned coming up with something to try and same me from my own embarrassment. "Oh yeah of course, back this was." He escorted me to the back part of the building into a small room. "In here we have our employee lockers, you can choose a locker and keep all your belongings back here during your shift, and then we also have two freezers, the one on the right is going to be pizza, pretzels..." Again I started drowning out whatever he was saying and just focusing on him. I soon found myself imagining him pushing my up against the lockers smashing his lips onto mine until I heard my name again.

"Amelia, are you okay you seem a little distracted?" He looked at m concerned. No, I'm not okay I'm day dreaming about my teacher, and to add onto that i'm making a very bad first impression at my job. "Yeah i'm totally fine, just trying to remember everything I've learned so far, just a lot to take in, but I'll get it!" I assured him. Again coming up with a bull-shit excuse. We head back out into the snack bar area. "So tonight i'm going to be in here with you helping you out whenever you need it. I'm usually here every Wednesday night anyways playing on a league. You should feel pretty special because I'm in here tonight training you instead of out their playing." He said to me while shooting me a wickedly handsome grin.

"I don't know how many times I can thank you, for this and for at school, you've been a huge help." I say looking up and him with a sly smile creeping on my lips as we maintain eye contact. "Don't mention it." he winked at me. Oh god this is going to be a long night I sighed to myself.

Soon people started filing in through the door and we were starting to get kinda busy in the snack bar. Mr. Anderson were weaving in and out of each other trying to get everyone's orders out to them. "How are you doing Amelia?" He asked me. "I think I'm getting the hang out it Mr. Anderson." I replied back to him. "Please, outside of school call me Jack." "Will do, Jack" I say while putting a Pizza on the counter. "Order No. 288 your pizza is ready. Order No. 288" I said into the overhead system.

Mr. Anderson, Jack and I had about 10 Orders in and had another 10 in line so it's safe to say we were a bit rushed slipping past each other. I was grabbing a couple of drinks and Jack had slid past me grabbing me by the waist with both of his hand and shifting himself behind me. I wear I had to bite my life to stifle the moan that was threatening to come out of my mouth. I could seriously get used to him being this close.

Throughout the night that wasn't the only time interactions like that happened. Plenty of time did he put his hand on the small of my back maneuvering around me to get what he needed, or coming up right behind me to grab something above me. There were even a few times that I had even felt his breath on my neck when he had gotten his face right next to mine because he couldn't hear what I had needed. If I had turned my head towards him our lips would be touching. The whole night was like a night of all foreplay and no sex. It was a damn tease and I was frustrated by the end of the night to say the least.

We handed out our last few orders and put up the "Closed" sign. I cleaned up all of the utensils and wiped down the tables before heading to the front to Tj and Jack.

"So I hear you did really good tonight, Jack was very impressed." Tj smiled giving me a knowing look. I wonder what that's all about? "Thank you! I had a great teacher!" I smile at Jack receiving one in turn. "well you head go ahead and head on out, you have a good night Miss. Amelia!" Tj waived me off. "I'll walk you out" Jack said gesturing to the door.

We walked outside and the brisk winter air hit us instantly. "I just wanted to say for myself how impressed I was, we don't get many people in here that pick up everything as fast as you did. So far you have amazed in every department! Keep it up" He says to me while walking me over to my car and opening the door for me to get in. "Thank you, sincerely. Have a good night Mr. Anderson.., Jack." I said fixing myself after getting a look from him. I climbed into my car and Jack shut my door for me as I started up my ignition and began backing out of the parking lot thinking about him the whole way home with the drive a complete blur.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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