Chapter 3: We Meet Again

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It was getting late and I needed to leave if I were to get home in time for supper. At the bus station I jumped on a bus and as per my custom, I rushed for the rear seat next to the window on my left. I was sitting innocently and going through my phone when a familiar voice said, "You like wandering what are you doing here?" I was not anticipating or expecting anyone to know me, as a result I took that comment as being directed to someone else, I continued with my business as if I heard nothing. "It's not good to ignore people when they are talking to you especially in public," were the words that followed. I lifted up my head in my innocence to familiarize myself with what was going on.

To my surprise, there were only two people on the bus me and the speaking lady on my immediate far right. "Was that aimed at me?" in shock I asked. "Its only a fortnight since we last met don't tell me you can't remember," was the reply. There was a near cyclone in mind but luck enough her cadence in speech made me recall and in relief I exclaimed, Vivian!! My exclamation transformed her countenance and when I looked at her, I said to myself, "How beautiful, the grace of this woman; how soft her charity."

As if to remind me that she could read other peoples line of thought, she smiled and effortlessly said, "Never attribute innocence to anyone if you want to live a meaningful, purposeful and fulfilled life." A number of people were jumping on board so I decided to move a few seats to my right and took the seat next to her.

Owing to the growing crowd, I decided to change the course of direction the conversation was taking. I asked her where she was going not minding where she was coming from and luckily enough she said she was heading home to prepare for supper. Whether that was true, I was unable to tell. In return of my courtesy, she asked me where I was going and frankly, I told her I was rushing home to be in time for supper. She smiled teasingly and said, "Oh! I see."

Realizing the embarrassment I had just brought upon myself, I moved quickly to control the damage saying to her, "It looks like we have something in common in the name of supper, do you mind having supper with me at one of the restaurants nearby?" "No but on one condition," she said. "Name your price," I replied. "I retain the privilege of choosing the place," she caveated. "Your wish is my command my Queen. Do I have my date now?" I said confidently. "Who am I to say no," she said naggingly.

After a 15 minutes drive, she pointed to the far left and whispered to me saying, "That place over there will do for our first if not our last supper." Jumping off the bus, we sauntered but unlike without having no where to go, we were heading to a named restaurant. When we reached the entrance, she sharply turned to look at me and said, "I forgot to mention that I don't accept it when people pay for my food, my principle is to always pay for what I eat." "If that's the case, I will simply buy two dishes for myself and give you one as a gift. That way I won't be paying for your food but only giving you a present, don't tell me you don't accept gifts," I retorted. "That is smart of you, in which case let your gift be divorced of meat and fat." She demanded. "It never crossed my mind that you could be a vegetarian, for how long have you been like that?" I inquired.

"Since when I was 8, just the thought of flesh and fat makes me queasy." She answered. "Lucky you, I have been trying to be one but I constantly lapse. I wouldn't mind giving it a try this evening under your guidance and supervision." I said with enthusiasm. We ordered two plates of boiled potato and fish with fruit salads and fruit juice.

We had barely taken our second bite when I opened my mouth and said to her, "There are so many things that I would like to ask and find out from and about you but knowing that we have met unwittingly, allow me to ask you a few simple questions." "I don't like simple questions myself; simple questions tend to be too close to God and the truth, any way you may ask." She said reluctantly.

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