First visitors.

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It's 1984.

A cold winter evening.
Snow is softly falling, coating everything in a white wash of coldness.
An old Victorian house standing proudly on a hill.

There was a sign outside in the yard of this house.

"Bed and Breakfast" It read.

Their parking lot specially made for visitors looked to be on the empty side, you can count the cars on one hand. A car drove up the bumpy old road, the car was brown with a yellow stripe going along the middle, one of the light wasnt as bright as the others, but it still worked. The car seemed to be stuffed with a lot of luggage. They parked their car in the visitors area, and a family of four stepped out of the it. Both the parents were wearing fashion that didn't fit the time they lived in at all.

The dad was wearing a busy printed botton up with a simple drown bowtie. His shirt was neatly tucked into some nice black wool looking dress pants. Over that he was wearing a brown cardigan. He was wearing a thick beige looking trench coat over everything. The man had black curly hair quaffted over to the left side. His shoes were simple fancy looking brown dress shoes and he was also wearing black glasses.

The woman was wearing a red striped blouse tucked into a flowy blue skirt that was held up with a thick black belt. A long black coat that was sinched in by her waist. And the perfect black pump heels, not perfect for the snow but she was owning it. She also had long brown hair with soft highlights that were pinned up in the back to a long flowing ponytail with some sweeped bangs and a soft red lip to finish the look. The two kids on the other hand were dressed up in clothing you'd expect from kids in their teen years to be wearing.

The boy, which looked to be 15 years old, was wearing a big blue plait polo shirt tucked into some brown pants that kind of looked too big for him, so it was held up by a red belt. He had on a simple dark navy jacket that stopped a little over his waist. The boy also had wavy black hair that was parted in the middle at stopped around his ears. He also had some simple grey converse on.

The girl, which looked to be 17 years old, was wearing some high waisted baggy looking blue jeans, her jeans were cuffed. And grey hoodie was tucked into it, the hoodie had a pocket at the front of it where she kept her Walkman. Over the hoodie was an oversized looking yellow and brown plaid coat, she had on some simple boots to get through the layer snow without falling. Her hair were messy brown curls that flowed down and stopped on top of her shoulders.

Struggling with the amount of bags they dragged along, they all made their way up to the visitors entry, the way was shown to them by sign and arrows written down on old wooden planks. Arriving at the door, one of the kids grabbed on to the big wolf's head, that was located around the middle of the door. The kid holding the wolf's head pulled it a few times to knock on the door. A loud banging was echoing through the old house's entryway.

A young looking boy opened up the big door in scruffy old looking fashion. He apologised for the way he looked when he greeted the family. He didn't expect any visitors at this time. The young looking boy was dressed in an oversized shirt with a random band printed on it, paired with some shorts and some fluffy looking slippers. Over all of it is a bright yellow bathrobe which surprisingly looked looked way too fancy for his outfit he was wearing under it. And to top off the whole outfit he had very curly and messy hair finishing of his perfect -I just came out of bed- look. He excused himself for his outfit, he said while smiling.

"Come on in" the young boy quickly said, "I'll go get my mother to sort out your room."

He looked at the kids, "or rooms."

The young boy said they can all wait in the lounge while he goes upstairs to get his mother. He yelled in the nicest way possible that they can enjoy some free drinks from the bar while the family waits. The boy ran up the stairs to get his mother, on his way up he lost one of his slippers. The girl noticed the slipper on the fourth stair, she tried not to chuckle too loudly.

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