The room.

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The young boy tried to open the door from the dinning area, it wouldn't budge.

"We.. Hmm we may need to take a detour to get out of this room."

He said with a smirk on his face. The boy started to move one of the tables a bit and rolled up the carpet revealing a secret hatch. It had a passage way going down all the way in to the garden. Holding on to the girl's hand, they both went down into the hatch. He's holding it so she wouldn't go anywhere she wasn't suppose to go. Cause this passage way goes into more secret rooms. But they all end up in the garden exit.

They both ended up in the garden after a few minutes of walking through tunnels. The end was a small hatch disguised as a sitting area in the back of the garden, which looks as if it hasn't been used for a while. With the sky already dark and covered in stars they made their way back inside the house, using the main entrance.

Arriving inside the house the young boy finally let go of her hand. Leading her down the hallway under the stairs, he just stood there staring at the keyhole. He was rethinking if he should let her see this room or not.

"Maybe this was a bad idea..."

The girl glanced at him in annoyance.

"Oh hell no, I did not sit in the fireplace, which felt along the lines of hours. For you to chicken out on me on the last second. My fucking knees hurt."

He mumbled. "Prepare yourself, cause it will change your life."

She stared at him, not sure what to think of what he just said, and nudged him against his arm for him to open the door already. He turned the lock and opened the door, walking in he picked up some paper. He scribbled some words on it and taped it to the wall filled with news paper cut outs. The moment she walked in and took a better look at the wall, the articles looked a bit too familiar to her. The young boy stepped away from the wall and revealed what he tapped to the wall.

"The murder at the bed and breakfast hotel."

She walked closer to the wall and noticed the red string connecting some of the articles together. She just stared at the wall, not blinking, it felt like hours rushed by.

"It's true what they say, you really should be careful about whose stories you believe."

A thought that went through her head. The things she knows right now, things she'd love to forget, still ran through her mind.

When she walked into that room her whole life shattered into a million pieces. The wall, the stories, the lies she believed her whole life, everything she endured makes so much sense now.

"W-why... How could I be so blind?"

Her knees buckled while she winked down to the floor. She just said on the floor frozen, sticking all her memories. Unsure of how many were actually real now, or just her parents putting up a show.

"My little brother..." She said with barely any sound leaving her throat.

"He needs to be with us, I want to be sure he's safe."

The young boy looked at her, not sure what to say or what to do he just nodded in agreement and sat down next to her.

"Uh.. because you, he-said, because you said, you wanted to keep him with us.. uh, do you have a plan?"

She looked at him shaking her head and pointed at an article.

"I just don't want Max to end up like that."

The articles explain that a kid got his sight brutally stripped from him forever. The young boy explained that they needed a plan first, or things could end up very badly. So for now the hardest part was to act like they know nothing at all.

"I see why you were hesitant to show me this room, how the fuck can I unsee these articles?!"

He looked at her and asked her to trust him.

"Just just for a little while, pretend to like them, until we have a plan to stop them."

He offered her to sleep in his room but she kindly declined that offer.

"If I got murdered, I rather not have me being around a boy, as my last hour on earth."

She walked out of the room and went upstairs to her own room. She just planted herself onto the bed. She fell asleep wanting to forget about what she discovered. The young boy closed the door the girl left open in a rush and decided to sleep just sleep in the article room.

The next morning felt different for everyone, they all hesitated to go into the room to have breakfast. But eventually all walked in.

The young boy woke up on the floors with a stinging pain in his back.

"I should have slept in my room.."

He stretches his body out and got himself off of the floor to make his way over to the dinning room for breakfast. He dusted off his clothing and hoped she didn't mess up the plan already.

The girl woke up feeling very empty, hesitating to get herself out of bed, she finally got up and dressed up in something comfortable for the day. She made her way down the stairs to the breakfast area, following the signs to find the right room. To her surprise most of the guest were already seated, all but one boy.

Max woke up in a cold, dark room. The room had 4 two way mirror walls, a bed and a desk by one wall and a small area that was closed off with a shower and toilet. One of the walls has a hatch to give food and clean clothing through.

He sits up right as he holds onto his head. He very carefully gets up and got up, instead of deciding just to turn around, to take a better look at himself.

His eyes were swollen and bruised. He definitely suffered a few hits to his face. He also noticed a couple of blood splatters on his shirt and a streak of dried up blood on his face. But the blood didn't feel like it belonged to his own body. Wherever he was, he didn't think he was in the hotel anymore.

A loud bang was heard as she shot up from her bed. The shock in her eyes was unbelievable.

"What the fuck was that?"

She huffed as she stepped in to her loafers to creep closer to the door of her room. Very slowly she opened up her door a couple of inches.

Two people were just standing there staring at her door. She closed her door immediately like her life depended on it. Waiting for a few seconds and decided to open the door again to make sure it isn't a dream. She slowly grabbed onto the door handle and cranked it open again. But to her surprise no one was standing there. She peaked out the door and saw the whole hallway was empty. She took some confident steps to make sure they weren't waiting for her around the corner.

The young boy was walking upstairs with a sandwich in one hand and a newspaper in the other one. The newspaper looked the be very old. They both stepped around the corner at the same time p and bumbed into each other. The sandwich dropped to the floor onto the carpet.

"My meal!" The boy yelled.

"Fuck your meal." She claims in a serious tone. "There were two men just standing by my door, staring at it."

He looks down at her face "hmm.. wonder why they were at your door."

She looked back up at him with a confused expression. "Now what do you mean by that?"

He explained to her that those two were at the front desk not that long ago for a room for two nights. He smirks.

"They probably mixed your room number with theirs and wondered why it didn't open."

"Right.." she stares into his eyes "then explain the loud bang. And! The fact they disappeared seconds after I opened the door again."

He grabbed onto her hand. "Alright it's adventure time for you."

The moment she wanted to walk with him, she woke up back in her room.

"Did I just dream all of that?"

She looked at the clock on her nightstand and it displayed 7:16am.

"Hmm.. guess I did?

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