Chapter 1 - Onyx Leaves Homeworld

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        As excited as Onyx was to be sent to Earth until she completed her mission, there was one problem with the assignment. Onyx wasn't allowed back to homeworld until the traitor Serendibite was captured. Meaning until then she wouldn't be able to see Cherry for a long time. Cherry always told Onyx duty comes first but leaving homeworld not to return for such a long time, she feared would hurt Cherry for her to hear. But she knew she had to tell her, she didn't want to repeat the same mistake that happened between her, Sodalite, and Spinel.                                          First meeting with Blue Topaz that was waiting for her outside of the Spaceship Development Center. "Greetings Onyx." Blue Topaz says with a bow and Onyx returns the gesture. "Please come with me, I have much to give you for your mission." Onyx nods and follows Blue Topaz back to her office. Onyx didn't realize the connection Blue Topaz and Black Diamond had was near special like hers since now that she thought about it, Blue Topaz always had the information regarding Onyx's missions and needs without Onyx having to say a thing. "You've been to earth frequently I assume you find it relatively habitable?" Onyx nods. "Still to make the transition easier for you I have supplied some gadgets and tools for you." Blue Topaz says spreading out an array of items. "Tools for harvesting valuable materials for building, a build bot to assist you in building whatever you need and helps also in gathering materials, trace bot that can build you a map as you travel or copy a map from the humans of earth." Onyx nods amazed. "Additionally, Black Diamond and I thought it to be necessary to give you something to blend with the humans more, a vehicle as they call it." She says pointing to the small car hologram. "Same functionality as your ship, just made for land and sea travel. Also helps in lugging around large items and materials, your bot can only carry so much." Onyx nods. "Also, I have for you a radar system. Specific for Earth to help you keep track of the weather. Also helps in finding specific ores and timbers. That's all I have to offer for your transition to earth." Blue Topaz says handing Onyx a card. "But I do have a friend down on Earth, a blacksmith that would be of service to help you augment your weapon should you find the need too." Blue Topaz states. "She's a Citrine." Onyx nods. "Other than that, I wish you a good look on your mission Onyx, for the glory of Black Diamond." "Thank you, Blue Topaz, for the glory of Black Diamond." She says and they both salute Black Diamond and bow to each other.                                                                  Onyx collects the various gadgets and head to Cherry's house. She didn't know how Cherry would take the news but knew it needed to be said, either way she knew Cherry would understand. Approaching the door Onyx did her special knock and Cherry answered the door. "Welcome home dear heart~" Cherry says with a smile and Onyx smiles back Cherry pulling her in for a kiss. Closing the door behind her Onyx wrapping her arms around Cherry's neck as Cherry lifts her up and pins her against the door, kissing each other passionately. Once Cherry slid her tongue into Onyx's mouth, Onyx knew what time it was. Cherry very rarely tongue kissed just because. Whenever she tongue kissed Onyx, she knew soon enough she would be victim to Cherry's tongue gracing her nether region. Lifting Onyx from off the door Cherry keeping their kissing going as she made her way to the bedroom, dropping Onyx onto the bed who swiftly takes off her clothes and Cherry does the same. It was going to be their last time together for an unknown amount of time and Onyx wasn't going to deny Cherry, nor herself one last time together. It didn't take long for Cherry to make her descent in between Onyx's thighs, indulging in her dear heart's nether region to her hearts content. After Cherry's long session between Onyx's legs and Onyx enjoying Cherry's wondrous mounds to then relaxing out in Cherry's back yard Onyx decided it was time to break Cherry the news. "Cherry." Onyx says in a low voice. "Yes, dear heart?" Cherry says and Onyx lets out a deep sigh. "I have a new mission I need to go back to Earth." Cherry smiles. "Oh, that's great dear heart, you can work on your relationship with Spinel more." Onyx kept her soft tone which concerned Cherry. "Why don't you seem happy about this dear heart?" Cherry asks as Onyx looks up to her with sad look on her face. "It's a critical mission for Black Diamond, she's serious about this and says it may take me years even decades to accomplish this mission. But once I leave, I can't come back to Homeworld until the mission is completed." Once Onyx finished her statement Cherry entire demeanor changed. "Oh, so it will be a long time before I see my dear heart again." Cherry says doing her best to fight tears. "Yeah, I would of..." Hearing a sniffle Onyx stopped as she looked up at Cherry, wiping tears away from her eyes. "No Cherry please don't cry." Onyx pleaded jumping up to embrace Cherry who wraps her arms around Onyx. "I'm sorry dear heart, it's just hard to hear that, I'll miss you so much." "I'll miss you too Cherry. I'll miss you so much." Onyx says Cherry holding her tightly in her arms. "But duty comes first." Cherry finally says letting Onyx back down. "I promise I'll return to you as soon as I report to Black Diamond after I complete the mission Cherry." "I'll hold you too that dear heart, I expect you to succeed in your mission and your relationship in that time." Onyx nods. "I will." She embraced Cherry one more time as Cherry followed her out to see her dear heart off.                                                                                                                                                                  Arriving at the spaceship development center, Onyx went to meet with Blue Topaz but was instead met with Black Diamond and Grey Pearl. "My Precious Diamond." Onyx says with a bow and Cherry does the same. "Blue Topaz had some other arrangements to handle so I thought I'd see you off, but I see you brought company." "Yeah but I thank you for also seeing me off Black Diamond, and Grey Pearl." "It is a pleasure Onyx." Grey Pearl says. Onyx pulls Cherry along to her ship as she gets ready to board. "See you later Cherry." Onyx says leaning up to give Cherry a kiss, Cherry responding by picking Onyx up slightly to hug and kiss her deeply. "See you later dear heart, Do your Diamond proud." Cherry says putting her back down with a smile, a single tear in her eye but smiling as she backed away from Onyx's ship. "Good Luck Onyx." Black Diamond says. "We look forward to your successful report." Grey Pearl says and Onyx waves to them and sets her course to earth.

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