Chapter 4 - A Bond That Never Breaks

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              As time went on Spinel and Onyx became more and more friendly towards each other. Onyx had been away from the clubhouse since that day but was on her way to visit after having completed a job request. Making her way inside everyone was sitting in the living room area conversing or watching T.V. when Benitoite and Hematite saw Onyx they looked shocked. "What?" Onyx asks. "You look... different." They say and Onyx chuckles. "Oh yeah sorry I forgot you two haven't seen my new form yet." "What happened?" Onyx sat down and told the story with input from Sodalite and Spinel. Spinel included that things where getting better between them and that she was happy things where turning around. "So are you too back together?" Hematite asks. "It's a work in progress." Spinel says. "But before that, Onyx, I want one more fight." Onyx laughs. "Knowing you Spinel I doubt this will be the last we fight." She says Spinel standing up and both of them head out the door, Hematite following. "Any particular reason or just a spar." "If the trend of our spar are going to continue then I want to get this win while I can." Spinel says drawing her hammer and Onyx her bow. "You can try." Onyx taunts and Spinel smirks.                                                                                                                                                                                                      The two start their sparring match, Onyx keeping Spinel at bay with arrows until Spinel found the opening she was looking for. With haste she ran in and landed two hit against Onyx's bow, Onyx quickly backflipping away. Unlike with Hematite, Onyx's bow can't take much abuse from Spinel's hammer. Onyx landing back on her feet but Spinel was closing in again two more hits against her bow. Onyx started to panic a bit trying to dodge Spinel but she just kept coming. Eventually getting that one good hit Spinel shattered Onyx's bow and hit her with a strike with enough power that it sent her flying across the valley. Onyx finally catching herself after tumbling against the ground rose up only to be knocked flat on her face by another strike, flipping Onyx over onto her back with her hammer at her face. Onyx eyes met Spinel's with near disbelief. Not at the fact that she lost but how easily Spinel defeated her. "As I once said Onyx." Hematite says approaching them. "That weakness is heavily exploitable." Spinel sending her hammer away and offered Onyx a hand. Onyx grabs it and is lifted back to her feet. "I didn't think it was that bad." "I might not of seemed like it with me. But Spinel is a lot more powerful than I so it becomes more deadly against you." Turning to Spinel. "Well you have earned your win decisively Spinel." Onyx says with a bow and Spinel returns the gesture. "After our mission we can go to that museum and find a new weapon that suits you." Spinel says with a smile as the rest of the team come and joins them. "Alright guys tonight we begin our travel. The ruined city that houses the item we are looking for." Sodalite says pulling out her map. "Lies all the way on the eastern side of the neutral zone." "That's quiet the trip to take on foot, I assume you have a quicker plan?" Hematite asks. "Yes, no warp pads out that way but Onyx has a vehicle that we could use." Sodalite says turning to Onyx. "That I do, let me modify it to accommodate the team then everything should be good." "Awesome so everyone prepare. We depart at midnight." "Yes ma'am." Everyone replies.                                                                                                                                                                    Onyx heads back home to modify her vehicle. Converting it from a cargo car to high capacity truck, Onyx fiddling with the fine tuning but was distraught. She could come to terms with how she let such a weakness in her combat arsenal go so long unchecked. She was hoping they wouldn't have to engage in combat on this mission as she felt really uncomfortable with her bow at the moment. "Everything ok Onyx." Spinel says standing in the doorway of Onyx's garage. "Yeah I just didn't realize how risky fighting with a bow really was." "When you are alone yes. But with a team behind you it's perfect." Spinel says with a smile and Onyx smiles back. "What brings you here?" Onyx asks. "Well..." Spinel says blushing. "We both have the tendency to sulk after a defeat so, I just wanted to make sure you where ok." Onyx smiles. "See you do care about me." Spinel sighs. "Yes I do Onyx, it's just... I don't know something's missing." Onyx ponders a moment. "Yea, I agree with you there, something does feel missing." Spinel and Onyx head inside to relax while they wait for midnight to come. "Spinel, you know I don't think low of you right?" Spinel nods. "I know you don't, you just think you're better than me. In the past you'd say that to rile me up and push me to better myself, even when I didn't see a reason too. You taught me to never become lazy in my training. Something I've neglected a lot as you could tell." "Once we figure this out, and get back on the same track, we can return to our daily spars and training just like we used too?" Spinel nods. "I do miss those times it would be nice to do them again." Spinel says looking into Onyx eyes. "Only this time the winning will be 70/30 in my favor." She says with a smirk and Onyx laughs. "We'll see about that when I get me a new weapon." She fires back and they both laugh.                                                                                                                            As it neared midnight Onyx with Spinel's assistance loaded the truck with some of her tools she felt would help on their journey. "Must be nice to still have access to Homeworld technology." Onyx nods. "I actually could get tools for the team, I just need to make a call. I'll talk to the team about it sometime." Spinel nods as they hop into the truck and head to the clubhouse. Waiting in the valley was the rest of the team. Onyx and Spinel hopping out of the truck. "Oh that's where you were." Sodalite says Hematite and Benitoite loading the truck with the rest of the team supplies. "Yeah I went to go check on Onyx make sure she was ok and if she needed any help." "Aww look at you being a caring girlfriend." Sodalite says and Spinel and Onyx blush looking away. "Everything's loaded up." Hematite says. "Lets go team." Sodalite says her and Onyx in from the rest in the back. Onyx's scans the map and automated system pinpoints the location and starts to head on the path. "Automatic driving ehh?" Sodalite asks. "When I want it to a long ride like this I would prefer not to drive." Onyx says kicking back in her seat. "Yeah good point." Sodalite says doing the same. A couple of hours into the trip Sodalite looks around. Benitoite was in her own world, Hematite was meditating, Spinel was fiddling with her hammer, Onyx was looking out the window. Sodalite couldn't help but smile, her team was getting along well and everyone was training to continue to grow. "Hey Onyx." Sodalite says softly. "Yeah?" "When do you plan on starting your mission for Black Diamond?" Hematite listening after hearing Black Diamond. "Well she expects me to be here for a long while so I won't start right away I need to learn and blend with the humans as much as possible before I start making progress towards the mission." "Oh yeah makes sense. If the team can help you in anyway once you start it, we'd be happy to help." "Thanks Sodalite but that mission is one I need to do alone." Sodalite frowns a bit. "Oh ok." "Sorry it's just how Black Diamond is." Sodalite nods. "I'm in no rush to start it, I need to build a solid foundation down here before I can make any moves." "Looking for a singular gem in a land like this won't be easy." Hematite chimes in. "Tell me about it." "I'll take my time with it, but it'll be a while until I'm ready to start it." Onyx says laying back in her chair with her feet up. Hematite returns to her meditation and Sodalite watches the road.                                                                                                                                                                              After a few more hours of driving the navigation system warns them they were getting close. Onyx taking control of the driving now stopped a safe distance away from the city the team setting up camp. "In case something happens at least our transportation will be out of the way." Onyx says. "Yeah that's a smart idea. We'll wait around until dawn before we go searching, not the greatest idea to search a ruined city at night." After the campfire was set everyone sat around it and started to relax. Having small chit chat, something caught Onyx's attention. "Shush for a second." She says and everyone stops talking. Onyx was hearing a familiar sound but couldn't put her finger on what it was. She drew her bow and followed the sound as it grew closer, Once it came into view from the direction the city was in she took aim and shot it down immediately. She went to pick up the flying device and returned to the team. "We need to be careful here." She says. "That's a diamond drone, specifically Purple Diamond's drone." She says turning her eyes to Benitoite. "I don't think it saw you but if one does let me know I can stop her from attacking you." "How?" "Black Diamond has power over her, I work for Black Diamond and for all they know your helping me." "Conflict of interest." "Exactly." Benitoite took a breath of relief. "Still be careful though." "I will."                                                                                                                                    The sun began to rise and the team mapped out their plan. "Alright team, the city outline isn't all that big so we can split up and search around. "Onyx you can cover the most ground so you go ahead and scout let us know what we dealing with and key locations we should hit first." "On it." Onyx says hopping onto her hover board. "We'll wait for her report. Because the item in question is a rare artifact, I'm suspecting it to be in a temple or something of the like." "A temple, castle, historic building and such." Spinel says and Sodalite nods. Onyx returns and jumps down off her board. "Whatcha got for me Onyx." "Two places. A temple and what looks like a old castle. I'm assuming it's in one of those places." Sodalite nods. "Bad news, we aren't the only ones here, treasure hunters, scientists, archeologist." "So it's fair game then." "Yeah we better get a move on it." "Alright Hematite and Benitoite head to the castle me Onyx and Spinel will check the temple." "They don't seem hostile but this is an artifact we're talking about they'll do anything for it." "Exactly watch each other's backs. Let's go Shadow Gems."                                                          They head into the city and split up accordingly once Onyx pointed each team into the correct direction. "She's back!" A archeologist says as Onyx, Spinel, and Sodalite come to the entrance of the temple. "You gems are planning to go in there?" "Yes we are why?" Onyx says. "Please my daughter went in there and she hasn't returned. If you find her can you bring her back to me please." "If I run into her I will." Onyx says heading inside the temple. "Oh thank you so kindly." The man says. "So we find the artifact and the girl." "Don't waste your time looking for her Sodalite, we're here on a specific mission not to help someone after the same thing we are." "Good point." The three venture further into the temple. "Nothing seems out of the ordinary yet." Spinel says. "Key word yet." Onyx says. "I will say something about this seems familiar." Onyx says stopping to look at the pictures on the wall. She sees something that matches the prints on the floor and realizes it's a trap. "Gems be careful." She says looking for the matching symbol. "What's up?" Sodalite asks but it was too late. Sodalite's next step just so happens to be on the symbol Onyx was looking for, trigging a trap door that herself and Spinel where standing on. "Shit..." Onyx says as her and Spinel go sliding down to the level below. "Are you guys ok." Sodalite says. "Yeah I..." The doors swung back shut before Spinel could answer. The plate Sodalite had stepped on still sunk in so she couldn't reactivate it. Using her communicator Sodalite calls the team. "Hematite, Benitoite you two alright?" "Yes ma'am." "Me and Onyx are fine too Sodalite." "I'm sorry guys I didn't." "It's fine Sodalite, I think this actually might be the way deeper into this place so we'll check it out. You go with Hematite and Benitoite I don't want you up there by yourself." "Ok just be careful you two." "We'll be fine." Spinel says and they cut communications. "That's weird, it cut out." Onyx perks a brow. "That can't be?" She says trying to reach Black Diamond but no response either. "Onyx, I thought humans back then didn't understand gem technology." "They didn't." Onyx says. "This isn't a human temple. Spinel look." Onyx says Spinel looking to the all too familiar symbols of Orange, Black, and Purple Diamond on the wall. With caution the two continued onward.                                                                                 Going into what was now a gem temple the stepped inside to see already activated traps. "That girl has been here." Onyx says. "Come on Spinel we need to pick it up." "Right." Onyx and Spinel speed up their advance clearing room after room until they started to here screams and the clanging of steel. "Sounds like a fight to me." Onyx says summoning her bow and Spinel her hammer. Stepping into the room to see two sentries with swords chasing the young girl around. "Spinel go save her I'll cover you." "On it." Spinel says throwing her hammer at one sentry summoning another to follow up while Onyx shoot electric arrows at the second sentry, overloading its systems making it explode. Spinel with the girl in her arm jumping away from the mess as they toppled over. Setting the girl on the floor she collected herself. "Thanks for saving me." You don't belong her girl." Onyx says. "You venture any further in here you'll die, those sentries are first line defenses it gets worse." "But I must reach the artifact." "If you wish to die be my guest, I'm not protecting you." "We are here for the artifact too so it's everyone for themselves." Spinel says as her and Onyx continue forward, the girl not backing down following them. "Onyx I get the feeling that artifact is gem related." "Same here what would a gem be doing housing a human artifact." Onyx replies as they enter the next room. Onyx and Spinel see another set of sentries currently dormant. "Spinel step carefully." "Back at you." She says as they creep along the girl examining the sentry. "These sentries are fascinating." She says Onyx and Spinel rolling their eyes. Successfully sneaking to the next corridor Onyx spots what she assumed to be a trigger plate and shoots an arrow onto it waking up the sentry and a gate blocking the path to corridor. "Hey!!" the woman says as Onyx and Spinel continue forward. "You're an ass." Spinel says nudging Onyx. "Hey, it'll keep her from screwing us up." "True." Spinel says as they reach what looked like the final room. "Onyx see that?" Spinel says pointing to the artifact on the far wall. "Yeah but here's the issue." "We grab it it'll trigger something." "Yeah and I don't see anything around."                                                                                                                                 Spinel and Onyx examine the room before approaching the artifact. Able to receive transmissions again Sodalite reaches them. "Onyx! Spinel! Are you guys ok?!?!?" "Yes, Sodalite we're fine, transmission jammer was somewhere." "What? How?" "This isn't a human temple. There's a gem temple down here." "Oh, that's not good." "Well we see the artifact, but it was behind two rooms of defense if we grab it something is going to trigger. "We can't find a way down there, there's no other triggers or paths anywhere." "Guess we have to complete the trials then." Onyx says and Spinel nods. "Be careful you two." "We'll do our best." They say and end the transmission.                                                                                                                                                                              "You ready Spinel?" "Yeah let's get this over with." Onyx nods removing the artifact from its place and sure enough the doorway shuts and a siren goes off. Onyx placing the artifact down on the nearby ledge as they summon their weapons. From out of the ceiling a giant sentry and a mini army of corrupted gems. "Onyx." Spinel says. "This is not good." "Doubt will get you nowhere Spinel just do your best." "Right." Spinel says and they engage. Spinel attacking the corrupt gems while Onyx distracted the sentry. Trying to find a weak spot to hit with an electric arrow but it was ineffective. "I can't overload this one Spinel; it's shell must have an electrical discharge." "Crap." Spinel says switching targets, Spinel doing her best to bang down the sentry's armor but only making minor dents. Resorting to dodging the sentry and clearing out the corrupted gems, shattering them in the process. Panting and back to focus on the sentry. With the absence of the corrupted gems the sentry armed itself with sword and shield. "Oh great." Onyx says. The two continue the attack on the sentry but with the added sword and shield the two began to take hits. Onyx unable to do any real damage as the sentry consistently blocked her arrows with its shield however Spinel used this as a distraction to land her own hits but with the duration of the fight wearing out the strength of Spinel. Onyx took a last-ditch effort taking a shocking arrow in hand as she ran forward dodging the swing of the sentry to run up it's arm, heading towards its head. Spinel throwing hammers at its feet throwing its balance to distract it long enough for Onyx to make her move. Onyx reached its head forcing the arrow down into its neck hoping it would pierce into it's systems. Only for it to supercharge the Sentry and coat itself in electrical discharge. Shocking Onyx into the ceiling and back onto the floor. "Onyx!" Spinel yells running over to grab Onyx before the sentry brought its sword down onto her. Outraged, Spinel enlarged her hammer and went berserk attacking the sentry who just held up it's shield. Spinel giving it all she had eventually landing a final blow that shattered the shield and its arm but was struck by the sword in retaliation, knocked into the wall beside Onyx. "Spinel!" Onyx says inching over to her. The sentry was approaching the two Onyx wrapping her arms around Spinel. "I'm sorry Onyx, I'm not strong enough." Spinel says with a tear falling from her eye. "Maybe you aren't but together we are." Onyx says and Spinel goes wide eyed when Onyx crosses her arms across her chest. "In you I found strength & courage." Onyx says. "In you, I found friendship & trust." Spinel replies. "Loyalty." "Protection." The sentry came into range and rose its sword preparing to attack. "No matter what happens, I will always love you." "I will always be there for you." "I will always protect you." "I will always support you." Together they say, "Separated we are weak, but together we are strong, together we overcome, together we are unstoppable, because we have a bond that can never be broken!" Onyx and Spinel began to glow. Their forms melting together as their gems danced around each other. As the sentry's sword came down on them it was abruptly stopped by a giant hammer. Onyx and Spinel fusing into Andalusite. "You're finished." Andalusite says with a smirk knocking the sentry back. With her hammer in hand Andalusite infuses the hammer with a fire arrow setting the hammerhead ablaze. Running towards the sentry with the hammer raised delivering a crushing blow to it, crumbling the mass into bits and turning it to ash. A fiendish grin grew across Andalusite's face as she retrieved the artifact. "I told you we had this. I just needed you to trust me." Onyx's voice says. Spinel didn't say anything but Andalusite smiled as a result. Being this was the back of the temple they had no option but to return the way they came. Running back into the girl still running away from the sentry's as Andalusite with her extra arms summoned a great bow with an electric arrow and shot it into the ground overloading all four sentries and causing them to explode. The electricity also effecting the girl making her hair spike. "Next time heed my warning and leave." Andalusite says to the girl who was petrified at the sight of her. Making it back to the human part of the temple but unable to find a way out Andalusite summoned her great hammer and made her own exit.                                                                                                                                                              Coming out the back of the temple. She circled around to an uproar of screams. "Hematite, Benitoite we got company." Sodalite says as they arm themselves facing Andalusite. Andalusite giggles then laughs causing a wave of fear into the other gems. Andalusite stood a full 10 feet 1-inch tall gem. Sporting Onyx's hair in a dark greenish color, four piercing black and green eyes, four arms, two legs, a large set of breasts behind an undercut tank top, each hand wrapped in a white cloth along with her feet. Completed with frill cut shorts. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you Shadow Gems." Andalusite says presenting the artifact. Upon seeing the artifact Hematite grew wide eyed looking up at Andalusite. "N... No way." She says Benitoite and Sodalite looking at Hematite. "What is it Hematite?" Sodalite asks. Hematite confirmed her suspicion when she located both the gem on her forehead and the gem on her right shoulder. Hematite returns her weapon with a gleeful smile running up to Andalusite. "I can't believe you two fused!" Hematite says completely beside herself with excitement. "Fused?" Sodalite says looking at Andalusite again. This time her and Benitoite realized who Andalusite was and were shocked stiff. Andalusite smiles handing the artifact to Hematite before defusing. Onyx and Spinel reappeared before them, both with a blushing smile. Sodalite ran over to them and pulled them both into a hug. "I'm glad you two are ok." "You underestimate us too much Sodalite." Onyx says. "Yeah me and Onyx can handle anything as long as we are together." Spinel replies as Sodalite releases the hug. Spinel and Onyx look to each other and smile. Sodalite perking a brow. "So what exactly happened down there?" She asks. Spinel and Onyx explained the events that happened in the temple as the team walked back to truck. None dared attempted to bargain or threaten to take the artifact after seeing Andalusite.                                                                                                                                         Once the team was back in the truck and Onyx had the coordinates set back to San Delros, Sodalite noticed that Onyx and Spinel seemed excessively exhausted. "You two alright? You seem worn out." She asks. "Yeah we expended a lot of energy trying to fight a oversized sentry. Fusing was the last resort call not something we planned." Spinel replies "It was fuse or die basically." Onyx adds. "But I did have it in the back of my mind once I realized how tough the fight was going to be. I just didn't think Spinel would agree to it cause of how she felt." "I didn't, until you started our mantra. It soothed me. Made me remember everything we been through and the promise we made to each other." Spinel says turning her attention to Onyx. "So with that Onyx I hope you can forgive me for refusing my part of our promise." Onyx nods. "Like I said in the past and in the temple, no matter what happens, I'll always love you." "And I'll always be there for you." Spinel replies and they kiss briefly. "And I love you too." Spinel adds and Onyx smiles brightly. "Woo! Spinel says she loves me!" She says and the team laughs Spinel blushing and laughing.

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