Chapter 3 - Spinel's Rage

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                 A few months has past since Onyx started her adventure here on Earth. She had begun to take on the more dangerous job request and having great success at them, training in hand to hand combat daily with Hematite and trying her best to talk to Spinel but to no avail. News had spread that Onyx had joined the team in San Delros and Sodalite was starting to receive more team requests as a result. She had planned on taking one on but want to wait for Onyx to get more comfortable with the rest of the team.                                                                                                                       "Hey Sodalite, what's the plan for today?" Onyx asks with Hematite behind her as they walked into the club house. Sodalite was looking through the requests picking out the ones she wanted to tackle first. "Not to sure yet, right now I'm just organizing these requests so we can start doing them soon. Letting you mesh with the team a bit more before we head out to do one." "Much appreciated love." Onyx says and Sodalite blushes, Hematite having came to sit next to Sodalite to examine the requests with her. "I'm going to head into the city and go to the library for a little while. Read up on some things." Onyx says. "Ok will you come back here, or you'll go home after?" Sodalite asks. "I'll come back here first." "Ok." Sodalite replies Onyx leaning over the couch to kiss Sodalite on the cheek who then turns to face Onyx and kiss her sweetly. "See you later love." Onyx says and Sodalite and Hematite wave as she heads out. Shortly after Spinel comes from out of her room. "Sodalite are we going out tonight still?" She asks. Spinel had been trying for a while to take Sodalite out for some alone time, but she was always preoccupied with some work or Onyx. "Maybe Spinel, I need to gather information about these requests so I can finish working out our schedule for next month." She says and Spinel grunts. "It's always something." She says heading out the door. "Hematite I'm going to go to the library and gather some extra information about some of the temple requests. Care to organize them based on the easiest to hardest for me?" "Not a problem Sodalite." "Thanks Hematite see you later." "See you later." Sodalite takes her notes she had written about a couple of requests and made her way out the door Spinel sitting on the steps. "You know if you want to spend time with me so much and I'm busy it would be smart to come with me when I'm doing these things or help out at least." Spinel sighs and stands up. "Sorry I just don't find the library and request work romantic." "No but if you help me finish faster it can lead to something romantic." She says smacking Spinel on her butt making her blush. "Off to the library." Sodalite says and Spinel follows suit.                                                                                                                                                                                           Once they arrive the librarian directs Sodalite and Spinel to the area they needed to find the information they were seeking. Sodalite looking and grabbing the needed texts before handing them to Spinel then directing her to a table so they could analyze. Sodalite had spotted Onyx and went over to sit with her, Spinel once she reached the table and able to set the pile of books down and spotted Onyx at the table grunted to herself as she and Sodalite sat down. Onyx looked up from the book she was currently reading and greeted them with a smile and a small wave. Onyx made no attempt at conversation as they were there doing different tasks. But Sodalite sprung up a question that started a conversation. "Hey Onyx, are you comfortable with trying to find an artifact within a ruin of a lost city?" "I'm comfortable with anything Sodalite you know I love testing myself and my skills." Onyx replied and Sodalite nods. Sodalite continued to ask her questions mainly wanting her opinion on how the team should tackle certain situations. Spinel grew more and more uncomfortable as the talking continued as she had no input and felt invisible to Sodalite. Finally, had enough of it blurted out. "Why are you even asking Onyx's opinion? She hasn't done anything with the team and doesn't know what everyone's capable of doing." Onyx just nods. "While that is true Spinel, I'm not directing anything I'm just offering my point of view which Sodalite was after. Not asking me for advice." Onyx says calmly but it did nothing but anger Spinel at being corrected but she stayed quiet. After Sodalite had learned what she needed to know and wrote down the extra notes into her book. All three walking out together heading back towards the central park and back out the city gates.                                                          "Hey Sodalite, want to come watch the sunset with me on the beach later tonight?" "That sound great Onyx I would love too." Spinel snapped at this. "Oh, you have time to go hang out with Onyx but when I asked earlier it was ooh maybe I'll have to see. But with Onyx its an instant oh yes Onyx that sounds great." Spinel says imitating Sodalite. "First of all." Sodalite says as they reach the valley turning to Spinel and stepping up to her face. "We have been alone together for decades without Onyx around. Secondly even while she's here we've talked and spent the nights together cuddling, kissing and whatever the fuck you or I wanted to do that night almost every night. But these last two weeks I get a bit busy with accepting requests and trying to reconnect with Onyx suddenly we don't do things anymore Spinel? Really?" Sodalite says. "I don't know what the fuck your deal is with refusing to accept the fact the Onyx is my girlfriend too and that she's a member of this team, but you need to get over it. Spinel I am sick of you getting pissed off every single time Onyx is involved with anything with me. We are not exclusive; we never have been this is a love triangle. You want to deal with only me deal with the side effect that Onyx wants me too and that I have duties. Or here's a better idea stop being so damn stubborn and defensive and give Onyx a damn chance to prove her love for you so this bullshit can stop. Snap at me again Spinel and Onyx will be the least of your worries, I'm your girlfriend but I'm your damn leader too and you'll respect me as such." Sodalite says glaring into Spinel's eyes. "Do you understand me, Spinel." "Yes." Spinel murmurs and Onyx giggles. Sodalite spinning around and walks up on Onyx. "And I don't know what you think is so funny Onyx, you're not doing any better to fix this situation. You keep trying to do stuff with me and pull me away from stuff because you know how much I miss you, I'm catching up on all this work because you keep pulling me away from it and pull me away from Spinel. So, I'm going to need you to step the fuck up and fix this damn problem between you and Spinel since you're the bigger gem here." She says air quoting the bigger statement. "Neither one of you better complain about me not doing something because you two stubborn irritants are pulling me left and right and I'm trying my best to please both of you and manage this team. I dare either one of you to say something else smart when one wants to do something to me, I'm kicking both of your asses." She says stepping back to kiss Spinel then kiss Onyx. "But I love you both still." She says in her sweet tone with a smile walking off back to the clubhouse leaving Onyx and Spinel stunned momentarily.                             "Next time keep your damn mouth shut." Onyx says. "Or you can leave Sodalite the fuck alone she's to busy to be visiting you all the damn time." "I do what I want." "And that's your damn problem. You always do what you want, never considerate of how Sodalite feels or what she needs or wants to do." "Whatever." Onyx says walking off. "Yeah just like you Onyx when someone calls you on your bullshit you walk off like a little bitch." At that Onyx stops and turns around. "I know you better shut the hell up before I kick your ass again." She says and Spinel summons her hammer. "Try me then." She says and Onyx charges at her. Both going back and forth in the fight Onyx eventually having to summon bow to combat Spinel, Hematite having come from out her house hearing the commotion from Sodalite yelling just watching on. Eventually Onyx got the best of Spinel pinning her down with an arrow to her face. Both panting and bruised as Onyx withdraws and helps Spinel to her feet. "Go talk to Sodalite." Onyx says. "You two spend the night together. I'm sorry for seeming like I was pulling her away from you it wasn't my intention. I just miss her, and you." Spinel nods. "Sorry for calling you a bitch and snapping like that, you know how I get." Onyx nods attempting to give Spinel a hug, but Spinel pushes her back. "I still hate you." She says walking back to the clubhouse and Onyx goes home.                    The next day Onyx received a call from black diamond only it wasn't black diamond. Answering the call, she was delighted to see Cherry on the other end. "Hey dearheart~" Cherry says Onyx waving to her. "Hey Cherry, what a pleasant surprise." She says and they start chatting. Sodalite had come in while they were chatting, and Onyx waved her over. "Hey Cherry, here's one of my girlfriends. Sodalite." Sodalite blushes and waves. "Sodalite this is Cherry Opal she's..." Before Onyx could finish Cherry chimes in. "While Onyx was here on Homeworld I was her girlfriend. She had told me what had happened between you guys and I helped drive her to want to fix your relationship. Being the caring gem, I am I didn't want her to forget about you and I didn't want to be a replacement, but an addition." Cherry says Sodalite having mixed feelings but smiled. "Well thank you Cherry for keeping my Onyx loved and protected." "It is my pleasure my dearheart is a joy to be with." Talking a little bit more before Cherry had to go. "Cherry's a great gem." Onyx says. "So, care to tell me the story." Sodalite asks and Onyx nods. Telling Sodalite how they met and became a couple and the things they did together. As Onyx talked about Cherry Sodalite started to feel inadequate and started frowning a bit. Compared to Cherry, Sodalite was much smaller and wasn't nearly as endowed as Cherry was. Onyx noticed this and went to change the subject.                                                                                                                                      Onyx had checked the time and it was time for her to head over to train with Hematite. Walking with Sodalite back toward the forest, Hematite waiting in the valley. "Ready for a beat down Onyx?" Hematite says. "Beat down?" Onyx asks. "There is a weakness you have that I noticed in your fight with Spinel yesterday." Hematite says and Sodalite perks a brow. Not questioning Onyx however but going back to the clubhouse to question Spinel. "Weakness?" She asks summoning her bow. "Let's fight, see if you can figure it out." Hematite says summoning her spear. And with that Hematite and Onyx engage in a spar. Onyx didn't understand what weakness Hematite was referring to as she was able to attack and defend effectively. "Very good Onyx, but this is what I'm talking about." She says charging at Onyx again. Onyx defense was holding up, but she begun to realize quickly what Hematite was talking about. She couldn't attack her. Hematite kept up the offense staying in Onyx's range, Onyx unable to get the space she needed to draw her bow and attack. Sodalite and Spinel had come out and was watching on Spinel specifically watching Hematite's approach. Eventually Hematite overwhelmed Onyx and broke through her guard and Hematite downed her. "Do you see it now?" She asks and Onyx nods. "My bow has limitations." She says Hematite helping her to her feet. "Yes, you are phenomenal at mid to long range. Even in close range your hand to hand combat is excellent, but in a situation like this where your opponent's weapon outclasses yours, you can't hand to hand effectively." Hematite explains. "Unless you manage to disarm them but that's a tough gamble and in a real fight it isn't ideal." Onyx nods. "So now that you know your weakness, I offer you a solution. It would be worth trying to harness a second weapon. Not all gems are capable of doing so but I believe you can." Onyx nods again. "Maybe I'll take a trip to that weapon museum in the city sometime." "That would be a good start." Hematite says. "That's all I wanted to show you today Onyx, we are preparing for a group mission soon Sodalite and I will disclose the details soon." "Ok sounds good. Thanks for the lesson today Hematite."                  Hematite and Onyx bow to each other and head back into the club house. Sodalite and Spinel had returned inside and was sitting on the couch. "Hey Sodalite, do you have a moment to talk?" Onyx asks and Sodalite nods getting up from the couch. "Yeah me and Spinel weren't doing anything. What's up?" "I wanted to talk in your room." Sodalite nods with a curious look talking Onyx to her room and pushing the door up but not closed. "Something the matter Onyx?" Sodalite asks. "Not really I just wanted to apologize for being inconsiderate of your responsibilities as the leader of this team. I've just missed you so much and I want to spend as much time with you alone as I want. I know you want it too, but you have responsibilities and I need to respect that. I also need to respect that Spinel loves you too and she deserves alone time with you as well even though you guys have been together all this time." Sodalite nods with a half smile. "I accept your apology Onyx; I know you didn't mean any harm. I'm sorry for snapping at you like that." She says and Onyx pulls her into a hug. "So, how did Cherry take you having to come stay on Earth?" Sodalite says her smile fading into a frown. "She wasn't to happy about it. She cried a little because she wouldn't be able to see me, but she was happy for me to be able to fix my relationship with you and Spinel." Onyx says Sodalite seeming upset. "What's the matter Sodalite?" Onyx says softly. "You get like this whenever you or I mention Cherry." Sodalite sighs. "It's just... I'm nothing like her. She nice and tall, has a big set of tits and has a curvaceous figure. I'm nothing like her and you two have been together for a while and I don't have the same qualities she has." Onyx resting her arms on Sodalites shoulder facing her. "Yes, Cherry is bigger than you, has much bigger tits and has an alluring figure. But when has that ever mattered to me?" Onyx says Sodalite finally looking up into Onyx's eyes, Spinel meanwhile walking by eavesdropping. "I never cared how Cherry looks or how you look Sodalite, Cherry does have a desirable body and you're small and cute in your own right. But it's never about looks for me." She says running her hands down Sodalite's back and under her shirt to her gem putting her hands around it in a soft caress making Sodalite blush. "I've always care about who you are Sodalite, and to me you are perfect the way you are. You don't need a stunning body or dashing looks. I love you just like you are, my size, cute, sweet, and honest." Onyx says reaching down further to grab Sodalite's ass and pull her into a deep kiss Sodalite matching the kiss deeply with her arms on Onyx's shoulders. Spinel gritting her teeth at the sight and storming into her room. Sodalite and Onyx continued to kiss, Sodalite slowly pushing Onyx towards her bed. Once Onyx felt the bed, she grabbed onto Sodalite's ass and pulled her up as she jumped onto the bed Sodalite pushing her down as they continued to make out. It wasn't long before tongues started to mingle, and clothes began to be removed. Onyx smiled as Sodalite sat on top of her Onyx reaching up to grope Sodalite's breasts. "Mmmm a perfect handful of blue titties." Onyx says with a wink and Sodalite blushes. "You talk to much." She says with a giggle. "Well why don't you shut me up then." Onyx says and Sodalite grins. "I sure will." She says moving herself over Onyx's face and lightly sitting on her Onyx making muffled noises into Sodalite's nether region that now rests upon her mouth. Giving Sodalite a wink she slid her tongue inside her earning herself a hearty moan from Sodalite. Sodalite leaning back a bit grinding her hips against Onyx's tongue while also rubbing Onyx's lower lips with her fingers. Onyx's muffled moans and Sodalite's loud moans soon reached Spinel's ears from next door.                                                  Deciding she had enough of it, Spinel got up out her bed and summoned her hammer making her way to Sodalite's room. Walking in to see Sodalite mounted on Onyx face Spinel grunts walking over towards them. Sodalite and Onyx unaware of their intruder until Sodalite was yanked off Onyx and Onyx blasted with a hammer. Sodalite fell back onto the bed and sat up confused at first until she seen Onyx's gem go airborne and then fall onto the floor. Then meeting eyes with Spinel and her hammer covering herself up panting a bit. "Spinel." She says trying to stay calm. "What the fuck was that for!" "Today was supposed to be my day! Why the fuck are you having sex with her!?" Spinel yells back. "It wasn't on purpose damnit, it just happened." "Yeah just like her being here just happened." Sodalite groans. "Spinel why do you need to compete with Onyx in everything. What was even the purpose if you wanted us to stop all you had to do was say so but no you went and destabilized her for what?" "Revenge for doing it to you." "You doing it back makes you no better than her Spinel. You need to move on from that it's not helping anything you keep doing stuff that's making this worse. Forget the relationship part this is a fucking team Spinel. We can't have tension in this team and operate properly. Spinel please I'm begging you stop undermining me and fighting Onyx before you make me do something I regret." While they continue to go back and forth Onyx's gem started to levitate and glow. Both stopped arguing as Onyx reappeared looking a whole lot different. Her long flowing hair was shortened and fell to one side of her face, dawning a new much more revealing outfit and sporting enlarged breasts. Onyx taking a breath looking at Sodalite then Spinel briefly before she spoke. "Are you happy now Spinel? Are we even? I destabilized Sodalite, you destabilized me can we move on now?" Onyx says with her hands on her hips and Spinel looking down beginning to feel guilty. "I deserved it right? You hate me so much and hate how I treated you and Sodalite in a time of crisis in our relationship. I fucked up Spinel I understand that. I should of did more to try to save you guys or just left with you. What more do you want from me?" Onyx says getting frustrated grabbing Spinel and pinning her up against the wall. "What is it Spinel? What are you trying to prove?" Spinel looked Onyx in her eyes but couldn't find the words to say. "Spinel being here and watching you and listening to Sodalite I've learned something, something that keeps me fighting for you. You can say you hate me all you want Spinel, but I know deep inside you love me." Onyx says pulling Spinel from the wall and flipping her onto the floor mounting her. "And I love you too." Onyx says softly before laying atop of Spinel giving her a deep passionate kiss. Sodalite just sat and watched this unfold, Spinel on the other hand wide eyed but didn't pull away from Onyx. Onyx finally breaking the kiss after a moment she smiled to a stunned Spinel sliding off her. Spinel scrambled to her feet looking back and forth between Onyx and Sodalite then running out back to her room.                                                           Onyx seemingly content with her actions sat back up returning her attention to Sodalite. "When she collects herself, I'll have to thank her for that later." Onyx says shutting Sodalite's door, Sodalite herself star struck at Onyx's new form. Onyx notices her staring and blushes. "Like what you see?" Onyx says with a little twirl before pulling the sides of her outfit, exposing her breasts and climbing onto Sodalite's lap. Sodalite couldn't help but continue to stare until Onyx came into reach and she reached out to fondle Onyx's much bigger tits. Onyx smiles and blushes. "I'm glad you like them." She says with a sultry tone removing her outfit. "Shall we continue love?" She says and Sodalite nods repeatedly and Onyx giggles pushing Sodalite down onto the bed and making out with her.                                                                                                                                     Spinel conflicted in her rampaging emotions ran out the club house and out to the beach. She needed something to calm her emotions and listening to Onyx and Sodalite pleasure each other was not helping. She sat along the beach, close enough to the water to allow it to wash under her. She sat looking out to the water with deep breaths. She sat there until the sun began to set, watching the orb of light descend slowly. She began to hear footsteps and assume it to be Onyx, but it was her and Sodalite. "Spinel is it ok if Onyx and I watch the sunset with you." Spinel didn't say anything but nodded. Onyx and Sodalite sat on either side of Spinel, Sodalite laying against her arm causing Spinel to put it around her, Onyx just laying her head on Spinel's shoulder. Despite the argument, and the confrontation Spinel just had with Onyx, she felt her emotion calm. Someone she loved and someone she swore she hated on her sides watching the sunset with her. As the sun dipped below the horizon and gave way to the darkening sky, they all sat up and Spinel faced Onyx. Hesitating before speaking. "Prove to me you love me, prove you'll be here for me, show me the real you, and then I'll feel comfortable enough to confront you on how I truly feel, maybe then I'll understand what I really feel." She says before turning away, but Onyx stops her. "Before you go Spinel." Onyx says and Spinel turns back to her. "Thank you." Onyx says. "For what?" "Giving me a chance to prove myself to you, and for giving me the opportunity to create my own form." Onyx says both Spinel and Sodalite confused. "That wasn't the first time I was destabilized. Black Diamond destabilized me long ago, one so I could understand how it feels and what happens, two she wanted me to alter my form to better suit her needs." Onyx says. "Thanks to you I can be myself, my true self." Onyx says pulling Spinel into a hug and another kiss. Spinel hesitating to return the gesture, but Onyx didn't give her the chance. "You might be confused Spinel, but I know you love me. You had a chance to get rid of me forever, but you didn't. I've kissed you twice now and you didn't resist or push me away or yell at me for it. I'll continue to chip away at your defense until you respond in kind. I'll keep kissing you, being around you, I'll do everything you need me to do to prove that I love you." Spinel blushes a bit looking a Sodalite, but Onyx makes her face her. "Sodalite has nothing to do with this, this is me and you Spinel. I want this, not for her, for me, and for you." Onyx says letting her go. "But that's enough talk, I just have to keep true to my words and win your love back." She says. "You two have a good night." Onyx says as she makes her way home, Spinel and Sodalite heading back to the clubhouse. 

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