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Weeeeeellll would you look at what I came up with! A new oneshot thats based off a dream I had!! Reeeee! QwQ Warning! There will be violence in later parts of this chapter overall this one shot is filled eith sadness and a little bit of fluff to soothe the heartache. Hope you like it! I put my heart and soul in this!A review, a fave, and all the likes would be appreciated! Thank you and have a wonderful time on reading! -XxDPxX

Yes there will be a different location and yes its in one of the islands in the philippines so take note and please don't sue me! Constructive criticism is accepted as well thank you again!


The first thing that Yugi remembered went a little like this;

He was sitting in a park, a plaza to be exact, talking to someone he knew yet did not know for the rest of his life. The rest of his memories were clouded and foggy like he had just woken up from a dream. He was confused on why he felt like this and why was he here?

"Yugi?" the one next to him, asked softly.

Yugi startled slightly and turned to stare at pleading chocolate brown orbs. "Oh, sorry Ryou, I kinda lost myself there. What was it you were saying again?" he asked apologetically, a sheepish smile on his porcelain face.

The one named Ryou stared in concern and hurt, biting his lips, white hair falling in delicate cascades down his waist. He was wearing track pants and checkered longsleeves. Yugi was bemused beyond reason.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" he pleaded.

Yugi was not sure on what he was talking about. Promise what exactly? He played along though and put a smile on his lips. "I won't promise because it might be worth on spilling you know? But understand that I won't judge you, okay?" he assured in a whisper, the cool breeze blowing.

Ryou bit his lips and sniffled, tears pricking at his eyes as he rolled up his sleeves and showed Yugi his arm. The tri haired male gasped in shock, snatching the white haired male's hand with lightning fast speed and looking sorrowfully at the cut wounds that ran deeply on the skin. He looked up at Ryou with gentleness and patience in his eyes. "Oh Ryou... why did you do this to yourself?" he asked sadly and soothingly.

Ryou looked away. "...It should have been me..." he whispered, voice cracking. "It should have been me who should be in Bakura's stead... because of me he... he..." and the damn broke away as the poor doe eyed male cried brokenheartedly.

Yugi could only watch with wide eyes and a shocked being, trying to hug and comfort the bawling tall teen. Ryou cried and sobbed, wailing out the agony he felt for his love when he was torn away from him.

"He's been... He's been taken away from me to be experimented! Because I-I--" he couldn't finish his sentence, his hiccups intterupting.

Yugi's blood froze, his breath stolen as he heard Ryou's broken shout. "Oh dear... Ryou... I..." he started but found he could not and instead hugged the other male tighter. Ryou buried his head on Yugi's shoulder as his despair took over, his wails and sobs becoming louder. Yugi held on to Ryou, trying to console the albino.


It was an hour later when Ryou was calm enough to talk once again. He looked horrible, with his puffy, bloodshot eyes and tousled hair. Yugu felt his heart shatter and bit his lips. "I hope I helped out even slightly?" he asked. Ryou nodded, sniffling and rubbing at his eyelids, calm enough to talk without bawling. "Yes. Even though I still feel like shit and want Bakura back with me, talking to you helped me, Yugi." he stood up and managed to smile at Yugi even though it was sad. The youth could only reflect that expression back.

If We Have Each Other (Puzzleshiping One Shots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora