The Season of Heat

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Whip whip! Another one shot eh? Andddd this time it's a lemon *wink wink* It's been a while since I last updated nuh? Soo here ya go! ;)

Hope y'all like it! This piece of work was inspired by one of my friend's artwork hehe


Yami was screwed.

He just knew it from the moment he had woken up that morning with Yugi hovering on top of him so deliciously, his yukata hanging off his thin shoulder, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Good morning, love~" Yugi purred, tails flaring and his ear twitching.

Yami's eyes widened in mortification, his cheeks flushing at the image that his little mate was presenting, looking so delectably rumpled, and perching on his lap like it was a throne.

"G-good morning, Yugi." He stammered, cursing himself at his flustered state.

Yugi cocked his head and giggled, eyes lowering sensually. "What's the matter, other me? Feeling flustered?" He asked.

Yami turned more redder. "Y-Yugi!!" He cried out, covering his face. Ears flattening on the sides of his head.

Oh how embarrassing that his husband could make him fluster so much! Yami could feel the fire stir within his core, awakening those strong feelings that drove him wild whenever it was that time, but Yami stomped it down and tried to ignore the burning that was starting to make itself known on his lower regions.

Yugi laughed and lifted his sleeve back to it's original place, smiling again and peppering kisses upon his mate's face, purring as he did so. "I'm sorry, love. You are just so adorable when you blush."

Yami turned even more red, if it was even possible. "You're embarrassing me.." he grumbled, shutting his eyes, secretly revering in the affection that Yugi was giving him, his tails swaying and caressing Yugi's own that was now lying limp on either side of the futon they were situated on.

Yami sighed and shook his head, cupping Yugi's face and smashing their lips together for a good morning kiss.

He wasn't complaining when his husband let out a small contented sigh.

Oh yeah, he was living the dream with his little mate and he could ask for nothing more.


One thread holding his control snapped. Three more to go it seems.


Yami was going insane when the sun was at it's peak by noon.

Yugi, sweet devious little Yugi, was once again wearing something so revealing, his shoulders exposed to the air, purple kimono all but revealing his creamy white legs that was tempting Yami to lick them (his teeth were actually itching to mark those).  However, the bigger male tried to force his burning eyes away from his mate, trying to focus more on the task at hand, picking berries and collecting herbs.

Yugi let out a giggle. "Hey, other me?"

"Hhmmm? Yes, aibou?"

"Do you think I'm sexy?"

Yami sputtered and turned to his mate, eyes wide and cheeks unbearably red. "W-what?"

Yugi tilted his head and stuck his tongue out invitingly. "I said, do you think I'm sexy? Because I feel like I am." He purred.

Yami flushed more, feeling the blood in his veins rush south as he looked away, letting out a nervous smile. "Well ... I don't think you're sexy, aibou," he paused and chuckled. "I think you're beautiful."

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