Sobs ugly

15 0 0

She was sound asleep when a loud noise noise seemed to wake her up. She thought, it's too early for the alarm. Her eyes fluttered open and the room was covered in the bright light and vibrations shaking her awake. She picked up the phone and without bothering to ask who it was she accepted. "Hello?" She responded trying to stay awake.
"I messed up." She was shocked to hear the panicked voice of one of her classmates. She has somewhat texted him, and overall she just knew him to be the main fight starter. "I did something really bad. I just need to talk to somebody." He spoke in a rushed tone. "I didn't know who else to call."

"It's okay, want to tell me what's up?" She was more awake now, and as he started to explain what he was feeling she started recalling how they met.

"Hey, gal." The unruly raves haired boy, caught her attention. The table she was sitting at was empty, not of course it had him. She knew his reputation and didn't want anything to do with it. But she was polite,

"Hey." She answered sharply, her eyes searching his face. Checking for the slightest hint of fowl intentions. The only thing she saw was the goofy smirk on his face. As she eyed him, she couldn't help but notice his bandages and faded scars.

"So, whatcha reading?" He leaned onto the table, getting a bit too close to her. The table was small, and he was tall. He was at least half a foot away from her face.

"Go away." She brought the book up to her face, feeling how warm her cheeks were.

"Tomato face." He chuckled, sending a uneasy shiver down her spine. She's be lying if she said he wasn't attractive, and his voice was just smooth, like chocola—. She stopped her thoughts.

"What do you want?" He stared at her for a moment, their eyes locking. Something in his eyes changed for a moment but she couldn't tell what it was. Then he mouthed something, she was so shocked that she didn't catch it.

"Attention." He quickly said, resting his head on his wrapped up arms.

"What happened there?" She pointed to his arms, the bandages seemed fresh. And seemed rushed.

"Oh?" He squinted. Then he frowned, he looked down at his arms then looked back up at her.

(For the rest of the story)

She's supposed to quiz him On random stuff, then as the weeks go on they get closer, after a little while she meets her friends brother, he annoys her, and gives her some bad vibes. But he's charming and very helpful, so she brushed it off. When she gets ready for bed and is laying down her hears her door open. Confused she finds the guy closing the door, and locking it. He tells her she wanted this, and that she should be more mature. He manipulates her into thinking she deserved/wanted it. He rapes her. She goes to school like normal, upset. She meets her friend and he can tell something's wrong. She tells him everything, she thought she asked for it. That it was her fault. He knew better. So he found the brother and beat him. Fast forward to the future he called her because he was about to cut a very deep scar in his arm and was holding the knife in his hand when he suddenly had all these memories of her. (He had a small crush since he first saw her lol) thus going into the sameish story from his view.

Of course after all these nice flash backs we discuss the matter at hand, he explains to her what he's doing. She naturally is shocked but understanding. 'Hang tight' and hung up. About 30 minutes later she was at his apartment door, she brought blankets and comfort food and she took care of him. Hugged him, comforted him. And they talked. They talked about fond memories funny things, at one point he got quiet and admitted to his feelings for her. She kissed him on the cheek, but told him that before they even thought about relationships he needed to take care of himself. So that's what happened. After baking him some cookies, and falling asleep together on the sofa he saw the campus therapist.

Of course random plot convince, she had to move because her mother was ill and needed to be taken care of. So she had to abandon all her dreams and any hope of doing more with her life. Of course he called her and all that stuff, but eventually the calls stopped from both of them. One day he was feeling horrible and had the urge to just find her.

End 1st season, book whatever.

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