Ok here we go again

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Nice part 69

All need different names let's go

Name: Eugene Valentine
Nickname: Dino, Chuckles, Fuck boy(He's not)
Age: 18
Ethnicity: Romanian Greek
Sexuality: Doesn't care/Bi
Personality: Flirt, Cocky, Confident...

Haha that's his outward appearance, he's actually had a really tough life, but he always keeps up a poker face facade. Once you crack through his facade you realize that he's actually a lovable dork, he loves flowers and Greek mythology, and absolutely adores reading and math. He gets good grades, while maintaining a good social life.
Family: His mom, younger brother and sister. He calls them little shits because they're always prancing him and doing things to annoy him. He's said 'if I had to pick between you two, or a slushie, I'd pick the fucking slushie."
Other: He's got OCD but he takes medication for it.
Somebody: 'believe it or not I had no idea what I was doin-'
Eugene: 'I believe it.'

Name: Roman

Nickname: Stone Heart
Theme song: Weak-AJR

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Italian

Sexuality: Straight???

Personality: Really big walls, made of titanium. There's no way to break them or 'change him' because he's comfortable with who he is. He has complete control over his behavior and emotions. You can't break his walls, because he gives out keys to the door. You can catapult yourself inside his walls if you play your cards right. He does enjoy baking, and it's huge in his family. They're natural born chefs, but it seems the only thing Roman can make is baked goods. He can't make meals unless they're sweet. He's a bit of a social failure, and he hates interacting with people. There's nothing wrong with being an introvert, so the story starts out with his friends understanding his personal space and boundaries, trying to push him a bit to have fun, push him a bit too far, he gets upset, closes himself off for a bit, then comes back. Still the same introvert, because being an introvert isn't a character flaw, he just doesn't like people very much. But he does get better at talking to people and saying no. :)) He is kinda lazy ngl, but it's just cause he doesn't like to do things. But he takes good care of himself, besides the whole...acne thing. He has it on his back and shoulders, happened to not get his face, besides a little bit on his forehead.

Appearance: Acne, shorter then most, pale as fuck, even tho he goes outside normally, wears a beanie, and either a tank top and jeans, or a hoodie and cargo pants.

Likes: Baking, His personal space, lacrosse, the sun, the beach, the colour red.

Dislikes: Sand in his shoe, water, people pushing him, people, talking too long to somebody, ignorant people.

Family: His mom, and mom, and his uncle.

Other: His uncle is his favourite person, and he talks to him about like..everything.

Quote: "How about you say that down here jackass? I'll fucking end your life."

Name: Flynn

Nickname: Hell Spawn, Boomer.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: French

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: He's really mature and serious on the outside, and knows how to read a room. But in all honesty he loves a good party more then the next, he always stands out wherever he goes, besides his whole, taller then everybody. (6'7") He's like a literal drop of sunshine. But he's actually a star, pretty from a far, but will burn you if you get too close. He can be a little toxic sometimes, like his plants. He messes with poisons and sometimes is seen as a little crazy. But he'd never do anything to actually hurt anybody...right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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