God damn

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The Goblin Prince

Is actually a fictional character made up by a lonely kid who lives isolated from the world. He has ever since he was a toddler. He started going to normal schooling in 3rd grade. And was much smarter then most kids. Since his reading level at that age was already that of a high schooler, and he was very proficient in maths, history, geology, social science, and science.

It also wasn't a secret that he lived in that huge house on the other side of town.

Besides his school work, he has a knack for telling stories, and he has a great singing voice.

But he doesn't trust people, besides being a gentleman he can be kind of arrogant and a jerk.

He enjoys ballroom dancing to songs that aren't exactly fit for ballroom dancing.

He has an in home library and office just for him and his extensive book collection.

He seems perfect. Except that he has extreme abandonment issues. He doesn't trust people to come into his life easily, if he even does. He spends a lot of time at home, either writing more about his character The Goblin Prince, reading books. Or plain crying in his room. He has a younger sister and an older brother.

His older brother is disowned from their family, and our Prince and him were extremely close. His parents rarely come to see him, they used to come by everyday for dinner. Now they come once a week, bringing his little sister along. She's about 8 years old and has a big imagination like him. He loves her, and she is never shy around him. She's mute, and he learned sign language just for her. They spend time together a lot, he'd do anything for her. Because of her, their entire household knows sign language so he doesn't speak all the time. He mainly uses his vocal cords when singing songs on his balcony.

When at school he is seen as a fairly popular kid. Why not super popular because of his house? He's not very friendly. He's handsome, polite, and an all around gentleman. But he has a nasty reputation to respond aggressive when people approach him and push him.

Like, a girl who pursued him. He declined her multiple times but she started pushing him too far, as far as cornering him multiple times flirting endlessly.

So he did it back, at a party and cornered her, whispering in her ear before biting it. And making it bleed, then he poured his drink all over her, he left her bleeding and having learned a lesson. Girls still fantasize about him like girls do, but he doesn't have many friends. Not to mention his hobbies are nothing like his school mates.

To get to the technicalities

Name: Aidoneus Flores
Age: 17
Height: 6'5"
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Doesn't care tbh
Personality: Reserved, quiet, gloomy, arrogant, not very trusting. Has a tendency to use his 'status' to get things. He used to be really trusting, and he is still seen as innocent, since he's not used to a lot of things, cause he closes himself off.
Appearance: Dark skin, good bone structure, very tall, curly hair, similar to a girls hair, half blonde half black. He normally puts it into a ponytail, when down it goes to his shoulders.
Likes: His own time, writing stories, spending time in all his favourite spots. Seeing his older brother and little sister. His 'servants'. Getting new things, sleeping, stars, zodiacs, theatre, improv, acting.
Dislikes: His parents, most people in general. Liars, his ex boyfriend, sleeping, the dark.
Family: Mom, Dad, Younger Sister, Older Brother, Grandmother.

His Mom runs the family, and only thinks of her reputation before anything else, she's disappointed in her children, even when they've done nothing. When her eldest son was born, she cried, because she wanted a daughter to spoil, but she raised him with love and compassion anyway, but as he got older she started to lose her compassion for him. She also noticed how he became unhinged, he started going against everything she said, taking drugs, she even found him sleeping with a man, it was too much for her reputation, but she sent him to therapy, she was pregnant again, and she found out she had another son. She was disgusted, seeing how poor her son turned out, but hatched a plan to deal with it. Once her second son was about 2 years old she had a house made for him, and servants hired. She and her husband started leaving him for the length of the day, and once it became a routine of him sleeping there and then coming for dinner. She had him live there, but unlike she wanted, her husband wouldn't let her completely abandon her son. He spent more time with him, but she despised him, as her husband always agreed with her, and yet this child was enough to make him argue with her? Soon as time went on she convinced her husband it'd be better if they left him alone. They officially stopped going to his house everyday when Aidon reached 2nd grade. He had been homeschooled, and he was going to be enrolled in a normal school the next school year. Her eldest son had been back from a therapy vacation for about a year, he was doing better and shaping up to be the successor to his fathers company. Her eldest son was 19 then, and she started to be a little proud. Once the eldest caught on to what their mom was doing, and that he had a little brother? He slowly lost it. He went to his little brother as much as possible, making sure he had the attention of his family that he needed, which besides his whole 7 year therapy thing, brought a lot of unwanted attention on his mother reputation. Mom flipped out, they got into a huge argument, she disowned him. Against her husbands protests, she threatened to disown his other son too. He told her that he still needed a suitable heir, and all four, including their grandmother, who was to take care of 19 year old kid until it was time for him to take the company, made an agreement; He was not legally disowned but kicked out, still the young master of all their estates, just not allowed to ever be in the same house as his mother.

They agreed to this, since when the eldest became the company president he'd cut his mother off. Aidon is 14 now, used to his parents not being around, used to his brother being around as much as possible, and his family of house workers. He even met his new little sister, who his mom was ecstatic to have, she was in a better mood a lot, and came over more so he could get to know his little sister. Only to find out she was mute, she still cherished her daughter, but was really disappointed. They all learned sign language. Their mother wanted a daughter to have a singer as a daughter, but was satisfied in having a daughter. One time she happened upon her son singing to himself in his backyard while gardening. She slowly eased him into vocal classes, fine tuning his voice. She knew once he got older, she'd make him her star. So she left him alone, making sure he kept healthy, worked out. He naturally had good bone structure, and always had a perfect body. Her daughter was beautiful, but was very chubby, not fat but... she wished she was skinnier. She's 5'11" Her husband is 6'7", grandmother was 6'3" but old age shrunk her to just 5'11" while her eldest, 5'7". Her daughter(when she grows up) will be 5'5" and thick. Her daughter got them boobs, ass, and thighs. She's fit, and has a toned body, she just happened to be bigger. She will be very healthy.

The entire family is gorgeous and they look like models. Or at least celebrities.

Mom: 46
Dad: 50
Grandma: 85
Eldest: 23
Middle: 17
Daughter: 8

Rhea - Mom
Edward - Dad
Dona - Grandma
Apollo - Eldest Son
Aidoneus - Youngest Son
Hecate - Daughter

Rhea works as a model and makes big time money.
Edward works as his companies president, the company manages the idea of 3D worlds and neuroscience, focusing on editing dreams and the brain. Making a dream world. Very big company. It's been around since the invention of virtual reality. 1968.
Dona is retired, but she used to be a neurologist, hence her sons job, and how she met her husband.
Phobos studies at his grandmothers house and goes to the company, learning the ropes and goes to medical school as well as tons of other types of schooling.
Aidoneus is still a high school student, but he does side modeling, acting classes and vocal lessons. He's busy preparing to go to his dream college, he's always loved theater, and dreams of being becoming an actor in a Disney movie, hopefully one where he gets to sing.
Hecate? She's just started school a couple years ago, but when she gets older she's going to be a lawyer, as she grows up with a strong and stubborn justice led side. She believes in the right thing, and learns how to abuse loopholes to get to the right thing. (Basically a chaotic lawful, even tho it's not a thing.) very manipulative. VERY. But she does it for the right things, besides the occasional selfish want.

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