Chapter Nine

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Emma's P.O.V:

Tears are streaming down my face. How could Ethan do that? He knows how close I am to Adonis. Yet he tries to ruin my friendship with him by beating him up?! It just isn't fair, how he's acting. Why cant he trust me?

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. I have to. I don't want anyone seeing me like this. Especially not Ethan. He's probably the last person I'd like to see right now. I wiped off my tears my face and left the bathroom stall.

I gather all my books in my bag and head out the door. All my things were in by bag  and I start walking home. Ethan usually drives me home, but I really can't see him right now. I am so frustrated that I cant even explain it.

Me being my idiot self, I caught his eye on the way out. Luckily, before he could fully render who I was I turned into another hallway. I sighed in relief. I hadn't noticed that my heart beat had picked up speed till then. I raked my hand into my hair. That was close.

I sped walk to the exit from there, and start my way towards my apartment. Instead of taking the short way, I decide to take the long to let myself release all the thoughts floating through my head. I never thought of it before, but whenever I go for a walk I always feel calm and relaxed afterwards. I guess it's use aa way of life in which my head looses all thoughts and enjoys the scenery around me. Which is nice not going to lie.

I smiled, asking my way to my apartment. Wait. I stopped walking. Ethan has a key to my apartment. He has the key. Damn. What am I suppose to do now? What can I do. I can just... not go home. If he cant ride me home he'll go to my house. Where else could I go? A cafe definitely... Work on homework there.But the cafe would have to be far. I can take that chance...

So I got on a bus and took it out of town. To the suburbs. Sat down at a small cafe and started to take out my things. I worked on different school projects, I studied, and I ate a lot. Like a lot. When wI was done I looked up from my computer and no one was there except the waitress. I got up and apologized for being there so lung and I left.

I thankfully caught the last bus and made my way back home. It was a long ride. There was only me on the bus which was find of nice. I looked out the window and the sky had turned dark. I sighed. I wasn't mad at Ethan anymore. To be honest I missed him. I regretted that I might have left him waiting for hours. How could I be so cowardly?  Running away from him like he was some problem. He did hurt someone though. Someone innocent. Who is my friend.

How could he do that?

On the way back home, my mind could help but continue making assumptions. At one point it gave me a headache. . You can never escape forever. It'll always catch up. They're always going to have a way to find you.  That's just how it works.

This was gonna be a bit bad if he founds out what I did on purpose. It was gonna come out anyways, right? I just had to hope. Hope that he wouldn't get mad.

I eventually found myself in front of my apartment door. I took a deep breath before I opened it.  I could feel my heat start to race. I was really overwhelmed with the scenarios that I had played out in my head on the way home. Anyways, I pushed them aside, and finally opened the door.

To my surprise my apartment was empty. No one was there. I sighed, relieved that I could once again avoid it. And then another part of me longed for him. Then why? If this made me angry at him and start to begin to lose feelings for him, what was the point of all of it in the first place.

I set my things down and went to my room. I lied on my bed and sulked. Why did things have to be like this? Why couldn't... Why couldn't it just be simple. I felt like I had started to complicate things with my feelings. I always did. And that's how I ended up alone before... Before Ethan found me crying in the woods. I don't know why he was there, but he was. And our meeting felt so convenient I couldn't help, but fall in love with him. That's what I loved about him.

He didn't care, he didn't judge me,and he was just there whenever I needed him. I smiled to myself and felt content with myself. I finally could sleep. And so I did.


Okay sorry for the long hiatus. I wanted too upload more. This is Zen. I stepped in for Vals chapter so 10 wont come out till late today or this week. We're almost at 150 reads. I didn't get any reads on the Ethan chapter and the Foreign Exchange student is meant for Val to write . I want to make a companion of short stories on here, like imagines.  I'll talk about that later though. Love you guys, bye bye.

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