Chapter Eleven

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Ethan's P.O.V:

Emma's mad at me. But that's not what hurts most of all, it's the fact that she trusts Adonis more then me. It breaks me knowing that even thought Adonis just came into her life, Emma trusts her more.

I don't get it, after all the time that Emma and I have spent together, she trusts him. I should have knew it from the start,  he always gave off bad vibes to me. Something about his face made me want to punch it, something just about him makes me want to watch him to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone.

It's odd, I know. Everyone see's me as this nice guy, and I truly am that nice guy, but Adonis... he has something about him that makes him appear sweet and innocent but still gives off that stalker vibe to me. And I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who thinks this about Adonis! 

Grayson most certainly feels the same was about Adonis, I don't know what runs through his brain on a daily basis, and frankly, I don't want to know. Someone can have some many thoughts at one time it's overwhelming, there are huge thoughts that stick with you through the day, and little ones that can pass in a split second. There are predictable and unpredictable thoughts, just knowing all the unpredictable, crazy, and weird thoughts I have daily, I don't even want to begin to imagine what's going on it anyone else's mind, let alone someone as complex as Grayson. 

I realize that every time I watch Adonis and Emma talk, but once I walk their way, I meet Adonis's gaze and he quickly leaves. 


"Hey Emma!" 

"Hi Ethan! Weird how Adonis left right?" Emma asks, wondering if it's just her

"Oh yeahhh, he probably just had to go do something, you know how it is with all this work and such" I shrug, making up the first excuse I could think of

"That's true... so what do you want to do?" she asks, but I don't answer. Instead I stare at her

 I look at Emma, her eyes shinning and her checks filled with a hue of red, and her lips naturally stained a pink-ish red, her hair falling ever so slightly across her shoulder, shinning and healthy, with her light curls keeping their structure. I can stare at her all day, I want to. Her endless beauty is effortless yet breathtaking, everything about her is perfection. People say when you love someone their flaws become perfections, but she has no flaws. All of Emma is perfection. 

She waits patiently until I finally snap out of it "Is everything ok, Ethan?" she asks, a hint of concern in her voice, soft, and comforting

"Yeah! Just appreciating my world, my everything, my love, you." I push a stand of hair away from her hair as her checks become even redder.

"So you were talking about doing something? Want to go back to my place and watch Netflix? I think there's a new movie on, plus I have all my hoodies, blankets, and my arms to keep you warm and all the snack you'd want! And if not we could always go get some...?" 

Her lips form a big smile that makes me melt, that's all I need it my life, he smile, it keeps me going, her happiness keeps me happy. And it pains me knowing someone else could make her happier, but at the same time as long as she's smiling, that's good enough for me. I'd rather have someone else be the cause of her smile, than her being sad. 


I remember that day. I remember every little detail, what Emma was wearing, light blue jeans with white shirt and a black zip- up sweater that she tied a bow from the strings that I found so cute! I remember the thoughts that flouted through my head, the endless feelings that filled me through the day, and how much happiness and love that overfilled me when I saw Emma, but the strong disliking feeling when I met eyes with Adonis. 

There is something about the way he looks at people. Like he's expecting something bad to happen to them, like he can see something no one else can. But that's just crazy talk... right? I'm probably just overreacting. I don't know anymore, all I know is I don't like the way Adonis looks at Emma, like he wants something from her. 

I'm not going to let her be alone with him, sure she might be mad at me. But that doesn't matter, she can yell at me, I won't stop loving and caring for her. No matter what happens. She's always going to be my number one in life. Whoever comes into my life, I know no one else will compare to Emma. She's my true love, my world, my future, my everything. I can't bare the thought of losing her. And if Adonis is going to get in between us, I need to stop that. 

There is something devious in his eyes, the glare he gives me before me walks off, even before what went down between us. There has always been something suspicious about him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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