Chapter 4

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The rest of the weekend flies by and I spend most of Saturday sleeping off my hang over. It's Sunday now and Bella's out with her boyfriend for the night, Luca still hasn't called me back but i haven't texted him either so.

I'm now sitting on the couch with the tv going, I turn down the tv and try to ring him again, maybe this time he'll actually pick up.


It rings out and I groan. "Fucking hell." I huff and look back to the tv. I hear a knock at the door and wait for Jacob to come and get it, he's hardly talked to me since the party but I honestly don't really mind.

Sure he's attractive and funny and shit but I also have to live with him for a year so... trying anything with him is not a good idea.

He opens the door and I continue watching my program, eavesdropping slightly on who's here.

"Jade fuck off. I told you we're not together and never were, you were just an good fuck." Jacobs voice makes me want to slap him and part of me feels bad for Jade.

And if my previous reasons weren't good enough this is definitely another red flag.

"Well can I go back to being a good fuck for you, I miss you. I miss you inside me." She moans out and I roll my eyes. The guilt disappears and unknown anger rushes through my body, I stand from my spot on the couch and storm up to my room hoping to calm myself down. I don't even know why I'm mad, I think it's because she's a fucking slut. That's a bit harsh but you heard her, 'she misses him inside her'.

I fall back onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. Why the hell am I angry? The fact I don't know why only makes me more mad and I feel the need to break shit, god not here in this expensive house.

I hear the door slam shut and I imagine they're probably fucking on the island again and I groan in frustration. I don't want to think about that, I just want to talk to Luca.

I miss Luca.

Let me clarify for you, no I am not in love with Luca. I mean I definitely love him with all my heart, but I don't love love him. He's sort of always been there for me no matter what and I think that's why I'm so attached to him.

We have a very strange relationship, like we hug and kiss each other on the cheeks and forehead good bye but we don't fuck or anything like that. I can't imagine Luca wanting that.

My mind clouds with unholy thoughts and I roll off my bed onto the floor. I just want to hug Luca one more time, we haven't been away from each other for longer then a few days since forever. And then my mum and dad just send me off telling me less then a week before my departure, it's honestly sick.

I let out a breath of anger and feel sadness pool over my body. I think I may be bipolar, I close my eyes right and feel tears sting at the corner of them.

Bella is absolutely amazing and has such a beautiful and outgoing personality, she's so lovely. I literally had to push her out of the house this morning after her and her boyfriend had a fight because she felt bad about leaving me.

A small tap at the door startles me and I sit up and wipe my eyes off quickly before Jacob enters.

"Yeah?" I croak and he bites the side of his lip. I watch as his green eyes rake over the room before settling back on me.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah of course why?" I cock my head to the side and he shakes his head.

"Nothing you just seemed mad." He shrugs it off and I nod.


"You get mad a lot hey?" He questions and I stand up sitting on my bed.

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