Ultimate Discovery

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At a militarized island disgust as a dark jungle, groups of soldiers scatter to find an ex-soldier of theirs, an escapes scientist and a little boy somewhere on the land while at the mercy of a vicious storm in late night. All of them, arm to the teeth, cover every road and every edge until they fine they target. But all except a hidden cave in the jungle arena, where the three remain where they are with green raincoats that cover they head and torso. A timid scientist pasteing back and forward, while the ex-soldier, sitting in a jeep, folding his arm  And a 10-year-old boy, also wearing a man-size raincoat that covers his complete face, sleeping on the back seat of the keep.

"Okay, how about we take one of their planes or maybe one of their choppers?" the scientist said while looking at the ex-soldier.

"Nah, they're probablyly guarding them and the ships too." Answered the soldier explained" We just have to leave where we came from!"

"The boat? It's pretty beat up when we got here. You sure it going to run when still messes up?"

"Nope, all I know it got enough power to get us far enough to lose them in the storm. So, you sure got the serum?".

The scientist pulls out the syringe "it's the last one and it's not." while he spoke these words he gave it to the ex-soldier, "well that arson you in the lab sure was a big help".

"So that what left of the U.S project huh?" the ex-soldier looking at it.

"Yes. I haven't tested it yet, but after all of the other fail experiments, I'm sure this is it. But I can't let them have for what there about use it for".

"Whatever. All I want is to make sure they pay for...". Before The soldier could finish, the boy has woke up, rubbing his eyes.

"Mom?" said the boy looking around.

"hey, look like someone has a nice nap" The soldier smiles, rubbing the boy head.

The boy cried of joy, jump on him and hug the soldier tightly as he can "you came".

"Yeah, that right. Don't worry, we be leaving soon, so bear we us soldier"

"Now we got our plan straight out, let roll" as the scientist start the keep up.

The ex-soldier turns back to the boy "ok I need you to do something for me".

"Wh-What is it?" the boy asked.

The ex-soldier put the serum out and gave to the boy "I want you to hold this and keep it safe, you think you can do that?".

"y-yes" the little boy answered.

"Good, be careful, don't stick yourself. You don't want to grow an extra ear ha-ha."

"Don't worry, the serum only works if a subject is shock 10,000 bolts of electricity...if they survive that is" said the scientist.

The scientist starts up the jeep and drove out of the cave. Minutes later, they been spotted and being chased by three other jeeps. The ex-soldier pull out an M16 Assault rifle as the boy duck and cover, coving his ears. The former soldiers aim the assault out of the back window and rapidly firing at them. One bullet hit a driver in the shoulder, causing him to crash. Another bullet hit the tires of a jeep, making it hit the tree.

"Hahaha! Don't you droids forget I'm best marksmen in the unit?" said the ex soldier, laughing arrogantly.

Soldiers from the third jeep shot a tired from the scientist jeep causing to go left and right. In a really quick action, the ex-soldier grab a hand grenade, pull the pin ring with his mouth and throw it out the window. As the grenade got near the jeep, it explodes on the side on the side of it, making it flip over. As for the jeep that the scientist driving, its sheer outta the road, roll down a hill and landed upside down. The scientist slowly crawls out of the damaged jeep, the boy got out on the other side with his hand place to his left rib. He walked around the jeep sobbing, making the timid scientist worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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