Chapter Two || Crashed Over Me

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Content warning: Voyeurism, Kissing & Self-Pleasure

You crashed over me.

I will not look up 'Clyde racecar driver'.  Nope. Nope. Nope.  My fingers betrayed me anyways and clicked "search".

The moment my phone showed a picture of William Clyde Elliott, II in his racing uniform, my heart stopped. Holy fuck did he look good and just like what bartender Jordan said, he was Mr. Popular. One photo of a girl on his arm was enough for me to toss my phone onto the bed and try to forget him.

I opened the glass sliding door off of my bedroom and walked out onto the back deck. It was furnished with soft-looking chairs and a small table. I turned on the radio that was on the table, looking for the familiar pop sound that I love, and sunk into the chair.

The sun finally made its appearance as it began to set in the sky. Hues of pink and purple danced on the surface of the ocean. This moment right here is the whole reason why I left New York behind. All the work, drama, and stress are a thousand miles away and I'm not having any of it while I'm in Daytona this week. I honestly couldn't even tell you when the last time I took more than 2 days off in a row was. I was head-deep into my career and didn't realize how burned out I actually was until my great-aunt asked me when I was last on a date.

I don't even remember when I was last kissed.

I sighed, rolling my eyes and shaking my head. I am not going there... at least not today. Who knows? Maybe I'll be lucky and meet some hot guy on the beach who would want to see what was underneath my suit.

Instinctively, my mind went straight to Clyde. He was not my hot guy to lust after and that was that.

I slouched down in my chair a little more, reached over to turn off the radio and closed my eyes. The lure of the ocean slowed down my heartbeat and erased the constant chatter in my mind. It was just me and the ocean and that was how I was going to spend the rest of my evening.

And then my belly rumbled.


Food, and then just me and the ocean.

I stood up and stretched out the kinks in my shoulders from being shoved in the middle seat of my flight and then stopped short when my eyes saw movement from across the way.

I was frozen to the spot when I saw Clyde walk out of his Villa to an open shower on his back porch.

Completely naked.

I knew the moment I saw bare skin I should look away, but I couldn't. My eyes drank in every inch of his perfectly tanned skin as he began to shower. There wasn't a tan line... anywhere. I held my breath as he reached for his soap, squirted some into a cloth, and began to work up a lather.

My eyes hungrily followed his hand over the back of his neck, his chest, and down to his washboard abs. I swallowed when he went down further, my body heating up when I saw his hard member standing at attention.

Holy fuck.

I bit the inside of my lip as he wrapped his hand around himself. His back hit the sidewall, giving me a full view of his perfect body. I soft moan fell from my lips when his mouth fell open. I couldn't hear anything, but I could only imagine the noises he was making.

My breath hitched when his hand moved faster around his cσck, twisting and pulling. His hips moved with speed as he chased his σrgasm. It was right then that he shifted his head and opened his eyes.

Which locked with mine immediately.

A loud curse fell from his lips as he came undone... and he didn't look away.

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